Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Dear All

Please find the details of the paper published in the International Journal of Mahila Pratishtha as:


Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID: grcnln@gmail.com

The processes of development and growth of People and Nation are continuous matching to the needs and dynamics of various groups who should get these benefits. India has got sufficient resources to cater the needs of its people but not their greed. The inequality and inequity of distributing resources to various groups creates gap and getting widened from time to time. It is evident from the reality that the mission of poverty alleviation has been deviated. Added to this, the processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization though brought development on one side but got limited in its distribution to the people over the Nation and thus widened the gap between the urban & rich and rural & poor. The recent processes happened in the Nation has been brought to the people that the ‘benefits of development should reach the last man sitting at any corner of the area’ is mostly on paper but different in reality. Continuation of such mismatch widens gap between rich & poor; and urban & rural which further resulted for inequality, inequity, bias, vulnerability, marginalization, isolation, migration, rivalry, and crime among people in general and particularly women. The challenges of such unpleasant and unhealthy causes and consequences are alarming to the stakeholders and forcing them to look for better alternatives. The recent target to the Nation is to achieve the targets of Sustainable Development Goals. The opportunities and initiatives taken up are opened gates to look for better wellness as solutions matching to the needs and dynamics of the People, Community and Nation. The models and initiatives of the study are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable.      

Key Words: Development, Social Change, Community, Empowerment, Social Media, Challenges, Isolation, Opportunities, Wellness.       

Statement of the Problem
Development dominated by Investor’s business approaches result for more of negative or unhealthy outputs, service delivery systems and impact which further affect the wellness of the People, Environment and Nation.  


Change should continue as a process as it works as a driving force to move forward in search of growth, development, sustainability and wellness. The recommendations made for the continuation of the study include:
ü  To organize Awareness cum Advocacy Programmes to the Stakeholders for understanding the need of Change for achieving Growth, Development, Sustainability and Wellness of the People and Nation.  
ü  To encourage Students to take up Project Works and Research Studies on Growth, Development, Sustainability and Wellness of the People and Nation.
ü  To encourage Youth and Senior Citizens to work as a Change Makers to strengthen systems with values in an Accessible, Friendly and Empowered Environment or Community.   
ü  To strengthen Educational Institutes for beginning the process of Change and to organize Workshop & Seminars with publications.
ü  To strengthen Social Media to reach People with better connectivity for an effective sharing and dissemination along with monitoring and evaluation.  
ü  To support NGOs to work with Government and Private (Corporate) on Partnership basis (GPNP) for effective and efficient way of reaching people with matching solutions.    
Looking forward foe better sharing and dissemination.

With thanks 

Monday, December 30, 2019


Dear All

Brief details of the paper published in the Journal of Desh Vikas were pasted below as: 

Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID: grcnln@gmail.com


The availability of resources and level and quality of development moves together to reach targeted groups living all over the Globe both quantitatively and qualitatively. It is the fact that selected countries are shining or developing but the benefits of the development are not uniform over the region and people. The benefits of development dominated by business model limits its reach to the people and further widen the gap between rich and poor. This further creates crises for the larger population even for the basic needs. Millennium Development Goals on one side resulted for several advantages & benefits but on the second side suffered with several limitations & challenges. Sustainability of the outputs and benefits was the major concern. This has supported to move towards Sustainable Development Goals with priorities to the poor and other marginalized groups. SDGs have opened up several opportunities to the Government, Private and other Stakeholders to make the goals into reality with better participation, accountability, responsibility and transparency. The initiatives taken up in this direction have resulted for significant change in the specified areas and groups. Among other stakeholders, Non Governmental Organizations do play a key role in working at grassroots with the people, by the people and for the people. The proposed model of Government-Private-NGO Partnership will work on the concept of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for utilizing the resources on one side and transferring the benefits to all in an accessible and inclusive community. The strategies, initiatives and models are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable.         

Key Words: Resources, Development, Quality, Sustainability, Accessible, Inclusive, Environment, Community, Quality of Life.

Statement of the Problem
The results, outputs, & impact of Development are not uniform over the geography and people which further widen the gap between urban and rural and rich and poor resulting challenges, vulnerabilities or isolation with poor quality of life (QOL).


