Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dear All


Water is everything and controls every activity and development of the people and area at all levels. At present water crises are alarming all over the world and nothing surprised even a world war occurs for this precious natural resource. It is the fact that more than 90% of the health issues are due to the un-potable water and around 70% of the disability prevails in the rural area. This has resulted for the roaring business and thus significantly depends upon the bottles than getting it freely in natural conditions. Consequences of climate change, global warming and the process of LPG (liberalization, privatization & globalization) resulted for irregular rains with significant variation from area to area. The cyclones with excess water and droughts with water scarcity significantly affect the development as well as the quality of life of the people and the area. Scarcity of water results for less development of the people and thus possesses towards vulnerable circumstances leading for their poor economical status. It is the fact that poverty is the cause and consequences of the disability. Poverty and disability are the real critical barriers for achieving the development. Availability of water results for better living environment with better nutrition & health care and thus minimizes the prevalence of the disability.

Prevention of disability is better than the rehabilitation as development of the people and area certainly improves the quality of life. The non affordability for the immunization, good nutrition and better health care during pre-natal, peri-natal and post natal certainly increases the disability. As a thumb rule, if the rainwater water is stored either on the surface or in the subsurface it significantly minimizes the water crises. The approach is that availability of potable water: improves quality of life by reducing the health issues, improves the food production, enhances economical status, better access for health & education, improves the employability, leads for better living with sustainability etc. Thus water on long term basis works for the prevention and empowerment of the people with disability.

The study made in some of the coastal villages of Andhra Pradesh has resulted for the improvement of the people covering the areas of social, medical and developmental. This is a long term approach and community based rehabilitation in multi-sectoral approach yields better results that the single sectoral approach. The concept of adopting the villages and addressing all the issues and need s of the people and areas works for the real development with better sustainability.

To conclude, water literally controls every activity on this earth and thus development of the people and area at all levels. As water helps to minimize the health issues and vulnerability for malnutrition, poor health care and poor immunization it works effectively for the prevention of the disability which varies from urban to rural area. The concept of adopting the villages and addressing in holistic approach with multi-sectoral model certainly works effectively for the prevention of the disability as around 70% of the prevalence of the disability comes from rural areas. This model can be replicated in other areas with flexibility suiting to the challenges and needs of the people as well as the area.

Looking forward..

PS: Paper presented at International Seminar


Dear All


Health issues affect the development and the normal life of the people in general and significantly in the rural villages. Among them HIV / AIDS is the killer disease which is mostly invited by us where as the attributes vary like poverty, poor awareness and its consequences. The stigma, discrimination and isolation associated with this issue further deepen their poverty and thus keeping away form the mainstream and development. The situation is alarming in the coastal villages of Andhra Pradesh and government & NGOs are working hand in hand to address the challenges covering social, medical & developmental with suitable strategies and thus working on one side for their rehabilitation and another side to prevent it.

The empowerment of the people infected and / or affected with HIV / AIDS involves early identification & intervention, care & support for medical, educational, nutrition, household needs etc., training in vocational trades. Grouping them particularly the women in to self help groups with microfinance system helps for the self employment and thus better income generation for quality living. The networking with the service providers, government and other stakeholders’ helped for better linkages and thus improved the access for all their entitlements. The referral system improved the confidence level of the needy to look for better living on long term basis.

The care, support, training and rehabilitation extended to the needy helped for enhanced capacities and able to manage their issues covering social, medical and developmental. The children both infected and affected could continue their education like their normal counter parts. Their positive initiation to work as volunteers helped other needy to come forward at an early stage and thus able to get the maximum benefit. Further it helped to get their entitlements with better access and participation in the mainstream at all levels. This resulted for the acceptance of the community to take them as the part of community as a productive member in the development.

The early identification & interventions extended for the people infected and affected with HIV / AIDS helped to reduce the stigma and minimized the secondary affects. The rehabilitation covering the areas of social, medical and developmental reduced the barriers and thus enhanced the access for entitlements. The vocational training supported with micro finance system helped to generate better revenue thus worked for their economical empowerment. The training and rehabilitation model can be replicated else where having similar environment matching to the challenges and needs.

Looking forward...

