Saturday, March 17, 2012


Dear All

In continuation to earlier posting made on the need of interlinking the Indian Rivers, Down to Earth has brought this issue as an editorial. This is the major issue and concerned for all the stakeholders. The comments made on this article were pasted below as:
To end the water crises and to move towards the supply of water for all with better food security, interlinking of rivers (31st March 2012:DTW Grand distraction called river interlinking)is essential. There is a logic and concern in the concept proposed by the professionals and other team members. It only lack in its implantation. This reflects the concern and commitment of our elected representatives towards the promises made for their people. Understanding the limitations of the setup, developmental works should be continued irrespective of the government as development is for the people who are struggling for basic needs in spite of their hard work done at grass root level.

Though, river linking needs lot of time and resources, still it is the better option to:

@ control floods on one side 
@ cater the needs of the drought prone areas
@ reduce river pollution
@ look for long term if not permanent solution and 
@ address the consequences on people and environment.     

In addition to better way of addressing the water crises, this process shall improve the relationships among the people all over country. By addressing this  issue to the right forum, the efforts should move towards getting the acceptance of the concerned group for its implementation with true spirit and thus to achieve the sustainable development of the people and environment.   

Looking forward for better sharing and reflections with matching suggestions in addressing  the major concern of our nation. 

Let us hoe for the best in getting the better solution and thus to achieve our development goals.    

All the Best      

Friday, March 16, 2012


Dear All

In continuation, i had an opportunity to be with the parents and children with special needs at Chetana Special School in Hyderabad on 11th March 2012. 

It aims in understanding the challenges of these children and ways to transform them into strengths and opportunities. 

It was quite interesting to know the concern and commitment of the parents and school management in moving forward with right based strategies and interventions. 

The photo view of child interaction supports the need, cause and commitment........

NLN with Child, Treasurer & Principal 
 Looking forward to have more such interactions with the Chetana for reaching its vision, mission and objectives. 

Looking forward

All the Best

Monday, March 12, 2012


Dear All

Continuation to my networking with the NGOs working in general and particularly in the Disability Area, i have been with PRAGATHI who celebrated its 11th Anniversary on 11th March 2012 in Hyderabad. The evening was very good with the skills show of the children with developmental disabilities. It was quite colourful and every one enjoyed the show of these children. It reflects their abilities contrary to the general assumption that they do not have any skills and cannot fit into the mainstream. The children proved it wrong and given clear message that they can do and wants to be with the family and community. 

While addressing the parents and other invitees, my points were very specific such as:

  • These children have got skills and shown to us that they can be like their normal counter parts
  • As indicated, their world is beautiful than the normal's
  • Parents play key role and they should be part of the rehabilitation
  • We all can work for their better living with better access 
  • We should work for their empowerment both socially and economically
  • Challenges of disability sector are in increasing trend
  • Recent survey indicate the disability population around 14% against 2% in 2001
  • We all needs to be prepared to face all these challenges
  • Resources is the major constraint in DR
  • UNCRPD and amendment of Indian Disability Acts & Policies are going to be right based powerful tool  to work in this area 
  • Towards this, evidence based strategies, interventions, results and documentation is the need of the hour
  • In addition to Government, there exist several sources both in India and outside  for mobilizing resources. 
  • In spite of all the barriers, still opportunities were there to move forward to reach more such  children with right based strategies and interventions 
  • Prgathi made a good beginning and progress and we all needs to travel a long journey   to achieve our targeted goal of mainstreaming these children with dignity and equality as a RIGHT..............................
It was ended with high spirit to move forward with lot of energy......

Looking forward for better networking with dynamic linkages...

All the Best

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dear All

Governance is the key area with effective linkages among the People's Representatives, Policy Makers, Professional, Service Providers and People. In spite of having the resources for the needs of the people in our country, still challenges and vulnerability of the people for basic needs is going on increasing. 

Increase in population may not be the only factor to answer this alarming situation. Instead of looking for the one not in the hands, it is better to look for the available resources and the ways of distribution to cater the needs of the people. In this connection, the focus should be on "AVAILABILITY, ACCESSIBILITY AND AFFORDABILITY (3As)" which are the prime factors for the planners as well as the implementers to reach and cater the needs of the people. In addition, the combination of the  Top Down Approach (TWA) & Bottom Up Approach (BUA) with better participation of the stakeholders at all levels will result for better reach with sustainability and quality. 

I will be posting more on this key area so that we all can together can do to fill the gap and to transform into developed country. 

Looking forward...

All the Best


Dear All

In continuation, IOD is planning to host the key seminar on the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Dubai. 

I am in the process of submitting the paper on "CSR for Sustainable Development through CBR Model". Yes, it is the fact that development is going on in our country but it is confined to selected groups of people and area. This has widened the gap between the Rich & Poor and Urban to Rural areas. This further lead for marginalization with vulnerability for hazards & disasters. In spite of the best efforts of the stakeholders at all level, still the expected development has got several limitations in reaching the needy at grass root level.  This forces the stakeholders to loo for innovative and creative approaches for maximizing the reach with effectiveness in terms of cost and time.  

In this direction the priority should be given for "AVAILABILITY, ACCESSIBILITY & AFFORDABILITY (3As)" with the aim of creating inclusive environment with better sustainability and quality.  The Community Based Approaches are the best suited model in overcoming the limitations with better sustainability and quality of life of the people.   

CSR will be the added resource for achieving the sustainable development at all levels with better 3As. IOD has created a forum to work in this direction which helps to get both solutions and opportunities. 

Looking forward for better sharing and networking.....

All the Best

Saturday, March 3, 2012

IOD with CSR

Dear All

IOD (Institute of Director), New Delhi is planning to organize International Conference on CSR during 24-26th  April 2012.

CSR is the right channel to bridge the gap of resources required by the peoiple and community. The selection of such area is the right at the right time.

Interested can see more details at IODs website.

Looking forwrd for better shairng and linakges.....

All the Best


Dear All

In conitnaution, National Institute of Disaster Managment (NIDM) is doing commendable work in the area of disasters. In view of the paradigm shift in the whole proces of disaster managment, NIDM has decided to orgnaize the National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction ( NPDRR).

The aim of NPDRR is to bring together all stakehodlers working in the filed of disaster risk reduction (DRR) on one forum in order to set the agenda for future action in te filed of DRR and draw lessons from the initiatives taken in past.  

The tentative dates for the fist NPDRR are April 25-26th April 2012 and the venue will be Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. More information can be seen at

I have been invited to attend this event. In this direction, i have already submitted the extended abstract entitled "Role of Civil Society Orngizations in DM / DRR through Community Based Model". I will be posting the abstract and other updates for better sharing and dissemination. 

Looking forward for better sharing and particiaption of the stakholders in this event which certianly works for the DRR and further for susitnble development with quality. 

All the best