Sunday, February 26, 2012


Dear All

It is the fact, FARMERS in spite of their noble cause of producing FOOD to all are not happy with their activity mainly because they get poor support from the authorities at all levels including: before production, during production & after production. 

One of the key issue of the West Bengal Farmers as reported in Down to Earth (Feb 1-15th 2012) has got the attention of the stakeholders. 

The reflections made by me on this key issue were furnished below as:

It is the fact that 70% of our population depends on Agriculture....farmer is the king (Ryte Raju)as we are all eating food because of them only...they are the back bone to our nations' development... still, the farmers were not supported well to continue their production activity. Who is creating all these challenges?.... Certainly the non- producers? .....Why the authorities are not understanding these ANNADATAS (who provides food for all).

The farmers all over India do face several challenges like:

Before Production - which includes support for inputs, bank linkages etc.

During Production - water, pesticides etc.

After Production - storage facilities,marketing facilities, poor procurement facilities,   

In spite of all these challenges,still farmers are able to sustain these challenges and continuing production. it is the fact that many of them are migrating to do non-agricultural activities and facing its consequences on medical, social and economical aspects of self and family. When this creates severe vulnerability they commit suicide.  

Knowing that FOOD is the essentially part of our life, still the authorities are not supporting the farmers to do their production. 

It is clearly reflecting in the case of West Bengal Farmers. They are not pulling on with the production mainly due to the storage and procurement facilities. I hope this is the simple measure for the concerned authorities to resolve this farmers issue.    

Let us come out with clear and systematic need based strategies for supporting the farmers all over India so that we all can eat better food for leading better living with sustainability and quality of life (QOL).

Looking forward to get better solution with support for the FARMERS all over India. 

All the Best      


Dear All

I had a chance of meeting the Parents of Chetana Special School on 11th Feb 2012. This has given a chance of understanding the needs and skills of the students and their parents to put them part of the community with empowerment. This includes understanding the rights, various schemes / benefits and utilization of the same with better effectiveness. 

The photo view of this meet looks as:

I will be meeting this group on regular basis with focus of empowering their children for better living with sustainability and quality of life (QOL) as INCLUSION in the community.

At the same time, it also helps the Chetana to build the matching capacities for reaching more such targeted groups with right based strategies and interventions matching to their challenges, skills and vulnerability.  

Looking forward for better sharing and connectivity...

All the Best   

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Dear All.

It is the top priority to understand the challenges of WATER which is essential for development and survival it self. It is very difficult to imagine the life with out water???? . In the recently held National Seminar at IPE, Hyderabad, the focus was to understand the challenges of drinking water and opportunities to come out of the crises. I have made a presentation which as published in the form of Book entitled "WATER GOVERNANCE". Also posted the outcome in this blog. 

In addition, Down to Earth made initiation to discuss on this key issue and reflections made by me are as follows:

WATER is the life saving and most precious natural resource. With the innovative work of King Ashoka like: planted tress, dug wells, constructed ponds.... and our poverty alleviation slogan..roti, kapada and makhan .. never had a problem with water. What happened later is confined to bottled water (rather than catching from taps)in spite of technology. Now, the water crises are at alarming stage and all the stallholders should unite to get sustainable solutions. The comments on the National Water Policy draft have become focus of the day. 

In spite of all these challenges, still we can move forward and some of the observations are as follows:

1. Water should be essential commodity rather than economic good.

2. This issue should be seen in three ways as: Availability, Accessibility and Affordability. 

3. Put control on the consumption of water by the industries and agencies. 

4. Effective monitoring to check the possible ways of pollution

5. Make Rain Water harvesting mandatory for individuals and communities including other establishments.

6. Develop Watersheds including the renovation of the existing tanks / ponds.

If these simple measures can be taken care, hope, we can have better access for the water both qualitatively and quantitatively.      

Looking forward

All the Best       

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Dear All

In continuation to the earlier postings, just completed the National Seminar on the above cited subject by the IPE, Hyderabad. It was good and effective. The excellent part is it brought out the seminar volume in the form of Book entitle "WATER GOVERNANCE" with ISBN number. This is good output and should be continued. At the end, it has concluded with several points which needs to be carrier forward.

