Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dear All


Looking forward for better networking and thus able to provide the platform for empowering the targeted groups with better sustainability ad quality of life.... 

All the best

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Dear All

During 80's. along in association with Dr R Nagendra, development the theoretical frame for "Inclined Continuation" incorporating the limitations existing in the Upward & Downward Continuation Techniques which are well established in the potential fields. 

The brief concept of Inclined Continuation as referred in Geo Science World is pasted below as:

The principle of complex frequency scaling; applicability in inclined continuation of potential fields

  1. R. Nagendra and 
  2. N. Lakshminarayana

  1. Osmania Univ., Dep. Geophys., Hyderabad, India. 

  2. Directorate of Geology and Mining, Government of Gujarath, Ahmedabad. India


A remarkable property of Fourier transforms, especially applicable to inclined continuation of potential geophysical fields, is the principle of 'complex frequency scaling.' Briefly stated, let f(x) be the (gravity/magnetic) field due to a two-dimensional structure along a principal profile and F(omega ) be its Fourier transform. The field along a profile passing through the same reference origin and tilted by an angle phi in the counterclockwise direction (+X to -Z) is obtained by inverse Fourier transforming F[omega exp (-iphi )] for positive omega .The complex scaling property and proof of the resulting space-frequency domain relationship are presented, introducing the total field as the analytic signal of the horizontal component. The applicability of the complex scaling principle is illustrated by considering selected geometric models. This principle can be advantageously applied for continuation of two-dimensional potential fields onto inclined planes.

  The concept is still relevant and got scope for further development. More to do in this direction. 

Looking forward

with thanks 

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Dear All

In continuation, it is the fact that CBR is the strategy of community development with the participation of all its members for holistic development covering medical, social and economical areas which leads for their inclusion including the marginalized groups with better sustainability and quality of life.    

Among the marginalized, the persons with disabilities including children and women with priority gains importance as disability, poverty and development are the cause and consequences of each other. Water is added later as the whole development depends on the availability and access with water for all purposes.

The process is going on to use the technologies (ICT) for the empowerment of the PWDs for getting their rights with matching strategies and interventions.  

More needs to be done in the line of E-CBR as it is going to be the best bottom - up approach which connects the stakeholders with better participation and inclusion.  

Looking forward for better reflections and sharing...

All the best

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Dear All

In continuation, all the stakeholders are moving towards the right based strategies ad interventions. The rights and policies are also insisting towards this.

The need of the hour is to work for the people's "EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, FULL PARTICIPATION AND PROTECTION OF RIGHTS" and thus moving towards their independent living with better sustainability and quality of life.

This is possible with the bottom-up approach by empowering the PRI. The need of the hour is to design the right based strategies and interventions with community participation which results for the model of  Community Based Rehabilitation. This model is certainly better than the other models as it works towards holistic development covering medical. social and economical areas with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL). To make it more effective, all the matching technologies needs to be utilized and in this process CBR will move towards "E-CBR". I will be posting more on this key area. 

 Looking forward

with thanks


Dear All


Happy NEW YEAR 2012

Prosperous PONGAL

Looking forward ...

All the best

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Dear All

In continuation, it is the fact that development is the need of the hour and it only needs to check for its optimization with better compensation to the people and environment which has got affected.  Towards this effectiveness of the Resettlement and Rehabilitation process is the need which should be effective. It needs attention both at formulation and implementation. Through project study, i am in the process of making an evaluation of the RR process made at one of the developmental project made for irrigation & power generation. I will be posting more on this blog. 

Looking forward for better sharing...

with thanks     


Dear All

In continuation, the need of the hour is to work effectively for the inclusion of the persons with disabilities at all levels with empowerment which leads for their independent living with sustainability and quality of life. UNCRPD and further amendment process of Indian Disability Acts are moving towards the formulation of right based strategies and interventions for moving towards the inclusion of PWDs. 

In the present environment, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is the better rehabilitation model to address the challenges and needs f the PWDs with the better utilization of the local resources.  As reported by WHO, CBR is flexible and works with need based approaches. Knowing the objectives and needs of the disability sector, the move is towards the CBR which is the strategy in the community development for the rehabilitation, equal opportunities and inclusion of the persons with disabilities.

