Monday, April 8, 2013

Is coal mineral or bioresource?

Dear All

See the comments made on the COAL an article published in Down to Earth (see more at 15th April 2013 at: as:
Probably the point of discussion on COAL should move from the definition to say "Is coal mineral or bioresource?" (DTE, 15th April 2013) to the challenges while both at exploitation and power generation. These challenges includes:1. It is true that COAL is non renewable energy source and most important source for energy generation.
2. It causes for the resettlement of the habitats and affects the quality of life of the PAPs and others in general,
3. At the stage of exploitation, it affects the eco-system including the the most precious natural source "WATER", and
4. While generating power, the process causes for air pollution and contributes significantly for warming up of the area, including health issues.

Knowing the SWOT of COAL as an Energy Source, the need of the hour is to think for effective exploitation and utilization of COAL which includes:1. Accurate mapping of Coal Resources including qualitative and quantitative estimates,
2. Modern tools of Geophysical (Surface, & Subsurface) supported by Geological will improve the accuracy,
3. Have miming plans with maximum priority for the health & wealth of the people & environment,
4. In case of resettlement, all the PAPs should get matching resettlement & rehabilitation packages so that their qualify of life should be at least equal to that of the one what they had,
5. Afforestation should be higher than what the process is going to damage,
6. See that wastages both at mining and power generation should be dumped / treated properly before dumping,

In addition, there exists several such measures needs to be taken to balance the health and wealth of the MOTHER EARTH which automatically supports for the health and wealth of the people. 
Looking forward...

All the best.

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