Monday, August 13, 2012

Will diesel subsidy help farmers tide over drought?

Dear All
The comments made on the subject published in the Down to Earth (15th August 2012) of CES, New Delhi is pasted below as: 
YES, the diesel subsidy help farmers tide over drought subject to conditions that a) rainfall must be below 50 per cent by mid-July; b) a farmer must have an operational diesel pump using a groundwater source; c) subsidy amount and the land area should be within a limit. As a policy it looks very good but very difficult at the stage of implementation and monitoring.

Framers needs power for various purposes like: use of tractors, water motors,machinery for harvesting,infrastructure for storage, processing mills,and other such uses covering production, harvesting, storing, and processing. Certainly, farmers needs power on assured basis either it is current based or diesel based. In view of the present crises of Power and Oils,and its consequences on the health and wealth of the people as well as the environment, farmers are facing several challenges which have resulted for less production or crop holidays. Under these circumstance, the proposed target of achieving FOOD SECURITY still stands as a dream.   

It there any option to change the source of power generation instead of Diesel based? Yes we, have got better option to utilize the natural source of energy to generate power for supporting the farmers for better production. Use of SOLAR energy has been proved as an alternative for the farmers to use for pumping water,and running other machinery. The policy in this direction is assured with subsidy. This type of power works for the better health and wealth of the people and environment. It only needs concern and commitment by the farmers with the assured support for development, implementation and monitoring. At the same time it is the fact that the initial cost of solar machinery is comparatively high which can be compensated with its long term advantages. Solar energy is our dream, and hope to cater the power needs of the people at all levels. Better transformation ways of technologies from LAB to LAND can effectively control the cost with better efficiency.           

Let us hope to use the SOLAR ENERGY to support the farmers in reaching the food security and for the sustainable development of the Nation.
Looking forward for better sharing and use of technologies.....

with thanks

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