Some of the challenges in moving in this direction includes:

@ Poor understanding

@ Low priority
@ Less number of trained professionals

@ Other consequences.

To address some of these challenges, the GO, NGOs, DPOs, CSOs, PAs and other stakeholders are moving forward for crating better awareness cum advocacy, making it essential part of the community development and   development of human resources by way of training and courses both on regular and distance mode. I am also part oft his whole process and trying to come out with creative and innovative strategies. I will be posting more in this direction.   

Looking forward for better networking and sharing ....

All the best


Dear All

It is the fact that we all needs development doe leading better living with better sustainability ad quality of life. Another fact that there is no option except to accept the process of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG). But in this process what is happening is also known to all. It is giving development to isolated pockets and  people. Result is that of widening the gap between the urbanites / rich and rural / poor. This further results for conflicts, agitations and to oppose the developmental works. 

The concept of Business to Business (B2B) is not matching to the needs of the people and environment. That is the reason, so much is going in the media regarding the projects, schemes and other associated activities. It means the top down approach with poor participation of the targeted groups at all levels is not yielding an effective results. What exactly the need of the hour is to go for the Business to People (B2P) with Community Based Approaches which are bottom up systems will work with better results. It certainly allows for the participation of the targeted groups  at all levels starting from the stage of contextualization to implementation including monitoring and evaluation. 

We all needs to focus towards the B2P with Community Based Strategies and Interventions for the empowerment of the people which leads for their independent living with sustainability and quality of life.    

Looking forward...

with thanks  

Friday, December 16, 2011


Dear All

In continuation, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in to the Retail Markets in India is the hottest topic. The CSE through Down to Earth has created the platform for sharing the concern and feelings along with inputs so that right decision can be taken by the concerned group. I have made certain comments and were put hear for better sharing and reach. The comments are as follows:
Yes, FDI has become ht topic at all levels to decide ACCEPT or REJECT. In this connection, i have already expressed my concern and reflections form the stakeholders. It has to seen from two angles as:

1. The non producers, creamy urbanites who comes under the category of "DEPENDABLE" whose percentage is very less may get the benefits as there is no alternative. 

2. The producers, non creamy layer who comes under the category of "INDEPENDENT" whose percentage is very high will be the looser as they have got other options.  

In view of these two opinions or groups, the decision to be taken on FDI is very clear to the one who has take the decision.

If the business is in the model of Business to People (B2P) rather than Business to Business (B2B), certainly people will accept as they are going to be the beneficiary. 

Coming to the conclusion, there exist several myths in respect of FDI like who is the gainer and looser. In any case the farmers or the producers who comes in the second category of INDEPENDENT certainly are not going to be the beneficiary. 

Today's media brings an innovative concept like:

" Alu (potato) costs Rs.1 per Kg but the chips which using only half a kg costs Rs.10. This is what exactly the FDI is going t give the befit". 

Can it be understood that water is freely available and one liter of water comes to Rs.12 which is possible through FDI. 

The question is who is taking the cream or the  waste.    

Once again it can be put forward the concept of Rythu Bazar initiated in the state of Andhra Pradesh as the best innovative and creative platform for the producers to get better price for their time, energy, inputs and product.

The choice should be given to the producers and the non creamy layer with better participation to decide what they want. 

We all needs to express the concern so that we all can get the benefit of the strategies & interventions which are essentially to be need based and people oriented. 

Looking forward

All the best 


Friday, December 9, 2011


Dear All

In continuation to my association with the Bdhte Kadam 2010, also shown keen interest in Badhte Kadma 2011. The Flag Off and some other route events photos were already posted in this blog. 

In addition, see me in the Flag In Ceremony organized in Hyderabad.

Looking forward to have more such innovative events to reach the stakeholders and thus to work for the empowerment of the persons with disabilities for leading better living with better sustainability and quality of life on the basis of equality and rights.   

All the best


Dear All

It is the fact development certainly results for displacement along with negative impact for the people and environment. 

The reflections made for the article published in th Down to Earth is furnished below as:

Yes, displacement for the development has become alarming with conflicts & rivalry at all levels in general and particularly at the grassroots.Development is inevitable and we all needs to go with it. It only needs to work for the need based development rather than the business oriented one.

