Dear All
The processes of sharing and disseminating through various forums in general and publication in Journals in particular have been continued. In this process another paper has been published in the UGC approved national Journal known as DESH VIKAS. Some of the details of the same paper were presented below as:
Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre,
Parents of the children with
special needs are the most affected and worried about their child’s growth,
development and future. Among the disability population, Persons with
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities are the most marginalized including
isolation from the community. Due to various reasons the disability population
is facing several challenges and affects the dynamics of the family, community
and the Nation. The parents are more depressed in general and particularly in
the rural villages and forced to search for better alternatives to cater the
needs of their children. The SWOT analysis reflects several challenges of
parents and opportunities as a solution with empowerment. Among the challenges,
parents are more concerned with “what will happen to the child after us?” At
the same time, several opportunities exist to transform these challenges into
strengths with matching solutions to develop accessible, empowered, healthy and
inclusive environments and thus to enhance the quality of life of the group.
Parents have got specific roles to play in the whole process of empowering
PWIDDs and to be the role models for other to follow. The Parents Associations
and CSOs are working for PWIDDs with the support and guidance of Government. The
suggested Integrated Home will work for the better living of PWIDDs and Senior
Citizens with better connectivity and support under a single roof. The
suggested strategies and interventions are simple, replicable, scalable, and
sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.
Words: Vulnerability,
Isolation, Training, Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Inclusion, Sustainability,
Quality of Life.
of the Problem
/ PWIDDs: Parents are more worried with the
concern that “what will happen to the child after us?” and look for better home
to stay during their life and even when they are no more. In majority of the
cases PWIDDs needs the attention, affection and support of elder persons who
can stay with them. Managing home with PWIDDs alone will have several
challenges and filling such gaps is very problematic.
Citizens / Homeless: On the other side, the elder
persons who are homeless or isolated from the family members (both male and
female), and who are with home but always feel isolated look for some younger
people to stay and share like an extended family.
The concerns of the Parents and
PWIDDs are more vulnerable and the recommendations suggested include:
1. To
strengthen PAs and CSOs working for PWIDDs with guidance, mentorship, and
matching resources.
2. To
create spaces for PWIDDs at all the levels with effective service delivery
systems with accessible technological connectivity.
3. To
develop human resources in special education with priority for PAs and CSOs to
run the courses / programmes.
4. To
support PWIDDs for better employment and income generation programmes including
micro entrepreneurship.
5. To
develop integrated homes by PAs and CSOs with the support and guidance of
Government (Central and State).
Looking forward ...
With thanks