Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking forward - 2011

Dear All

Hope the new year brings happy & prosperity with sustainable development with better social harmony.

It is the known fact that people wants development and better future for their children.

In spite the present day with several challenges and crises,still we all can live happily with friendly environment.

Development should be the only factor / indicator for measuring our quality of life. Toward this, the major concerns are:

@ explosion in the population &
@ greedy for the quick development.

Both are in the control of our hands and nothing can stop us in controlling both the evils. Then, why to delay, let us start today with concern, commitment,responsibility, accountability & transparency (2CRAT).

Looking forward to controlliong our development...

with thanks


Dear All



Let us rededicate to work with: 2CRAT.....

@ Concern....
@ Commitment....
@ Responsibility...
@ Accountability...
@ Transparent...

Looking forward for better networking and thus to reach the needy with sustainable empowerment tool matching to their needs and demands which are dynamic.

with thanks

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Dear All

In continuation, see the Pho0to View of the Badhte Kadam 2010, the National Programme implemented in the state of Andhra Pradesh during 16th 30th Dec. 2010. I am happy to be part of this most important event as a Coordinator. Taking this as the beginning, i am trying to continue the same spirit while moving with the people and other stakeholders like: community meetings, awareness camps, workshops, seminars, trainings, NGO meet and other events both formal and informal.

See the photo view of Flag In held in Hyderabad on 27th Dec. 2010 as:

Looking forward for your kind support to continue the spirit of Badhte Kadam as a process to reach the needy with empowerment tool matching to their challenges, skills and needs as a RIGHT which is the main focus of UNCRPD.

with thanks

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Dear All

In continuation to my earlier reflections, see the latest reflections and suggestions on Draft on "RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 2010" shortly written as "RPWD Act 2010" as:

Reflections on

Working Draft of the
“Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2010”
(RPWD Act 2010)

1.Definition of Disability / Person with Disability:

• By UNCRPD: Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
• By PWDA 2010: ‘Person with disabilities’ is a person with any physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others
Explanation: The term “long-term” from UNCRPD has been removed while framing RPWDA 2010.

Suggestion: It will be better to retain the word “long-term” in RPWDA 2010.

2. Category of Disabilities:

• Not mentioned both in UNCRPD and RPWDA 2010.

Explanation: RPWDA 2010 has not mentioned about the categories of disabilities like that of PWDA 1995 except mentioning six categories under 19A “Reservation”. PWDA 1995 groups disabilities into seven and later 2 were added in NT A 1995 i.e., that comes to 9. In view of technology, development and specialization, the move should be towards specialization rather than reverse system of generalization.

Suggestion: Should categorize disabilities into 10 as:

• Persons with Blindness
• Persons with Low Vision
• Persons hearing impairment and speech impairment
• Persons with Locomotor impairment
• Persons with Leprosy Cured
• Persons with Mental Illness
• Persons with Multiple Disabilities.
• Persons with Cerebral Palsy
• Persons with Autism
• Persons with Mental Retardation

3. Guardianship:

• UNCRPD: No mention on the guardianship except “support system” may require to PWD in exercising their legal capacity.
• RPWDA 2010: under 18 Right to Education mentioned “guardian means a person having care and custody of a child and includes a natural guardian, a guardian appointed by a court or a statute”
• RPWDA 2010: under 7B (2) – Access to Support: Plenary guardianship is abolished. Any legislation, rule, regulation and practice following or prescribing the system of plenary guardianship shall, hereinafter, be void.
Explanation: PRPWDA 2010 is adding more on guardianship than UNCRPD which talks on legal capacities and support system.

RPWDA 2010 contradicts what mentioned at 7B (2) & 18.

For us, support system is the part of our tradition whether the persons is with or without disability and more in case of later one. Nothing new to talk about it. Depending on the skills and needs of the individuals, the informal support network covering: parents, family members, relatives, friends, community members and others do provide the support on life cycle basis.

The provision of Legal Guardian in the National Trust Act is unique and certainly supports the needy based on their skills and needs. Lapses if any should be rectified with an effective mechanism. In general and particular in respect of severe and profound cases, this provision will work for positive support rather than negative.

Suggestion: Legal guardianship as defined in the National Trust Act 1999 with option to the authority or LLC or parents or PWD either to appoint or not based on the skills and needs should be retained. Addition of support system to the existing Legal guardianship is welcome.