PS: Paper presented at International Seminar


Dear All


Disability is both cause and consequence of Poverty and Poverty is both the cause and consequence of Disability and both Poverty and Disability are the real barriers for achieving the development covering social, economic and human resources in the given area / environment. When it is the general situation, the impact of poverty and disability in the rural villages is still worst and the quality of life of the people affects significantly where their basic survival it self becomes questionable. Disability limits accessibility for education, employment and other community activities / resources which further leads for their economic and social exclusion / isolation.

The study on the impact of poverty and disability on the development of the villages / community was done in the rural villages in the parts of Andhra Pradesh, India and brought out the causes and solutions in achieving better development of the people and area. One such significant point is that poverty results for the disability and disability further deepens the poverty and thus becomes barrier for the development. The study has been made through the NGOs and Parents Organizations working for the rehabilitation of the people with disabilities in general and more concerned with mental retardation and other associated disabilities. The movement of the parents has resulted for the creation of several schemes and policies in government as well as in private funding agencies by changing the attitude of the people towards the rehabilitation of these special children.

The empowerment of the parents of the children with disabilities helped to enhance their capacities in rehabilitating their own children along with several such special children living in the surrounding villages. The service spectrum adopted by most of the Organizations includes: awareness both for prevention and identification, early intervention, mainstreaming, education both normal and special, pre-vocational and vocational training and employment both in open, sheltered environment and self employment etc., and thus for their empowerment. This process has resulted for their independent living with better sustainability and quality of life to the maximum extent possible in the given environment on the basis of equality and dignity as a right like any other normal member of the community.

This paper presents the impact study of disability and poverty over the development of the selected rural villages and solutions for making better development of the people and area. Case studies both individuals and organizations were presented with the clear understanding of the impact of poverty and disability on the development of the self and community and betterment achieved in this direction. It also presents the rehabilitation model covering medical, social and economical areas including their inclusion in the general poverty reduction programs adopted by the organizations under study resulted for the empowerment of the parents, their special children and community itself which finally resulted for their better living in an inclusive and barrier free environment with better accessibility for their entitlements at all levels. It is necessary to work on life cycle basis in a holistic way by addressing all the issues and needs through an integrated approach.

Looking forward...

PS: Paper presented at International Seminar


Dear All


Sustainability is the need of the hour for the persons and organization in general and significantly working for the empowerment of the persons with disabilities. The process of empowerment of the persons with disabilities with sustainable development works on long term basis with multi-sectoral approach. Towards this, it is necessary to create an inclusive and barrier free environment at all levels around the persons with disabilities with better access & participation. This certainly requires enhancing capacities of the service organizations matching to the challenges and needs of the people and thus putting them in the mainstream as a productive member like their normal counter parts. The enhanced capacities of the service organizations help to mobilize the required resources covering Machinery, Manpower and Money (M³).

Capacity Building is the art to enhance the skills of the individuals as well of the organizations covering the areas of: technical, managerial, infrastructural and financial. The process of networking with government, professionals, funding agencies, others service providers and other stakeholders, training for the professionals both for technical as well as in managerial skills, sharing information at forums & associations, seminars, workshops etc., use of e-technology & e-governance, use of technology like MIS (Management Information System) & GIS (Geographical Information System), formulation and implementation of policies & guidelines with better transparency & accountability, better participation of the stakeholders at all levels, use of micro credit & micro-finance etc., on regular basis are the significant ways in enhancing the capacities of the service organizations.

Based on the environment and people for whom it is working, organizations capacities were enhanced by way of networking with the stakeholders of the disability sector for: resource mobilization, professionals, services, skills & training, reaching the un-reached and production & marketing of the products. This also helped to get the support for infrastructural development, projects, training etc., and thus widened the service spectrum in terms of both quantitatively and qualitatively. Better access for micro credit and micro-finance helped to improve the financial resources with sustainable development for long term standing in the service sector to reach the un-reached with better service delivery system matching to their challenges and needs. Linkages with the poverty alleviation programs resulted for the mainstreaming with better participation as the member of the community.

Capacity Building is the essential process for people as well for the service providers for better living with sustainable development. Thanks to the technology and the use of e-governance at all levels connects the stakeholders dynamically to reach its targets effectively with better transparency and accountability. In view of the present government policy of tapering the funding support in the period of 5 – 10 years, service providers need to enhance their capacities in mobilizing the resources from all other sources including the international funding agencies for achieving the self sustainability and thus working for the independent living of the targeted people by making them as the productive member of the community in the main stream.

