Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Dear All

The failures in the process of predication, preparedness, resettlement and rehabilitation of the People & their properties during the NILAM has affected the crop loss in the coastal parts of Andhra Pradesh. Read more at:

The comments made on this key issue were pasted below as: 
Yes, the effect "Nilam effect: heavy crop loss in coastal Andhra districts" (7th Nov. DTE 2012) is serious and affected the lives of the people and properties. Towards this, several people have visited, made comments, medial has shown to all the stakeholders and every one all over the Globe knows about the situation.

The whole process is going on and people got affected with out fixing the RESPONSIBILITY for the occurrence, prediction, assessment, resettlement, rehabilitation, and other matching supports to get recovered from the trauma and loss for people, properties and environment.

In spite of all the technological developments, still the prediction of rain both time & magnitude is quite away. Once this can not be done , then people has to suffer through out their life which further limits their development and affects quality of life.

Knowing the SWOT of the situation, the priority goes to get sustainable solutions which include:

£ Accuracy in prediction in advance

£ Training the people for preparedness for Risk Reduction

£ Warning the people, volunteers, & NGOs in advance

£ Effective resettlement mechanism & shelters

£ Immediate supports like: medical, water, food, sanitation, assistive devices and others matching to the needs of the affected people.

In addition to all these suggestions, the major issue is the POOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM which affects the flow of the water when it more than the requirement. The main reasons are two as:

$ Barriers or obstructions created and

$ The encroachment of land which narrow downs the drainage or some time totally missing the drainage canal system.

In spite of all the technologies, machinery, manpower, & money spent on such adverse conditions, PEOPLE are the sufferers and it is going to be continued. The measures taken are of short term and are not for rehabilitation. So, knowing the complexity & dynamics of the issue, the people should move forward to create better solutions at least in minimizing the RISK.

At the end, if the community / people can be create better drainage system, then the risk can be reduced for both people and their properties.

As the cyclones with varied intensities & damage to the people & their properties have become common with frequency, we all should move towards the creation of sustainable solutions for risk reduction, resettlement and rehabilitation.

Looking forward for better sharing and to move towards the creation of solutions with better sustainability & quality...which further helps to create FOOD SECURITY..

All the best

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