1. Effective and need based Regulation on water resources
2. Move towards Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) in stead of Income based CBA
3. Look for Economic Rate of Return (ERR) 
4. Strengthen CSR
5. Move towards Business to People (B2P) instead of Business to Business (B2B)
6. Look for holistic approach covering: Social, Economic and Political (SEP)
7. Moves towards the model of GMAARSQ ( Governance and Management of water (any resources) with 
   Availability, Accessibility and Reliability with Sustainability and Quality)
8. Understand the SWOT of privatization in Water Sector.    
9. Move to PCP (Public Community Partnership) from PPP
10. Balance Commodity as a fundamental right Vs Demand Response Supply (DRS). 
11. Who needs water should be responsible and accountable. 

The concept of RAIN WATER HARVESTING and WATERSHED MANAGEMENT has already ignited the minds of the stakeholders and we all needs to move forward with need based approaches with better participation and accountability in transparency which leads for sustainability and quality of life.     

Looking forward for better WATER ENVIRONMENT...

All the Best

Monday, February 13, 2012


Dear All

In continuation to the previous posting, it is to inform you all that NIRD is going to organize National Seminar on "ENERGY SECURITY AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR RURAL AREAS" during March 2012. 

It is the right time to focus on the real challenges of the rural areas in respect of its power sources and to come out with the better alternatives. Certainly, SOLAR, BIOGAS, WIND and other non-conventional types of energies.  

I will be posting more on this key issue. 

Looking forward

All the Best 


Dear All

It is the fact that we all are facing the challenges with power at personnel, community and other levels. In spite of the best efforts for the thermal and nuclear type of energies, still there exists wide gap between the demand and availability. Through media, every one is able to understand the reflections form the people against the proposed power generation through the thermal and nuclear basis. In spite of the non acceptance from the larger part of the society, still the process ifs going on to move forward. 

Why we all cannot think about the alternatives? Is it that their is no alternative? ???????????????????????????

It is the known fact that SOLAR is left out as an alternative. The use of SOLAR ENERGY is well developed and effectively utilized with proven case studies. In spite of its well established process which is green, clean and eco-friendly, much thrust has not been given to utilize the vast potential of energy given by the god SUN. 

Can we move towards the effective use of SOLAR ENERGY for all purposes as a mandatory?

The reflections made on this key subject is pasted below as:

Yes, it is the right solution to solve many of our energy problems. The unfortunate part is that there is no committed action plan in this direction. As indicated, solar energy is green, clean and cost effective. At present,the energy situation in the rural areas is the real challenge both for the production and further for living. In spite of the fact that more that 70% of the people lives in the rural villages and agriculture is the backbone of the nations' development,the availability of solar energy could not be tapped. Knowing the challenges, still, our race is towards the thermal power and nuclear power which affects the people and environments. 

We all needs to understand the way out for the present power problems and SOLAR  energy is the better way of filling the gap with eco-friendly approaches.        

Looking forward

All the Best 


Dear All

In continuation to earlier postings, IPE, Hyderabad is going to organize the National Seminar on Water Resources on 14th & 15th Feb 2012. In this connection, i have chosen the key area of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Saline Environment. The paper on this topic has been accepted and expected to be the part of Seminar Volume. I will be posting more on this during or after the seminar.  

Looking forward

All the Best

Friday, February 10, 2012


Dear All

In continuation the postings made at this blog and also at, it has done some good work in addressing the needs and issues of the parents and their children. 

Again i am going to meet the parents, children, teachers and other supporting members on 11th Feb at its school. This gives us teh opportunity to review the work status, new challenges, scope for further opportunities, and move forward for the inclusion of these children.  I will be posting more on this after the completion of the meet.  

Looking forward

All the Best


Dear All

Arignar Anna Government Arts College, Karaikkal is going to organized the above cited seminar. Yes it is the right time to address the issues of the marginalized groups as a human rights model.  In this connection i have submitted the abstract and full paper on the rights of the persons with disabilities which has been accepted for presentation. It is pasted below for information as:
Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre

Keywords: Challenges, Opportunities, Vulnerability, Rehabilitation, Rights, Independent Living, Inclusion, Sustainability, Quality of Life