Looking forward

PS: Paper presented at the International Seminar


Dear All

The terms “Networking”, “Capacity Building” and “Resource Mobilization” controls the development of the people and area in general and particularly more significantly in the disability sector. This process is most significant in view of the fact that the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) needs special services to live independently with us with better sustainability with quality of life (QOL) by availing the facilities on the basis of “equality & right” like any other member of the community. In this regard there exist several organizations that provide the training and rehabilitation to the PWDs with the sole aim of transforming their dis-ability into working ability. In spite of the best efforts of Government (GO) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), till today reached only 5-7% of the PWDs leaving a mammoth task of 93-95% of un-reached who need to be reached? The concept of “charity” has been transformed into “equality & right”. This alarming figure & needs, creates pressure on GO & NGO thus force them to work on war footing with hand in hand at each and every stage / level. In the recent reports, it is mentioned that in spite of good work done in India, desired results could not be achieved as most of the service providers works in isolation with narrow band of service spectrum. Another point to consider is that development due to LPG (Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization) is mostly confined to rich and urban areas leaving the poor and rural villages. Knowing the advantages and limitations due to LPG, there is no option except to accept the process of development. This creates wider gap between the rich & urbanites and poor & villagers. Tuning to the targeted PWDs and their needs, we all need to work with accountable partnership with strong network as establishment of matching infrastructure on individual basis is beyond imagination. Then the option is to utilize the existing infrastructure with strong “Networking”.

Networking helps us to:

o Reduce the developmental GAP between the rich & urbanites and poor & villagers,
o enhance the capacities of the persons to solve the things on their own and to
mobilize required resources in terms of Manpower, Machinery (Material) and Money
commonly known as “M³” &
o to lead independent living in Barrier Free Environment with better sustainability
and quality of life.

Looking forward...


Dear All

Quality of life (QOL) of persons with mental retardation (PMR) significantly difference from that of the normal persons and persons with other disabilities. In spite of the fact that disability is the real barrier in achieving the rural development, disability gets lowest priority at all levels. The factors for this situation differ significantly from urban to rural areas. In urban areas, the life style & work pressure are significant where as illiteracy, malnutrition, poor health care, sanitation, agriculture & employment etc. dominates in the rural villages. The quality of life of the persons with mental retardation with other associated disabilities is quite complex as most of them even cannot express their basic needs and struggles with activities of daily living (ADL) and needs support on life cycle basis. In addition, they are denied their natural legal rights even after attaining the age of 18 years.

In the existing environment controlled by the process of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG), majority of the people are affected with malnutrition, poor agriculture, poor health care, poor education, less employment opportunities etc., which finally forces them as the victims of several health issues affecting their way of living. With all these issues and problems, people are surviving but their sustainability and quality of life is very poor with lot of uncertainty. If this is the situation of the people who can listen, talk, walk, think, work and can lead independent life what is the situation of those with disabilities? Let us understand the issues and facilities of PWDs to resolve the same with the aim of improving their sustainability with quality of life.

Looking forward...


Dear All


The Training and Rehabilitation for the children with “Disability” has started as “Charity” and transformed into “Equality and Right”. The Government is working with Non - Governmental Organizations (NGOs) hand in hand for an effective implementation of the policies and planned programmes. Though several organizations are working effectively still based on the recent reports it is understood that till today the services could reach only 5-7% of the disabled leaving a mammoth task of 93-95% un-reached. This un-reached figure puts both Government and NGOs in alarming situation to search more and more innovative approaches in reaching the un-reached disabled individuals. In spite of forming more and more NGOs, still the gap between reached and un-reached could not be minimized significantly. This may be due to the fact that most of the NGOs are concentrating on the Institutional Rehabilitation which is more effective but at the same time it limits the number of beneficiaries. This forces to look for an alternative to the Institutionalized Based Rehabilitation (IBR). The basic concept of non-institutionalized rehabilitation lies in mobilizing or sensitizing the parents or community to shoulder the responsibility of rehabilitating their people with disability in the community itself after getting the required training / orientation which is known as Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR).

In the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, the parents of the people with mental retardation with associated disabilities like: autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities to rehabilitate their children along with several such children mostly living in the rural villages. In this direction in the first phase, patens were empowered themselves with professional qualifications and later established their own associations / organizations. Initially most of them were concentrated for the institutional based rehabilitation and later moved towards the community based rehabilitation with the aim of reaching more and more needy individuals and to get better answer for their unanswered question that “what will happen to our child after us?” with sustainability and quality of life. The impact of the CBR is significant and yielded better results with the acceptance of all the stakeholders at the community level by creating an integrated, inclusive and barrier free environment with better access for all the services / facilities at all the levels.

