Saturday, May 25, 2019



Lakshmi Narayana N
Mentor, Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID:

Having resources and its distribution to the targeted groups has to be seen as two faces of the same coin. Poor connectivity and access for data and information on resources are the major barriers in reaching the people both quantitatively and qualitatively. Having data on paper or analog mode do face several limitations in its planning, designing and sharing to larger population. The processes of digitalization will convert the information from paper to digital mode which will be effective in storing, retrieving and dissemination to the stakeholders for decision making, service delivery and utilization. The mission of Digital India and its nine pillars supports for better connectivity for all at any place. The use of e-technologies is significant in domains like Mapping, Health, Education and Business. The processes of digitalization and developing need based service delivery systems in reaching the people with products or services do suffer with challenges and on the other side opens up several opportunities to support for inclusive, healthy, sustainable and quality environments with better participation, accountability, responsibility and transparency.  The expected outputs and impact are significant in improving the wellness of the people and Nation. The suggested partnership of Government, Private / Corporate and CSOs working on the model of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation will work with better ownership of the people.  The suggested strategies, interventions and models are simple, flexible, replicable, scalable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.                

Key Words: Digitization, Digitalization, Environment, Natural Resources, Development, Challenges, Opportunities, Sustainability, Access, Inclusion.  

Statement of the Study
Poor connectivity and access for data and information limits the stakeholders for effectiveness in the processes of development with limited sustainability and poor quality which further affects the health and wealth of the People and Nation.


The study has got top priority as Digitalization with added e-technologies has brought significant change and impact among the People, Communities and Nation. Some of the key conclusions emerged include:  

Ø  Poor connectivity and access for data and information limits the stakeholders for effectiveness in the process of development.
Ø  The nature has given resources in the form of Land, Water, Fire, Air, and Space which are well known as Panchatatva or Panchabhuta.
Ø  The growth and development of the people or the Nation should cover: Social, Economical and Environmental for achieving sustainability and quality for wellness.
Ø  Deviation from People Oriented Development results for exploitation of resources with low priority for the people and environment.
Ø  Poor access for the information about resources in desired format is the major barrier in planning the strategies for need based development.  
Ø  Digital India is the National Mission which came up with nine pillars which are expected to connect the people with e-technologies which will result for better outputs in the form of: PART (participation, Accountability, Responsibility & Transparency); Growth & Development; Sustainability with Quality; and improved Quality of Life (QOL) in an inclusive community and environment. 
Ø  Use of E-technologies in the key areas of mapping, health, education and business are expected to improve PART (Participation, Accountability, Responsibility & Transparency); Development, and its Sustainability and Quality.
Ø  The challenges in moving forward with the use of e-technologies are many and some of them include: Limited Access for Information; Poor Connectivity; Barriers; Business Oriented Development; Top Down Approaches; Delay & Corruption; Production & Wastage; dependency on Imported Goods; Unemployment – Livelihoods; poor Production & Productivity; Mismatched Mapping; poor Health Care; poor QOE – Privatization; Dumping – Pollution; and Hazards & Disasters.
Ø  The cause and consequences of all such challenges affects the inclusion of people with isolation, development, its sustainability & quality and finally their quality of life (QOL).
Ø  The opportunities are many and some of them include: Information – 3As; Dynamic connectivity; Universal Design – DIME; People oriented Development; Bottom up Approaches; Transparency – PART; Products – ecofriendly; Self sufficiency; better Employment – Microentrepreneurship; higher Productivity; Community Mapping; Health Care – 3As; need based & LBE; Recycling – safer Dumping; and Community Preparedness (DRR).
Ø  All the opportunities are expected to result for effective use of nine pillars of Digital India, Inclusion of all, development of Healthy Environments and achieving Sustainable Development with improved Quality of Life (QOL) of the People as well as the Nation.
Ø  The partnership of Government, Private and CSOs (GPC) is expected to make the resources or products or services to the people with better availability, accessibility, and affordability (3As) on the concept of Design, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation (DIME) with better Participation, Accountability, Responsibility (Responsive) & Transparency which finally improves their quality of life (QOL) in an inclusive and empowered Community / Environment.
Ø  This partnership model of GPC has been tested and deployed at several CSOs working on various issues of the People and Communities with better outputs and impact
Ø  More and more technologies need to be added for making them more accessible with better availability and affordability.   
Ø  The strategies and models are simple, flexible, replicable, scalable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.   

E-Technologies should be more friendly, accessible and affordable in achieving the developmental Mission and recommendations made includes: 

  1. To support the targeted groups for E-Mapping, E-Education; E-Health Care and E-Business for development with quality and sustainability. 
  2. To conduct more and more Trainings, Workshops and Seminars on the need of E-Education and allied Domains.
  3. To encourage Students and Youth to take up Research Studies with Community Initiatives with innovation and creativity.
  4. To encourage Educational and other Training Institutes for imparting need based digital skills for the students as well as other learners either on conventional mode or distance / online mode.
To encourage CSOs to work with Government and Private / Corporate (GPC) on Partnership basis on mode of DIME.  



Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad

It is the fact that Nation has got resources to cater the needs of its people but not their greed. The service delivery system dominated by top down approaches do face several limitations in reaching the targeted groups both quantitively and qualitatively. The shift from people oriented development to business oriented development has added its share in alarming the challenges and vulnerabilities. In spite of best efforts over decades, still larger population is struggling to access their basic needs like food, cloth and shelter and water has been added to that. The limitations of Government in reaching the people can be minimized by working with Private on partnership. Still a third player role is needed which can be filled with Civil Societies. The provisions of Corporate Social Responsibility came up with large quantity of resources to support the cause of People and Nation. The partnership of Government, Private and Civil Societies do open up several opportunities which aims to achieve inclusive and integrated sustainable development which finally protect the health and wealth of the People and Nation. The initiatives taken up have shown the practical aspect of utilizing the provisions of CSR. The measures of GPNP are expected to serve the People and Nation with better sustainability and quality of life. The models and initiatives are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable for better outputs with impact.       
Key Words: Community, Resources, Development, Inclusion, Challenges, Opportunities, Networking, Partnership, Sustainability.

Statement of the Problem
The limitations in the processes of mobilization and utilization of resources do limit the development with challenges and vulnerabilities which finally affect the health and wealth of the People and Nation.  

The study made on CSR and its utilities as an opportunity has gained priority and the conclusions emerged include:

  1. It is the fact that Nation has got resources to cater the needs of its people but not their greed.
  2. The service delivery systems are mostly dominated with top down approaches and do face several limitations in reaching the people both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  3. The service delivery system cost is very much high compared to the benefit extended to the targeted groups.
  4. In addition, though it has got structure up to Panchayat level still lacks to cater the needs of the people.
  5. The shift from people oriented development to business oriented development has added its share in alarming the challenges and vulnerabilities.
  6. The gap or shortage in the resources at Government can be filled or supported by the Private working on the mode of Public (Government) Private Partnership (PPP).
  7. Both together (PPP) do have the structural limitations in reaching the people at their community.
  8. As a third player, CSOs or NGOs will minimize the limitation of Government and Private.  
  9. CSOs or NGOs staying very near to the people and communities can play a key role in understanding the realities and vulnerabilities of the People and Community.
  10. In spite of the readiness, CSOs or NGOs do face a major challenge with the mobilization of resources.
  11. The poverty alleviation initiatives aiming to support for the human critical needs like Roti, Kapada and Makhan of the people is still at far away distance to make it realistic.
  12. The initiatives extended to the people have worked as charity or welfare mode and could not attain sustainability.   
  13. The need of the hour is to work for the eco-friendly environment with inclusive and integrated sustainable development with improved wellness or quality of life.
  14. The PPP has been widened with the addition of NGOs as GPNP – Government, Private and NGO Partnership.
  15. GPNP do have several advantages and will minimize the limitation of PPP with better connectivity, understanding and harmony with belongingness.
  16. At this stage, the CSR of Companies (Private and Corporate) has gained priority as its policy and guidelines do have several advantages with GPNP.
  17. CSR of any Company do work in four areas covering: Employees, Customers, Environment and Civil Societies for the development of people and communities.  
  18. Larger common area among the Public Sector, Private Sector and Civil Societies do have several advantages in working for inclusive & integrated sustainable development, eco-friendly environment and improved quality of life and particularly community economic development.    
  19. GPNP opens up several opportunities to work for the development of the people and communities with better sustainability and quality.
  20. GPNP works in several areas of people, communities and National interest and finally aims to work with DIME, BUA, APRT, 3As, Eco-friendly Environment, IISD and QOL. All such measures will improve and protect the health and wealth of the People and Nation.
  21. Initiatives of the author in identifying & managing the natural resources, trainings, skill development, documentation presentations, publications, mentorship, networking and connectivity with Government, Private, Corporate, Financial Institutes, Educational Institutes, Funding Agencies (both National & International), Foundations, CSOs / NGOs, Communities, and other Stakeholders from time to time have fully utilized the provisions of CSR to the maximum extent possible.
  22. The strategies, models and initiatives taken up are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.     

To explore and utilize the provision of CSR for the benefit of the people and Nation, following recommendation were made as:

1.      More and more Awareness cum Advocacy programmes should be conducted emphasising the provisions and benefit of CSR to all the levels.
2.      Need based Trainings, Workshops and Seminars should be conducted for all the partners as well to the stakeholders.  
3.      Involve Academic Institutions from School to Universities to disseminate to the larger groups.
4.      Support students to take up the Project or Research Studies to explore the provisions and utilities of the funds available under CSR of various Companies.
5.      Create scope for the youth (employed and otters) to work as force of volunteers supporting Government, Private / Corporate and Civil Societies both individually and collectively (GPNP).    
6.      Encourage CSOs / NGOs to work on Partnership basis at all the levels of development.