Dear All
The CEG, Osmania University is going to organize National Seminar on 26th & 27th March 2014.
I have submitted the Abstract and the same has been approved for the presentation and the same has been pasted below as:
Lakshmi Narayana
Geo Rehabilitation Centre,
Key Words:
Natural Resources, Human Resources, Tools, Exploration, Exploitation, Lab to
Land, Sustainability, Quality.
Geophysics is the powerful tool for
achieving economical as well as social development with better sustainability
and quality. The available natural resources need to be mapped both in size and
quality so that exploitation can be planned by optimizing wealth and health of
the environment and people. In this process, the availability of machinery,
mapping and data processing tools do have better utility when the human resources
adapt it with need based strategies which are expected to be creative and
innovative matching to the given geo-environment. The challenges with the
water, minerals, pollution, foundation and other shallow investigations are not
catering the needs of the society and still struggling to access the benefits
of Geophysics. Over the period, the first part of geophysics having machinery
and tools were acceptable by the industry. On the other side, there exist
serious problems in developing human resources in geophysics with need based
integration so that the dynamics and complex geo-environments can be understood
very near to the in-situ setup. Then the question arises that what went wrong
to reach the present position of HRD and its consequences in the industry?
In this direction, geophysical education
does suffer in several ways which includes: limited transformation into a
professional course, poor image to attract students, mismatched course design
and content, poor at lab to land transformation, lack of recognition at the
stage of recruitment, limited employment opportunities, retention, sustainability
and recognition in the industry, identify and other consequences at all stages.
As a consequence, students’ entry is alarming.
After having such analysis with the
status and demand from industry, the need of the hour is to develop human
sources with professional image and values. Now, it is the responsibility of
the institutes and industries to come forward with need based strategies
including Universities adopting Public - Private Partnerships to develop human
resources with latest art of technologies at all levels including design,
development, demonstration, dissemination and documentation with effective
monitoring and evaluation strategies. In addition, training facilities and orientation
programmes matching to the needs and demand of the industry specific from time
to time certainly improves the productivity and quality of performance which
further leads for economical and social development. The institutional alumni’s
do facilitate to bridge the gaps with better connectivity on both short term
and long term basis. Geophysical tools are scalable, repeatable and sustainable
to address the dynamics of mother earth. This whole process is expected to
regain the glory so that geophysical tools can be deployed for optimization of
natural resources both at the stage of exploration and exploitation with
improved sustainability which finally leads for the wealth and health of the
environment and people.
More will be posted after the completion of the Seminar.
Looking forward....
All the best.