This paper presents the efforts of the parents’ in empowering themselves to serve their own people with disability along with such several individuals and relief to their parents and community. The service spectrum adopted by most of them is based on the issues, skills and needs of the individuals covering: prevention, early identification, early intervention, mainstreaming, special education, pre-vocational activities, vocational training, income generation programs, formation of self help groups with micro finance support, employment, participation in all the poverty alleviation programs etc. The efforts of these parents resulted significantly for some individuals to lead independent living with better participation as a productive member at levels in community based integrated, inclusive and barrier free environment.

In the state of Andhra Pradesh, 25 parents’ associations are exclusively working for the welfare of the people with mental retardation with other associated disabilities and their network is moving forward to orient more such associations to work with CBR as a rights based model for the empowerment of all these special people and thus to make them to lead independent living to the maximum extent possible in the given environment with better sustainability and quality of life on the basis of equality and dignity as a right like any other normal member of the community.

Looking forward....

Remarks: Paper presented at the Seminar


Dear All


Children are the future citizens of any nation and their health and knowledge is the “wealth of that nation”. They have got the right to get all the basic amenities to live with better quality of life. Government and NGOs are working at their full potential to address the issues in general and particularly the children through various innovative schemes. All looks beautiful and attractive on paper but are very poor at their implementation stage.

The present status of children welfare services starting from the health care, nutrition, education, employment and finally to quality of life is not to the expected level and thus not attained the targeted benefits to the needy one. In spite of the huge support from the foreign funding agencies, still the position is not improved significantly. In view of the Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) though developmental activities including Industries, Dams, Mining of Natural Resources etc. are welcome but it creates a gap between the “rich & urbanites” and “poor & ruralites”. In addition, the working system by not providing participatory forum to the Project Affected People (PAPs) aggravates the situation by inviting the opposition from the people living around the activity. The additional problem is with the in-appropriate and in-sufficient resettlement & rehabilitation package to the PAPs who sacrificed for the benefit of others who are the cream eaters. This further adds to the unpleasant situation.

This paper deals with all the issues of the children stating from the health, education, employment and other related issues. The efforts made by an NGO in helping the children in general and particularly the one with disabilities mainly to make them independent with better “sustainability” and “quality of life (QOL)” in their own environment / community have benefited the children and their families and are the highlights of this paper.

Looking forward.....

Remarks: Paper presented at the Conference of RIGHT TO FOOD


Dear All


Barriers limit the access for services, facilities & needs with poor participation for poor living at all places and thus leads for the exclusion of persons with special needs. This results for the poor development of the individuals and thus the community to the nation. Barriers generally grouped in to three categories as Attitudinal, Technological and Physical Barriers. Though the barriers acts as hurdles for all, the persons with disabilities (PWDs) will have greater impact as they need some support from others. To have better access and inclusion with participation, like every one PWDs needs barrier free environment. The barrier free environment (BFE) covers both internal and external with reference to the targeted areas covering Housing, Transportation, Education, Employment, Recreation and Municipal Areas. Better access for the facilities / services certainly helps the persons with disabilities to participate in all at all levels. This further leads for them to get their entitlements like any of their normal counterparts as a right to lead better living. The acts of Disability provides legal status for the creation barrier free environment for better access and thus for full participation at all levels.

The given environment can be made barrier free in two ways. The first stage is to create in the planning and designing itself for the new constructions and the second involves in making the alterations / modifications in the existing environment. The second phase is possible after making the access audit of the targeted area or building or structure.

The paper concentrates on the need of the barrier free environment for the persons with disabilities, types of barriers, strategies for overcoming the same, case studies, experiences in education, transformations with NGOs, dissemination at forums etc. The efforts made positive change with the stakeholders and the change resulted for the action. At the end, the barrier free environment improves the access and inclusion with participation of the PWDs at all levels with empowerment in respect of education, employment and living and thus to lead an independent living with better sustainability & quality of life as a RIGHT.

Looking forward..

Remarks: Paper presented at the National Seminar

Right to FOOD

Dear all

This article "Fix what is broken" clearly reflects the need of the people and the grass root reality while implementing such most wanted scheme. This is an eye opener for all of us and need of the hour is to move forward with problem solving solutions / strategies / policies.