4. Reservation:

• In RPWDA 2010: Under 19A Reservation (1), proposed 6%, 1% for each category as:
• Persons with blindness and low vision
• Persons with hearing impairment and speech impairment
• Persons with locomotor disability, leprosy arrested,
• Persons with Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy
• Persons with autism, intellectual disability and mental illness
• Persons with multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness, multiple sclerosis.

• Grouping blindness and low vision not advisable as their occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and support are different
• The occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and support services are different for locomotor disability to leprosy cured
• Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy needs to be separated as its occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and supports are different
• The occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and support systems are different for autism, intellectual disability (mental retardation), mental illness
• The sixth category can be grouped into multiple disabilities as most of them reflect two are more disabilities.
• Retaining persons with mental retardation may reflect the reality than the intellectual disability as it moves toward slow a learner which is the common phenomenon.

Reservation should be 10%, 1% for each category.

• As suggested under 2. Category of Disabilities, the suggested are 10 as:

• Persons with Blindness
• Persons with Low Vision
• Persons hearing impairment and speech impairment
• Persons with Locomotor impairment
• Persons with Leprosy Cured
• Persons with Mental Illness
• Persons with Multiple Disabilities.
• Persons with Cerebral Palsy
• Persons with Autism
• Persons with Mental Retardation (than intellectual disability)

5. Prevention of Disability:

o UNCRPD: under Article 2- Awareness Raising – not mentioned about the Prevention.
o RPWDA 2010: under 3 Awareness Raising – not mentioned about the Prevention.

Explanation: Prevention of disability should be the essential part of disability acts. It is the fact and every one believes in “Prevention is better than Cure”. While providing habilitation and rehabilitation services, in general and particularly at grass root level, every PWD, parent, community member and other stakeholders will be curious to know and understand the causes for disability. That means, every one including: government, NGO / service providers, professionals and other stakeholders should talk about the cause of disability and measures for the prevention of disability. If the disability is not prevented or reduced to the maximum extent possible in the given environment, then how to face or answer the following questions as:

o how long habilitation/ rehabilitation should be continued?
o in the complex situation of environment and life, disability is expected to increase?
o is it possible to mobilize the resources (men, material and money) matching to the increasing demand?
o is it the wise step to allow disability to occur to provide habilitation and rehabilitation services?
o knowing disability as the barrier (poverty, disability and development are the cause and consequences of each other), should allow disability to increase or eradicate / reduce to the maximum extent possible in the given environment?
o what will happen to our vision of working for the creation of “Disability Free Society (DFS) or Nation (DFN)?


o Prevention of Disability should be part of the RPWDA 2010,
o Include it as a separate head,
o Include the content as:
o Awareness raising on:
 the causes of disability
 consequences of disability
 measures for the prevention of disability
 integration with other departments as a holistic approach.
o Every habilitation and rehabilitation centre should have the information cell for the prevention of disability.

Looking forward for better networking and to get the new Act for the empowerment of Persons with Disabilities as a RIGHT.

with thanks

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Dear All

In continuation, started interacting with NGOs, Professionals and other grass root workers. I had an opportunity to continue the same spirit at Manochetana, an NGO working for the empowerment of Persons with Disabilities during Dec. 2010. The interaction was very interesting in general and particularly with the parents who tried to get answer to their unresolved question that "what will happen to the child after us?". The experience with the student of Foundation Course in Disability was entirely different as they are the one who are going to take the responsibility of providing training and rehabilitation tuning to the concept of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). CBR is the key service delivery channel (SDC) stressed in the UNCRPD.

Looking forward to spread more and more to reach the targeted groups.......

with thanks


Dear All,

As indicated earlier, the aim of Badhte Kadam 2010 was to make it as a process so that needy stakeholders can be reached with specific message on the National Trust Act, Schemes and Benefits of National Trust and understanding and implementation of UNCRPD. UNCRPD has brought paradigm shift in the whole process of providing training and rehabilitation to the person with disabilities. It includes:
@ Definition of Disability from physical or observable to "inability to do the work in
the given environment" ---- i.e., more emphasis on environment rather than
@ see the person first ......rather than disability
@ disability is the societal issue ......rather than family alone,
@ they can do ......rather than they can not do,
@ developmental or human rights model .....rather than charity
.......... many such shifts from the traditional one.

