Saturday, October 27, 2018


Dear All

During the period of Oct-Dec 2018, one paper on "LAND UTILIZATION WITH REHABILITATION & RESETTLEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT' has been published and brief details of the same were posted below as:

Author is very much connected with such processes for over three decades and has taken up several initiatives in this direction. Some of the key initiatives include:

  1. Awareness and Advocacy on the importance of Land and its utilities.
  2. Mapping of Soil, Land and Natural Resources by deploying Geotools.
  3. Suggestions and measures to protect the Land and other Natural Resources.
  4. Suggestions and measures to Farmers for better input supports, production, productivity, product making and marketing.
  5. Need to minimize the land for dumping of waste &other pollutants and ways to make product out of waste.  
  6. Selection of suitable site for dumping of wastes from Domestic, Industries, Mining,
  7. Use of technologies for effective transfer of knowledge / knowhow / learning’s from Lab to Land.
  8. Organizing of trainings, workshops, and seminars to various stakeholders.
  9. Documentation and its sharing & dissemination to several groups through various forums including e-forums. 
  10. Paper presentations and publication at various forums of National and International.

In view of increase in population and higher demand for land for various purposes, the present study has gained priority and conclusions emerged include:

  1. Land is one of the primary natural resources which supports and protects every activity of all living and non living things. It also supports for the production of several conventional and unconventional resources & energies.
  2. In the process of moving towards the achievement of Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), the Land, the most precious natural resource gains priority to support people and environment. 
  3. Population, Land and Development are the cause and consequences of each other. Increase in population demands for more services and supports in the form of development which further puts more pressure on Land / Earth. Unfortunately there is no scope for the increase in Land.     
  4. Among land utilities, cropped land dominates other type of utilities.
  5. Every development essentially requires land for various purposes and some of them includes: water bodies, residential, agriculture, transport, recreation, community, industries, commercial, infrastructure, water based projects, power projects, mining, education, health care, waste dumping, forests, and all other man made activities.
  6. In general people are not against any developmental activity but expect that it should work for health and wealth of the People and Environment.
  7. It is up to the Authorities to convince the affected people with realties on the nature & type of project, processes, outputs, impact and benefits to the people.
  8. The shift from People Oriented Development (POD) to Business Oriented Development (BOD) demands more land and other related resources.
  9. The processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) covering both positive and negative aspects has to be accepted which certainly puts more pressure on land.
  10. In majority of the developmental projects whether it is POD or BOD, while utilizing the land and other resources, people and environment will get affected with various challenges.
  11. Some of the challenges with the land utilities include: erosion & shrink age, increase in wasteland, loss of fertility, demand for  RITCM (residential, industries, transport, commercial, mining & recreation), mining, dumping & pollution, increase in density, subsidence, infrastructural development, hazards & disasters, low production & productivity, land acquisition, and other consequences.
  12. All such challenges cumulatively results for loss of land & fertility, subsidence, poor food security, and others affecting the health and wealth of the people (particularly women) and environment.     
  13. These challenges of land utilities are alarming and the need of the hour is to look for better management as a solution.
  14. There exists several opportunities to minimize these challenges and to manage the land along with other resources for aching the vision and mission of the Nation.
  15. Some of the key opportunities includes land mapping, accessible database, allocation & management, acquisition – policies, resettlement & rehabilitation, social auditing, eco-friendly from product to disposal, use of natural resources, use of technologies, increase in the mode of PPP and PPNP, control on population, use of non-conventional energies, shift from BOD to POD and other need based matching to the dynamics of the given community & environment.
  16. To work with many of the opportunities, the Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act 2013 provides guidelines for the land utilizes and its acquisition & allocation for primarily People Oriented Development (POD).
  17. There is a need to shift from PPP to PPNP for better understanding of the local resources and utilities for better identification, assessment and allocation along with monitoring & evaluation from time to time. 
  18. CSR initiatives should work for the empowerment of the people both socially and economically.
  19. Social Auditing helps the Government, Investors and People for better accountability and transparency.
  20. Grievance mechanism will improve the confidence level of the People (especially women) and PAPs to accept and participate in the processes of the developmental projects.   
  21. The participation of NGOs / CSOs will support for the bottom up approaches with the people, for the people and by the people.
  22. The Quality of Life (QOL) of the PAPs and other affected people should be much better after displacement when compared to that of what they had before shift.
  23. The RR benefits should be attractive so that people & PAPs will come forward to be part of the developmental projects with ownership.
  24. The models and initiatives are simple, replicable, scalable, reliable and sustainable and flexible matching to the dynamics of the given environment.

The study made has gained priority and to move forward the following recommendations were made as:

  1. Better mapping of Land and its Utilities with accessible & affordable Database.
  2. Awareness cum Advocacy to share and disseminate the details of the Developmental Projects, outputs, impact, benefits and challenges.
  3. Encourage Students for Projects Works and Research on outputs / impact of Developmental Projects and Rehabilitation & Resettlement.
  4. Better use of Geotools, E-Technologies, GIS, and Geotagging with better Visibility, Security and Resolution.
  5. Encourage Community Initiatives with better participation and ownership with preparedness for Risk Reduction.
Support NGOs to work with the processes of Rehabilitation and Resettlement on Partnership with Government and Private (PPNP).   
Looking forward .....

With thanks 

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