In addition to the parameters to be fixed/decided like: quantity, identification of needy (BPL/APL)& delivery mechanism,the concentration should be focused on:

@ What is the Quality of the rice/food items?
@ How many (needy)are purchasing?
@ How much they are consuming/utilizing?
@ Is the delivery mechanism accessible?
@ Is the storage facility avoids spoiling of food items?

In spite of the all these odds, still with an effective delivery system of PDS, sufficient food can be supplied to the right person at the right time with right quality at an affordable cost.

Looking forward

Remarks: This is posted as a comment at

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Limits for MORE

Dear All

Money or Funding requires for solving the problems,crises, disasters, supporting others, empowerment of others,....etc. Now the term, MORE is a qualitative word and do not have any quantification. Every one at every places asks for MORE either it is for personnel or for public / community purpose. When the give asks for why? How much?... then the real problem comes to give suitable reply immediately. The term MORE is synonymous with BETTERMENT which is also qualitative with out quantification.

Quantification of MORE is significant and crucial for the NGOs / Service providers to know exactly what they want and How much they want?...... No slowly the attitude has been changed to quantify their needs in terms of resources required for empowering the target groups and to lead better living with sustainability and quality of life with the limits to MORE and BETTERMENT.

As long as MORE and BETTERMENT are not quantified, then is is very difficult to propose the concept with funding proposal to the stakeholders and other funding agencies.

Lets look for found raising plans / resources based on the needs of the targets groups and the grass root environment.

Do we really need more money?

Dear All

Though the immediate answer is YES, still money is not everything and money alone cannot improve the Quality of life of the person or the nation. Every one needs money for fulfilling their needs and to live in the community with sustainability. There is a need to balance the need of money Vs the needs and development. As long as the money is on the need based then it works for the healthy environment and any thing excess over it destroy the situation / environment.

Money to be earned for the needs and not for the greedy. Greedy makes you run behind the money.

To conclude, we all need money and we should work for this for leading healthy life in the community. Work with such strategies where money runs behind you and never run behind the money which destroys the life and environment.



Dear All


Keywords: Water Harvesting, Rehabilitation, Sanitation, Empowerment, Inclusion, Persons with Disabilities, Sustainability, Quality of Life.

The access for water in terms of its quantity and quality is the key factor in keeping people poor, unhealthy and further creates barriers in improving their livelihoods. When this situation is complex with the normal people then its impact on the persons with disabilities creates vulnerable situations. Water is the additional factor to poverty, disability and development which are cause and consequences of each other. As a result, the access for water literally controls the health and development of the people as well as the area at all levels in general and particularly in the rural villages where the water storage bodies are less and ineffective / insufficient.

The people get affected with poor access for water and sanitation by way of disability and while under going the training and rehabilitation. In the disability area, better access for water and sanitation is necessary for the prevention of disability and to rehabilitate the persons with disability effectively for better sustainability with quality of life (QOL).

The present study deals with the awareness created for the better use and management of water and sanitation facilities which is adopted as a module in the area of disability through community based approaches. Suitable measures and models adopted for the rainwater harvesting improved the access for water and thus for sanitation. This was done in the selected villages of Krishna, Guntur, Medak, Mahbubnagar, Ranga Reddy and neighbouring districts of Andhra Pradesh with need based strategies. In addition, the training provided to stakeholders like: anganwadi workers, health workers, professionals, persons with disabilities and their parents / family members, service providers / NGOs / DPOs / CSO and community members yielded for attitudinal changes in understanding the need and gravity of the situation. The impact was positive and significant in the prevention of disabilities and rehabilitation of the persons with disabilities. The module on water and sanitation in the curriculum of community based rehabilitation improved the capacities of the professionals to implement the same at grass root environment. The empowerment model of persons with disabilities has helped them to be part of the community as an inclusive strategy. In view of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the People with Disabilities (UNCRPD), its obligation for the amendment of Indian Disability Acts and in the whole process of disability rehabilitation, access for water and sanitation is going to gain importance to work for the inclusion of persons with disabilities with right based approaches at all levels with better sustainability and quality of life.

Remarks: Abstract of the paper


Dear All


Key Words: Rehabilitation, Inclusion, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Access, Barrier Free Environment, Independent Living, Service Spectrum, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders, Empowerment.