The study made has got the priority as the need of the hour is to work for the integrated and sustainable development with community initiatives. The conclusions emerged include: 

  1. Utilization of resources and development works and travel together for improving the health and wealth of the people living all over the Globe.
  2. In processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization though brought development on one side but on the other side widened the gap between the urban and rural and rich and poor. The achieved development is not uniform over the geography and people.
  3. Availability, accessibility and affordability (3As) of resources in general and particularly human critical needs for all have got several limitations.
  4. The service delivery systems (SDSs) which are mostly dominated by the top down approaches (TDAs) do limit the reach both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  5. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) came in 2000 and worked up to 2015 with specific goals and provided several benefits to the targeted groups.
  6. MDGs have got several limitation and challenges in reaching the poorest of the poor in respect of poverty, hunger, education, gender, health, environment, and global partnership. The other areas include: Legal Frame, Structure, Content, Process, Resources, Access, Disability, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and enforcement which are necessary for reaching the targeted groups both quantitatively and qualitatively.
  7. The target of achieving the sustainability covering: Social Development, Economical Development, Individual Development & Environmental Development does have several limitations and challenges in balancing these components which includes: business oriented development; poor participation; exploitation of resources; loss of land & livelihoods; dominated by TDAs; low production & productivity; limited scope for food security; hazards & disasters; unhealthy migration; and crises for basic needs which finally ends up with limited inclusion with poor quality of life (QOL).  
  8. After MDGs, covering its limitations & challenges, SDGs came in to operation for the period of 15 years (2015-2030) with Seventeen Goals. It aims to utilizes the resources for the development with better Universality, Integrations and Transformation. 
  9. The Voluntary National Review Report (2015-17) on the implementation of SDGs has shown positive and significant achievement and framed to continue the process for achieving its targets with better quality and sustainability.  
  10. SDGs have opened up several opportunities which include: people oriented development, effective participation & ownership, mapping & utilization of resources, better use of water & land, development for all, shift towards bottom up approaches, priority for SEIE, ecofriendly environment, higher production & productivity, innovation for food security, preparedness for DRR, livelihood & entrepreneurship, 3As for basic needs, GO-Private-NGO Partnership with DIME, and one for all & all are for one.
  11. All such opportunities will certainly work for the effective implementation and achievement of the targets of SDGs with better sharing of benefits and thus to achieve Sustainable Development (SD), and Quality of Life (QOL) in an accessible, inclusive, and empowered (AIE) environments & communities.  
  12. NGOs do play a greater role to work with Government and Private (including Corporate) on partnership basis for the effective implementation of the SDGs and to reach the targeted groups both quantitatively and qualitatively living all over the Nation.
  13. All such processes and partnerships work for better inclusion, achieving development with sustainability, and improving quality of life in an accessible, ecofriendly, inclusive, empowered, sustained environments & communities.    
  14. The initiatives including: mapping & management of mineral resources; Mapping of Water Resources & Management; Land Management - RR; Pollution & Ecofriendly Environment; Quality & Inclusive Education – RTE; Development of HR; Skill Development & Livelihoods; Model of Village Development; Mentoring CSOs; Government – Private - NGO Partnership; Advocacy – RTI; Trainings, Workshops & Seminars; Documentation & Publication; Sharing & Dissemination – E Forums have been taken up by the author.

The initiatives and its further consequences have helped various groups to get better information and solution with dynamic connectivity and are going on to reach the groups both quantitatively and qualitatively. The models and initiatives of the study are simple, flexible, replicable, scalable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.  

The recommendations made for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals matching to the needs of the people include:

1)   Translation of the SDGs documents in to local languages with better visibility, availability, accessibility and affordability.
2)   Conduct more and more trainings, workshop, and seminars by Educational Institutes, Research Institutes, National Institutes and other Agencies & Forums.
3)    Encourage Students for taking up Project Works and Research Studies on SDGs with grass root realities.
4) Encourage Community particularly Women for active participation starting from conceptualization to auditing as they are the key group to be empowered for achieving sustainable development with quality.  
5)      Encourage NGOs to work with Government, Private, and Corporate on partnership model (GPN) tuning to designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (DIME) with effective Social Auditing.
6)      The Developed Countries should take leading role to support underdeveloped and developing countries with matching technological and financial resources. 
Looking forward for better sharing and dissemiantion.
With thanks 

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Dear All
In continuation, published another paper in Social Vision and presented the details as: 

Lakshmi Narayana, N.


   Geo Rehabilitation Centre,

The Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have got special abilities and their rehabilitation & skill development as an empowerment will significantly contribute for the Nation’s Building. It is the fact that Water, Poverty, Disability and Development work as a cause and consequence of each other. The Missions like Clean India, Skill India, Digital India, Make In India, Startups India and Accessible India works for the Nation Building with Vision – 2022. Disability Population (PWDs) do have several needs covering areas of Social, Economic, Individuals, Political, and Environmental (SEIPE). There exists several Acts and Policies to address the needs of the Disability Population. The model of Disability Rehabilitation works from the stage of early identification to empowerment which includes prevention of the causes of disabilities and development of accessible environments. Civil Society Organizations do play a key role in empowering Persons with Disabilities by working with Government and Private on partnership basis. Once got empowered and for given opportunity, Persons with Disabilities in general and particularly women can be part of the Nation Building with better effectiveness and efficiency. The models and strategies developed and implemented are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment. 

Keywords: Nation Building, Disability, Acts, Rights, Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Inclusion, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Quality of Life, Independent Living.

