Sunday, March 31, 2013


Dear All

Every one is facing the WATER CRISES either directly or indirectly.  

Water is the most precious natural resources and life cannot be imagined with it.

The sustainability of the development or the Food Security cannot be achieved with out Water.

Finally the quality of life of the people (QOL) will be very poor with vulnerabilities.  

Some of the water crises / challenges are natural and others are man made where the later is dominating the former. 

Some simple measures adapted as habit can do wonders in resolving many of the present day water crises.  

It only needs concern and commitment to continue the measures as a process so solutions can be sustained. 

In his direction, i am making initiatives and trying to reach the people with better strategies / interventions / policies  so that water can be made with better 3As (Availability, Accessibility & Affordability).

Looking forward to save the BLUE DIAMOND..... 

All the Best. 


Dear All

On one side, every one is enjoying the benefit of Technologies & development emerged our of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization) and on other side the process has resulted for hazards, disasters, vulnerabilities, challenges, and widened the gap between the RICH and POOR

Among the challenges, the alarming issue is related with the GLOBAL WARMING

Though it is a complex issue in dimensions, still every one of us at any level can contribute to STOP the Global Warming

I am in this process and trying to create Forums to reach the  people at all levels for doing their bit and to influence others to follow

The need of the our is to have concern with commitment to make some of the measures as an habit so that things can be improved with better Availability, Accessibility & Affordability (3As).

Looking forward for better support and connectivity in minimizing the effects of Global Warming.... 

All the best.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Dear All

VISION (EYE) is the most important sensor for the human to get empowerment in all the areas covering Medical, Social and Economical (MSE). 

Due to dynamics of environment and day to day life, the issues with the EYE are increasing and reached the stage of alarming. It is more with the children and senior citizens.

Understanding all these dynamic challenges,  an NGO known as Sri Saty Sai Eye Seva Foundation  has initiated the services for vision and trying to reach more such targeted groups.   

The team is committed for the cause and needs professional support for moving forward. In this direction, i am supporting this NGO with technical inputs from planning, implementation and getting matching supports. 

I will be posting more on this Organization so that stakeholders can get the benefit of service and to get connected.

Looking forward to speed up the service journey of this Foundation to reach the targeted groups with better & sustainable solutions... 

All the best.  


Dear All

See the message on on WAD 2013 from UN as.......

"This international attention is essential to address stigma, lack of awareness and inadequate support structures. Now is the time to work for a more inclusive society, highlight the talents of affected people and ensure opportunities for them to realize their potential. "

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Message for the World Autism Awareness Day 2013

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that manifests itself during the first three years of life. The rate of autism in all regions of the world is high and it has a tremendous impact on children, their families, communities and societies.

Throughout its history, the United Nations family has promoted the rights and well-being of the disabled, including children with developmental disabilities. In 2008, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entered into force, reaffirming the fundamental principle of universal human rights for all.

The United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day (A/RES/62/139) to highlight the need to help improve the lives of children and adults who suffer from the disorder so they can lead full and meaningful lives.

Looking forward to create better awareness, early identification, early interventions, services .. to the children with Autism ....

All the Best.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Dear All

In continuation to the earlier posting made on the WWD 2013, had several awareness cum advocacy programmes with various groups. The highlights are as follows:

  1. The Facts about the Availability, Accessibility and Affordability (3As) on WATER / BLUE DIAMOND,
  2. Possible ways of pollution to the water both surface and groundwater which are mostly man made,
  3. The alarming situation of the water crises and its impact on the production,
  4. The deteriorated quality of life of the people,   
  5. Environmental degradation,
  6. Finally stops the development and severe vulnerabilities with hazards & disasters.
.... have been discussed with professionals, NGOs, Community Welfare Societies and others. 

After understanding the water crises and its SWOT, the group discussed about the need of  moving towards effective water saving and water conservation measures.