In the case of made made development, stakeholders got the choice of selecting the land and local resources.It can be done at the right place with right strategies. 

But in the case of mining of minerals, the option of changing the location is ruled out. But optimization of exploitation, participation of PAPS & DPS, better RR & measures for the minimization of the pollution can result for need based exploitation which is normally acceptable to all the stakeholders.   

In spite of the alarming situation of displacement, still we all can travel along with the process of development as long as it it the mode of Business to the People (B2P) rather than Business to Business (B2B).

Looking forward

All the best

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Dear All

It is the fact that YOUTH is going to play key role in developing our nation. The question is about the sustainability and quality of this development???? 

In this regard, RGNIYD is going to organize national Colloquium on this key issue during Feb 2012. 

Among the sub-themes of this Colloquium, YOUTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT is the one which has take priority both at utilization and management.  Understanding the challenges related with the management of natural resources, i have chosen this and submitted the abstract and full paper for better sharing among the stakeholders. I am sharing this with my elder son who has completed B Tech in EEE and planning further education and ready to share as a youth. 

The abstract is  pasted below as:
Lakshmi Narayana N
Director &
Bhuvanesh Kumar N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre
Hyderabad. India

Key Words: Development, Participatory, Rehabilitation, Exploration, Exploitation, Vulnerability, Sustainability, Disasters, Hazards, Advocacy.

Statement of the Problem: The mismanagement of natural resources and poor resettlement & rehabilitation have lead for corruption, conflicts and hazards and further degradation of wealth and health of the people and environment.

Objectives: The study has specific objectives which include:
o   To understand the needs and demand of the people and society,
o   To map the natural resources like: water and minerals,
o   To document and create value for the natural resources,
o   To monitor and evaluate the exploitation of the natural resources and
o   To focus on the role of youth in management of the resources with better sustainability and quality.

Background: It is the fact that India has got sufficient resources to feed the needs of the people. The greedy and mismanagement of resources creates artificial scarcity and further deprives the access, share and rights of the people. The process of liberalization, privatization and globalization and population explosion lead for higher demand for the resources. The rate of growth in natural resources like land, water and minerals is much less compared to its demand. The stages of management of natural resources includes mapping, assessment, documentation, creation of value, allocation, exploitation, monitoring & evaluation and reach to the consumers. The lapses in these stages lead for an ineffective utilization with pollution to the people and environment. All these lead for mismatched development with poor sustainability and quality which further lead for conflicts and hazards & disasters. At present mismanagement of natural resources has created conflicts among the stakeholders and widely published in the media. The SWOT of the natural resources and development helps us to understand its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and further action plan involves in transforming its weaknesses or challenges as strengths and opportunities. In this process, youth, the backbone of country can play a significant role for managing our natural resources for need based development with better sustainability and quality both for people as well as to the environment.      

Methodology: The methodologies adopted include:
o   Community based assessment of the needs, demand and natural resources,
o   Use of geological and geophysical prospecting tools for the mapping of the natural resources,
o   Use of software for making an effective identification, assessment  and evaluation,
o   Use of technologies for documentation and creation of value,
o   Networking and youth clubs / forums for an effective monitoring, evaluation and social auditing and
o   Community based approaches in the process of development.

Conclusions: The study emerged with conclusions as:
o   It improved the level of awareness on natural resources and its occurrence,
o   It helped to understand the needs and demand Vs the natural resources,
o   Technologies helped for the  mapping, assessment, exploitation including monitoring & evaluation  of natural resources,
o   Helped to understood the possible ways of mismanagement and consequences on development and
o   Youth clubs and forums will work for an effective management and further for sustainable development.   

Recommendations: The recommendations includes as:
o   Conducting more awareness and advocacy programmes,
o   Designing of better community based strategies and
o   Encourage students for research study.

Looking forward for better sharing....

All the best

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Dear All

It is the right day to remember and rededicate for the empowerment of the Persons wtih Disabilities. I am associated with several stakeholders of the Disability Sector and facilitating for getting better awareness among the societies. 

In view of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and further process of amending the disability acts and policies, efforts are going on to work for the empowerment of the PWDs with right based strategies and interventions. We all needs to support and work for the cause with better innovative and creative strategies & interventions.

Looking forward to share more on this...

All the best