The Government, Corporate, Funding Agencies, Service Organizations and other stakeholders are providing training and rehabilitation services to the persons with disabilities (PWDs) suiting to their challenges, skills and needs which helps to build their capacities. The spectrum of rehabilitation starts from the stage of identification followed by early intervention, special education and pre-vocational activities. This helps to provide training in vocational trades suiting to their skills, living environment and income generation opportunities.

The employment opportunities for the PWDs includes either to join the industry or to start self employment. The second part is affected significantly with the funding support, linkages and marketing. In spite of the best efforts of the stakeholders, the first part is also having several limitations including access, competition, sustainability and other environmental issues. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) improves the opportunities for the PWDs in terms of rehabilitation, training and employment.

This paper presents the model of rehabilitation, trainings and employment opportunities provided for the PWDs. The linkage and networking between the Service Organizations (NGOs) and Industry helped to provide employment for more than 200 differently abled who works in an inclusive environment which has been appreciated and recognized by the authorities at all levels. Selected PWDs could start their own establishments which improved their economical position and thus able to be the part of the community as a productive member. The process is going on to reach more and more with better awareness and networking.

The concept of Resource Centre cum Placement Cell (RCPC) is the platform which links the job seekers (PWDs) and job providers. The RCPC works with an integrated approach including registration, assessment, guidance, capacity building, orientation, placement, monitoring & evaluation with full participation. This process has created significant impact among the lives of PWDs including their family members which lead for their better living with sustainability and quality of life (QOL) in barrier free environment (BFE). This model is flexible and can be replicated by the Service Organizations / Industry suiting to the skills and needs of the PWDs.

Remarks: Abstract of the Paper presented at JNTU - Hyderabad.


Dear All

The editor has rightly pointed out in the editorial ‘From where our food will come’ (August 16-31, 2010) the shortage of agricultural labourers. The demand for food increases with increase in population, but the size of land and other resources remain the same.

To counter this, farm inputs should be supplied at affordable costs and managed properly. Management of rainwater requires special attention by the authorities.

Looking forward for better management of resources and production and to work for better FOOD security...

with thanks

Comments at

Gandhi ashram protests polluting pig iron plant..........

Dear All

It is the clear cut violation and supports the no one bothers for the general public. When such a evidence is available, the concerned authorities should take action immediately with out causing further damage to the soil, water and people.

Acts and policies exists on the paper and confined to store room and mostly not for implementation. It helps only to say we are having strong policies and guidelines to check the polluters and to save the environment. But the facts on its implementation are known to all of us.

No one oppose development but only needs optimization with needs based strategies / approaches with the participation of the PAPs and other stakeholders at all levels.

Hope the concerned authorities will learns lessons from the experiences and to take necessary measures while sanctioning the developmental projects and its implementation.

Hoping to have pollution free and healthy environment along with the development...

with thanks

Posted as a comment at

Groundwater ground reality in Andhra Pradesh

Dear All

The reality of “Groundwater” in the state of Andhra Pradesh is alarming and thus leads for poverty, hunger, migration and suicide. The issue is related two aspects as: a) availability of water in terms of quantity and quality and b) access to water. The issue is complex and is connected with the basic survival of the people as well as the development of the community to nation as the agriculture is the backbone of country’s future. We cannot imagine the life of the mankind with out water. When the water is excess, we are facing the problem with floods and other related issues and when it is less, still we face problems with drought and its consequences. In both the cases, need of the hour is to understand and manage the most precious life saving natural resource “water”. Keeping the vulnerability and challenges of water, the need is to look back for the basics for finding out suitable solutions / strategies and some of them are as follows:

1.Development of water sheds both existing and new one at least one for each village or for specified number of population.
2.Encourage for tank or canal irrigation to the maximum extent rather than bore well irrigation.
3.Suitable crop management based on the availability and optimization of water and other resources.
4.Encourage for rainwater harvesting both individually as well as at community level for all purposes.
5.Improve the groundwater resources by way of injection wells and check dams in general and particularly along the coastal area to check the intrusion of saline water and to manage and control fresh water – saline water interface.
6.Mapping of ground water resources, data base of bore wells, monitoring of water wells and implementation of bore well density should be made mandatory.
7.Encourage PRA with real participation of the stakeholders for better planning to implementation including monitoring and evaluation.
8.Strategies for the storage and management of rain water and thus to check the floods and its ill consequences.