As the Coordinator of the BK 2010, continued the same spirit wherever and whenever i am with the community, professionals and other stakeholders.

In this process, recently i had an opportunity to meet the delegates of International Conference on Life Skills Education held at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sirperumbuddur, Tamilnadu during 8-10th Dec. 2010.
I started wearing the T-Shirt of the BK 2010 which made the gathering to get into the concept of Badhte Kadam. The interaction was very good and created some sort of networking for the cause of the targeted group of PWDs.

Hope this is the one need to be continued for the empowerment of the persons with disabilities for leading an independent living with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL)and thus for real inclusion at all levels with dignity and reality as a RIGHT.

Hope to continue the same and to involve more and more stakeholders for enhancing the network and thus to reach the targeted goals...

Looking forward for better interactions.....

with thanks


Dear All,

As indicated earlier, the aim or Badhte Kadm 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Dear All

Corruption is the the first barrier for creating ACCESS OR CONNECTIVITY with the aim of reaching the target of developing the country and the people for leading better living with sustainability and quality of life.

When it comes who should work for its eradication, then every one raises their finger towards others. Is it right? Certainly wrong.

Then who can do and who should do it?????

Before fixing or targeting the individual or the system, let us try to understand the points mentioned below as:

@ Who is giving? ....................................the People
@ Who is taking? ....................................the people
@ Who is making system? .............................the people
@ Who is implementing system?........................the people
@ Who is evaluating?.................................the people
@ Who is monitoring?.................................the people
@ Who is eating cream?...............................the people
@ Who is the victim?.................................the people

...... questions are endless ............. and the answer for every question certainly ends at People.

This consolidates the process that CORRUPTION starts with the People and quite naturally should end with People ONLY.

At the beginning it was indicated that, people show their finger towards others for cause, consequence and eradication of the corruption and at the end people should realize that by showing one finger to others, indirectly indicating four fingers to self. This indicates their accountability or responsibility both for the cause and eradication of the Corruption.
So finally, it is the people who should work with accountability with responsibility for the eradication of the CORRUPTION. This is the final and people should accept for this logic and start working for the eradication of the corruption.

Finally, the E: Economic Rent; D; Discretionary Power; C: Concern; C: Commitment; R: Responsibility; A: Accountability; T: Transparency; M: Monitoring: P: Penalty do influence the corruption both at Start and End.

The empirical formula looks as:
C (Corruption) = E + D - C - C - R - A - T - M - P

The logical understanding of this formula leads as:

@ more of E ...leads for corruption
@ more of D ...leads for corruption
@ more of C ...leads for eradication
@ more of C ...leads for eradication
@ more of R ...leads for eradication
@ more of A ...leads for eradication
@ more of T ...leads for eradication
@ more of M ...leads for eradication
@ more of P ...leads for eradication

..... these are the simple measures and we, the people should commit themselves to eradicate the unwanted corruption and thus to move towards the barrier free environment for making sustainable development with quality.

Looking forward for reflections from both the angles and thus to create system with access and connectivity for ALL as a Right...

with thanks

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Dear All

Hope we all are busy with the WWD 2010. We commit our self for the empowerment of the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). The UNCRPD for which India is the signatory has brought the paradigm shift in the thinking of disability like:

o disability first to recognize them as the person first,
o disability as the barrier to environment as the barrier,
o disability as the family issue to community issue,
o they cannot do to they can do,
o they are separate to part of the community
o disability as the burden to responsibility &
o disability as a welfare to development to HR model.

Recently, part of the National Prpogramme of BADHTE KADAM 2010, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, we had a mobile awareness cum mela covering the route of: Hyderebad - Kurnool - Tirupathi - Cuddapah - Nellore - Ongole - Vuyuuru - Miryalguda - Hyderabad during 19th to 27th Nov. 2010. This BK was successful in reaching its goals.

The key agenda of this programme was to present the importance of UNCRPD and furtehr efforts to work for the empowerment of the PWDs with rights based strategies which finally works for the INCLUSION.

Once again we rededicate ourselves for the inclusion of PWDs at all levels as a RIGHT.

Looking forward

with thanks