Some of the measures discussed and to be followed were as follows:

  • Save the use of water in the house and other places,
  • Conserve the rainwater at individual and community level,
  • Grow plants and develop greenery, and
  • Disseminate the information to others to follow.  
We had a group of around 25 people who are committed for the cause of saving the WATER. 

Looking forward to make follow ups so that the process of water saving & conservation can be made as a process throughout 365 days. 

All the best.  


Dear All

HOLI 2013. 

On this occasion,
let us hope to bring the bright future with colours
to the people of India

Looking forward...

All the Best. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Dear All

The paradigm shift in the Disaster Management has shifted from Relief Centric to Risk Reduction. In this direction, National Institute of Disaster Management has created platform know as National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) and planning to conduct its first National Event during May 2013 at Delhi. This gives an opportunity to the stakeholders to design need based strategies / interventions / models  for an effective preparedness which help to minimize the impact of Disasters. I have submitted the abstract and in the process of submitting the full paper which will be working for the DRR with CBR Model.

More will be posted in due course of time.

Looking forward...

All the best.  


Dear All

It is the time to unite ourselves to minimize water crises all over the globe.

The journey starts from the house and some simple tips can save water.   

I will be associating with some networks on 22nd March to create awareness cum advocacy with demos of successful models in water conservation which includes the rainwater harvesting.

This added with the greenery will do wonder in addressing the challenges of the GLOBAL WARMING & CLIMATE CHANGE.

More will be posted on this blog after completing the proposed events.    

Looking forward...

All the best 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Dear All

In continuation to the earlier postings made on the above cited subject, NIMH has organized two day National Seminar at Hyderabad during 7-8th March 2013.

I had presented the paper on "3As of Institutional Based Early Identification and Interventions - Opportunities with CBR".

The 3As which stands for Availability, Accessibility and Affordability of Information, Services, Supports and other needy play signification role in reaching the targeted groups with matching solutions. 

This model has given the scope to reach the larger group with need based, effective participation, sustainability, quality and cost effective solutions. The CBR Approach has been well appreciated and some have consulted to get this adopted at their respective location.

The combination of IBR (30%) and CBR (70%) with improved 3As helps to provide training & rehabilitation for mainstreaming, to prevent disabilities which leads for the Disability Free Community (DFC) and Barrier Free Environment (BFE).    

A Souvenir has been brought out with full papers representing all the categories of developmental disabilities.  

These two days has given the direction to move forward for Early Interventions to reach the larger group with better solutions. 

I will be posting more in this direction so that all can move forward for an effective early interventions of CWDDs..... 

Looking forward...

with thanks


Dear All

NIRD has conducted 4 days training programme on ‘MANAGEMENT OF NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES’ during 25-28th Feb 2013. 

It has given scope to understand the limitations of the non renewable energy sources and to find out the alternative in the form on Renewable Energy Sources like: Biogas, wind, hydro, Solar and others.  
Looking forward........

All the Best


Dear All

I am happy to intimate that Mahatma Gandhi National Institute of Research and Social Action (MGNIRSA), Hyderabd is organizing a two day National Seminar (4th & 5th April 2013) on "Gandhism and Today World Crises". Yes, it is relevant in terms of Gandhism and get better solutions to resolve the present day crises. 

I am interested for this event and already submitted the full paper. The same has been accepted for presentation and publication in the volume. My study was on the Philosophy and its relevance with non profit orgnaizations   

Looking forward in meeting the group with better solutions both for sharing and to carry forward......

All the best   


Dear All

In continuation, see the GOALS of Incheon Strategy as:

Looking forward for the its better implementation ....

All the best 


Dear All

NIMH has organized the Regional Workshop on INCHEON STRATEGY which for the empowerment of the Persons with Disabilities.

 INCHEON Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific.

The presentations and deliberations are very good suiting to the needs of the PWDs. The discussions and suggestions made by various groups on the GOALS are very much needy and true to the reality of the PWDs. 

I will be adding more on this. 

Looking forward ...

with thanks