With experience in this area, I feel positive that the above measures certainly improve the water resources and thus for better production with a check on the poverty, hunger, migration and suicide and further for the better living of the people with sustainability and quality of life.

with thanks

Posted as comments at

Food Security

Dear All

India is trying its best to work for the food security for its people. In spite of odd situation and other vulnerable challenges like:drought, floods,poverty,population,land for other non agricultural activities, transformation of greenery to concrete jungles, disability, health hazards, hiv/aids,pollution and other forms of disasters both man made and natural, people of our nation are struggling for the basic needs like: roti, kapada and makhan. Though we consider / think that FARMER is the KING (Raite Raju), the reality at the grass root level is quite opposite. They struggle for: water, current, seed, fertilizers, technology, harvesting, storing, marketing and all these results for their depression, loans, poverty, malnutrition, suicide and finally low priority. Under these challenges, still our farmers are doing excellent work and producing the food for all of us. Then what is happening? This was purchased and stored by the concerned departments and could not be distributed to the needy. This has resulted for the rottenning of the rice and other food items which otherwise should have been distributed to us. In spite of the direction for the Court, the things were not distributed to the needy and instead stating that it can not be distributed with out mentioning the actual barriers if any. This process cannot be digested by any common man as food is produced to eat in the right way with out wasting or leaving unused with out proper storage. By all angles, this process is not justifiable and needs immediate action to the justice by distributing the products to the needy in the best possible way before it is totally spoiled and which may become the cause for pollution in terms health and water.

Hope that concerned authorities may consider this issue on the humanity basis and to do the justice for the work done by our farmer friends who produce food for all us.
Looking forward for better solutions...

Looking forward

Addition on CSR

Dear ALL

As long as:
......people are struggling for basic...
...... equality among the people is not achieved....
...... people are facing challenges, vulnerable circumstances....
....... access with connectivity is not established for ALL..... long as concept, ethics, systems were followed on need based strategies.

CSR works for the empowerment of the people to lead better living with sustainability and quality of life...

posted as a comment at:

Benefits and need of Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR is the process linking the people and the business. Business is for the people by the people. As business can't be done without people, CSR is necessary and provides benefits to all the stakeholders.

Benefits to Industry:
@ Better awareness about the industry and the business
@ Acceptance
@ Better marketing and business
@ Better support from the Government and other stakeholders
@ Tax,subsidies and other benefits
@ Free advertisement
@ Better motivation of the employees and thus higher production with quality
@ Sustainability in the market and long term benefits
@ Be part of the social change or development
@ Awards and recognition.

In view of these benefits, industry or corporate or business sector should treat the CSR as the return to the community or people in view of its business and profits. This should work as a win - win strategy as the relationships alone works for better business and thus development of the people / community / nation.

I am associated with the CSR both at Research / HR Development and implementation at the grass root levels covering the rural villages of India. The strategy / policy of CSR got transformed from the support view to partnership on need based approaches.

As long as the concept, strategy and approaches of CSR are need based, i don't expect any disadvantages with it. In fact it plays significant role in filling the Resource GAP which exits between the GO - NGO - PEOPLE.

Looking forward for strengthening of need based CSR for the real development of the people/community/nation/world.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Poverty Vs QOL or SOL

As per the existing laws,"EVERY ONE IS EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW". If so, why there should exist poverty? This supports us that, every one should have equal share in the development or in the existing resources. If this is implemented and monitored, there won't be any issues with poverty and we all can lead equal and better QOL or SOL with better access in an inclusive and barrier free environment. This is the need of the our to all including the persons with special needs.
Let us focus on the measures / strategies / approaches which can mitigate the poverty by enchaining the capacities of the needy people.

Looking forward ....

Note: Posted as a comment on "What's wrong with being poor?" at:

What's wrong with being poor?

Poverty though it appears as the issue of the individuals or the family, in reality it is the issue of the society or the nation. In the developing or underdeveloped countries, majority of the people comes under the poverty and struggles for the basic needs. It is the fact that poverty and development are the cause and consequence of each other and results for poor quality of life with vulnerable circumstances which leads for disasters.

In the race of development with the technology, the resulted development is mostly confined to few hands or pockets and thus widens the GAP between the rich and poor. This type of development results for more disadvantages rather than isolated brightening spots.