          Persons with disabilities were denied their rights with equality to be part of family and community and thus forced for exclusion. The need of the hour is to understand their vulnerability, challenges and provide services, support & opportunities to get their rights with equality and dignity like their counterparts in the community. This is well supported that disability, poverty and development acts as cause and consequence of each other which affects development of the people and Nation. Along with growth and development, the disability population is in increasing trend and as per the recent Censes it is expected to be around 14%. The vulnerability of the PWDs in the rural villages is more complex as more than 70% of them live in it. All the human rights are also applicable to the persons with disabilities. In addition, there exist special rights through various acts like Mental Health Act, Persons with disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Council of India Act and National Trust Act. The Government and Civil Society Organizations are extending the support by way of various schemes and benefits including Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives from Industries and Corporate. Other area needs to be concentrated is to develop measures with multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach to work for the prevention of disabilities.  In spite of best efforts of the stakeholders, still PWDs have got limited opportunities and majority of them could not be part of the community which is having barriers and an inaccessible environment.

           The process to overcome these challenges and vulnerability has resulted to United Nation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) which has brought paradigm shift in the whole concept of rehabilitation of PWDs from charity to welfare to developmental to human rights. India has signed and ratified this convention and thus become mandatory to provide the services and supports to PWDs with right based strategies and interventions as an inclusion. The shift from inabilities of PWD to the barriers of their surrounding environment emphasizes towards the development of right based community based rehabilitation.

          The present study deals with the rights based paradigm shift, process of amending Indian disability acts, concept of right based community based rehabilitation model and the attitude of the stakeholders towards this shift including the need of prevention of disabilities. It also presents the opportunities for the NGOs, DPOs and other Civil Society Organizations to work for creating accessible environment so that mobility can be enhanced for leading independent living with better sustainability and quality of life in an inclusive environment as a contributing member and to work for the prevention of disabilities for making disability free society.  

Looking forward for better reflections and suggestions...

All the Best

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Dear All,

The Ghandhigram Rural University is going to conduct "National Seminar On Rural Poverty and Social Exclusion: Need for Paradigm Shift towards an Inclusive Society" during 16-17 February, 2012. Yes, Rural Poverty works for the Social Exclusion in general and significantly the persons with disabilities. In this connection i has submitted the Abstract and got approved for presentation. In due course of time, full paper will be submitted for publication. The Abstract is pasted below as:

Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre

Keywords: Poverty, Challenges, Opportunities, Vulnerability, Exclusion, Rehabilitation, Rights, Independent Living, Inclusion, Sustainability, Quality of Life

          Rural poverty is the worst form of violence and works as a cause & consequence of disability and further results for the social and economical exclusion of the persons with disabilities. Disability is the barrier for the rural development and further affects the quality of people’s living. The data base reflects that in India more than 70% of persons with disabilities (PWDs) lives in the rural villages and their limited capacities and in accessible environment creates barriers in accessing the required service supports. The PWDs dependency not only affects their development but also affects the family, community and Nation. Based on the recent Censes, the disability population is in increasing trend and expected to be around 14%. This puts pressure for making effective measures for the prevention of disabilities and thus moving towards the disability free society. This cause and consequence process alarms the stakeholders to look for innovative and creative need based strategies and interventions for their inclusion at all levels with empowerment both socially and economically.

          The existing disability acts like: Mental Health Act, Persons with Disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Council of India Act and National Trust Act works with the concept of equal opportunities, full participation & protection of rights and development of human resources. In spite of the best efforts of stakeholders, still there exist wide gap to create an inclusive environment for PWDs. This leads for the search and ended by signing and ratifying the United Convention on the rights of the Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). This has brought paradigm shift moving the whole process of rehabilitation from charity to welfare to developmental to human rights model. This convention puts more emphasis on the environment rather than the inabilities of the PWDs. The Indian Disability Acts and Policies are under the process of amendment tuning to the concept of UNCRPD. In this process, community based rehabilitation with right based strategies and interventions gains significance as it works with the concept of “for the people by the people”.

          The present study deals with the challenges of poverty, vulnerability of the people, social exclusion of the persons with disabilities, status of Indian Disability Acts, paradigm shift in view of UNCRPD, process of amending the disability acts, concept model of right based community based rehabilitation and prevention of disabilities. It also focuses towards the efforts of selected NGOs, Parent’s Organizations and DPOs working for the empowerment of the PWDs with right based strategies and interventions covering parts of Andhra Pradesh. The empowerment model is flexible & got acceptance and recognition from the stakeholders and it can be replicated in other environments matching to the needs, skills and vulnerability of the targeted groups as an inclusion.

Looking forward for sharing and reflections...

with thanks