Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dear All

The Abstract of the paper published is pasted below as:

Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre. Hyderabad.

      Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) do play key role in coordinating with the Government, Resources and People for its effective reach with better utilization. Availability of the resources in our Nation is not the problem, but it limits in creating accessibility and affordability with need based service delivery channels (SDCs) matching to the needs, skills and vulnerabilities of the people. The business oriented development and its non-distribution& non-uniformity over the geography and people has resulted for poverty, inequality, marginalization, conflicts, rivalry, violence, social disharmony, reduced values, poor sustainability and lowered quality of life (QOL). Exploitation of natural resources on the name of ‘development’ has ended with hazards, disasters and global warming and further affected the health & wealth of the People & Environment. What happened / happening in the Himalayan region Uttarakhand is the clear cut reflection of deviations from the need based or people oriented development. Then several questions arise that whether development should be stopped or to be continued? Who should invest the resources? What should be the prime motto of the development? What are the modalities? Who can be the best people or institutes to moderate? What are the systems to be followed? What shall be code of Ethics and Values? The search for better solution ends at the CSOs which are very near to the people with better understanding of their needs, challenges and vulnerabilities. At this stage, CSOs having greater responsibility, needs to have a set of code of conduct with values which will drive to improve their Governance with improved accountability and transparency. In this direction, models have been developed and adopted with the selected CSOs working in the State of Andhra Pradesh on various issues of Community Development. The processes of assessment, training and development of CSOs with participatory tools have rustled for their recognition with better brand value and further to protect the health & wealth of the People and Environment. The developed models and suggested code of conduct are well accepted and justified to move forward with other CSOs. 

Looking forward....

All the best.