Knowing the situation, we all need to look for the positive aspect of the development. This is possible when the development is planned with optimization of local resources with the participation of the stakeholders on need based approaches. It is possible and everyone should work for the development of all with barrier free environment as poverty acts as a barrier for the development.

I am working with the rural poor with the need based empowering strategies.

Looking forward for better networking...

with thanks

Note: This is the comments posted on the above subject

Saturday, October 16, 2010





with thanks

Need of amending the National Trust Act tuning to UNCRPD

Dear All



Happy to see and read so much of discussion going on the process of amending our Disability Acts tuning to UNCRPD.

We all should be happy and get best out of this process.

It is the day of Technology and Specialization.

We all need to move forward with positive attitude for getting the right thing to PWDs as RIGHT. There should not be any dispute on this.

All our strengths should be used for empowerment of the PWDs and to create an inclusive / barrier free environment.

After understanding the issues/ process, my comments / suggestions are as follows:

@ The Notional Trust Act is the specialized one on need based and should be retained with amendment tuning to UNCRPD. From specialization, movement / development should move forward but not for generalization (backward).

@ Four types of Disabilities covered under NT i.e., Mental Retardation, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities should be retained with out additions or deletions.

@ NT Act has certainly got better awareness among the stakeholders and reach of its programmes is significant. For example NIRAMAYA & ASMITHA are very good schemes and the later is the answer for the long pending question of a parent that "what will happen to the child after us.

@Thanks to the technology and now every information is available at the click of a mouse. It is up to us to access and create further access / awareness. It is the fact that, we should not wait for others to do for which we are supposed to do.

I have expressed these views on some forums meant for amendments and several participants have accepted to move in the line of specialization rather than coming back to the generalization.

Lets hope for the unity and strong networking for getting the right thing for the right group in an healthy and barrier free environment....

Hope, the feelings are very clear with right based concept and I will be happy to be in touch with all of you for sharing & doing the best in this regard...

Looking forward ...

with thanks

Friday, October 8, 2010

Life Skills for the Empowerment of PWDs

Dear All

Happy to meet you all through his blog. Blogs are really marching to the needs with technology and we all need to use it for the development of peole as well as the nation.

LIFE SKILLS - understanding and development of life skills for the people is the most needy as development of the community / nation depends on this. When this is the common situation, the need of developing the life skills of the persons with disabilities (PWDs)is the most needy and stands with top priority. In this direction, government, national institutions, ngos, funding agencies, industries / corporates, professionals and other stakeholders are doing their best in developing the life skills of the PWDs with suitable strategies / approaches / trainings matching to their challengers, skills, needs, demands and living circumstances.

In this direction, RGNIYD is going to organize an International Seminar on "International Conference on Life Skills Education" and i am going to present a paper on "DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE SKILLS FOR THE EMPLOYABILITY OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES – AN INCLUSION MODEL".

My paper is going to present the process of developing the life skills among the person with disabilities with the aim of their empowerment for an independent living in an inclusive environment with better sustainability and quality of file. The concept of Resource Center cum Placement Cell (RCPC)is going to be the model for achieving the target of inclusion of PWDs at all levels as RIGHT.

Looking forward ...

with thanks

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Celebration of GHANDHI Jayanthi

Dear ALL

We the old students along with the staff members of Silver Jubilee Government College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh met on 2nd Oct in Hyderabad. This is the unique tradition of SJGCF to meet on this day every year. The experience is thrilling and ignites the participants for doing their best for the development of the community. This was a full day programme started respecting our Nations Father Mahatma Gandhi. Later several dignitaries stressed the need for improving the quality in Education and providing education for all(EFA). It has also helped the employment seekers and employment providers for understanding their mutual needs and demands.

SJGCF is helping the SJGC to regain its olden golden glory by working with the concerned authorities and mobilizing matching resources. The need of the hour is to work with the concept of CAT (Committed,Accountable & Transparent).

The tradition is good and helps the people to do this bit for developing the community with human values.

"Human Values" is the key word emphasized by all as the present system is loosing its control over the quality and just becoming commercial center for issuing the certificate. Due to this the employable skills are lacking and resulting for poor employability. Understanding these factors, we all felt to work seriously to restore its glory for which it was established in the Silver Jubilee Year of our Independence during 1972. This is unique and the only college in the entire India.

Let us hope to work for creating human values in our eduction system and thus to work for the development of the people and community with better sustainability and quality.

Looking forward......

with thanks