Friday, December 16, 2011


Dear All

In continuation, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in to the Retail Markets in India is the hottest topic. The CSE through Down to Earth has created the platform for sharing the concern and feelings along with inputs so that right decision can be taken by the concerned group. I have made certain comments and were put hear for better sharing and reach. The comments are as follows:
Yes, FDI has become ht topic at all levels to decide ACCEPT or REJECT. In this connection, i have already expressed my concern and reflections form the stakeholders. It has to seen from two angles as:

1. The non producers, creamy urbanites who comes under the category of "DEPENDABLE" whose percentage is very less may get the benefits as there is no alternative. 

2. The producers, non creamy layer who comes under the category of "INDEPENDENT" whose percentage is very high will be the looser as they have got other options.  

In view of these two opinions or groups, the decision to be taken on FDI is very clear to the one who has take the decision.

If the business is in the model of Business to People (B2P) rather than Business to Business (B2B), certainly people will accept as they are going to be the beneficiary. 

Coming to the conclusion, there exist several myths in respect of FDI like who is the gainer and looser. In any case the farmers or the producers who comes in the second category of INDEPENDENT certainly are not going to be the beneficiary. 

Today's media brings an innovative concept like:

" Alu (potato) costs Rs.1 per Kg but the chips which using only half a kg costs Rs.10. This is what exactly the FDI is going t give the befit". 

Can it be understood that water is freely available and one liter of water comes to Rs.12 which is possible through FDI. 

The question is who is taking the cream or the  waste.    

Once again it can be put forward the concept of Rythu Bazar initiated in the state of Andhra Pradesh as the best innovative and creative platform for the producers to get better price for their time, energy, inputs and product.

The choice should be given to the producers and the non creamy layer with better participation to decide what they want. 

We all needs to express the concern so that we all can get the benefit of the strategies & interventions which are essentially to be need based and people oriented. 

Looking forward

All the best 


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