Statement of the Problem:  
The Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have got special abilities and their rehabilitation & skill development as an empowerment will significantly contribute for the Nation’s Building. This group needs to get their rights, space and opportunities to live and contribute to People and Nation at all levels like their counterparts.    

The study made is very much significant as everyone should contribute for Nation’s Building and key conclusions emerged include:   

The Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have got special abilities and their rehabilitation & skill development as an empowerment will significantly contribute for the Nation’s Building.
It is the fact that Water, Poverty, Disability and Development (WPDD) are the cause and consequences of each other and may result for several vulnerabilities if not attended suitably.
The processes of Nation’s Building depend on Social Cohesion, Economical Prosperity and Political Stability (SEP).
The Vision – 2022 has got several Missions including: Clean India, Skill India, Digital India, Make In India, Startups India and Accessible India (CSDMSA) and every mission has got its own objectives, strategies, interventions, targets, outputs, and impact to be achieved.
The Vision – 2022 has to work with several areas covering: Water, Sanitation, Health, Food, Shelter, Agriculture, Education, Industries, Employment, Connectivity, Environment, Security, and finally Disposal (WSHFSAEIECESD).
All are right based and some of them include: Right to Water (access with quality); Sanitation to All (WASH); Health for All; Food for All; Shelter for All; Education for All; Employment for All (Economical Empowerment); Access to Technologies; Eco-friendly Environment; Protection & Security; and Safer Disposal.
Disability need to be addressed which majorly depends upon Water, Sanitation, Health, Shelter, Education, and Employment (WSHSEE).
Disability Population (PWDs) having special abilities & limitations do have several needs covering areas like: Social, Economic, Individual, Political, and Environmental (SEIPE).
Disability Sector has got several Acts & Policies which include at National Level: Rehabilitation Council of India Act (RCI Act 1992); Person with Disabilities Act (PWD Act 1995); National Trust Act (NT Act 1999); National Policy (NP 2006) & Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPWD Act 2016) and at International Level: United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD 2006); United Nations Incheon Strategy (UN INCHEON 2013); Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs 2000-2015) & Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs 2015-2030).
Disability Rehabilitation model works on the concept of Identification to Empowerment with need based innovation and creativity for mainstreaming. 
CSOs or NGOs staying very near to the Disability Population can work effectively mostly as a facilitator or trainer to empower the groups majorly through Bottom up Approaches (BUAs) which are mostly need based and realistic matching to the dynamics of the local communities and environments.
The Government – Private - CSOs Partnership (known as GPC Partnership) should work on the model of Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (DIME) with better Participation, Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency (PART).
The PWDs can be part of the Nation’s Building (including Vision – 2022) covering: Clean India; Accessible India; Digital India; Skill India; Startups India; and Make India (CADSSM).
The initiatives taken up have supported for the identification, training, rehabilitation, development, and mainstreaming of Disability Population as an empowerment and have resulted for significant outputs & impact with change in life in an accessible, inclusive, friendly, and sustainable environments & communities.
The Disability Population needs opportunities with access and space at all levels so that they all can be part of the Nation’s Building with better effectiveness and efficiency.
The models and strategies suggested & implemented are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the Disability Population and Communities.   

Nation’s Building is the continuous process and every one need to be part of this in general and particularly Persons with Disabilities and recommendations made include:

1. The impact of Disability should be minimized with need based strategies and interventions which includes prevention of the causes of disabilities.    
2. Disability Population with category and severity along with social-economic condition should be mapped accurately with accessible database. 
3. Disability Acts and Policies should be implemented in word and spirit with better accessible and affordable service delivery systems. 
4. Support DPOs & CSOs to work with Government and Private on Partnership basis tuning to the model of designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 
5. Support PWDs to be the entrepreneurs with input and output supports with special provision when required.
6. Create scope for the PWDs to be in the Political representation to support their wish of “nothing about us without us” & to answer the concern of parents that “what will happen to the child after us?”. 
7. Every possible opportunity should be created with better access & space for Disability Population to get empowered for self and to contribute for the Nation.  

Looking forward for better sharing and dissemination

with thanks 


Saturday, November 16, 2019


Dear All
Continued the process of publication and brief details of the paper published recently in Asian Jour. of Prof. Ethics & Mng. Vol.11, No.3. Oct-Dec 2019. Bangalore. ISSN No: 2349-1434 (Print) & ISSN 2348-8220 (Online) were presented below as:



Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID: grcnln@gmail.com

Save Water to Save Ourselves - the best Gift you can give to coming Generation is Water

Water is the most precious natural resource which controls every activity on this globe. It supports for the development of the people and Nation with better sustainability and quality. The mission of poverty alleviation has concentrated on food (roti), clothing (kapada) and shelter (makhan). In the processes of business oriented development and consequences of the processes of liberalization, privatization and globalization, development took place for the selected groups and region and result has been dominated by the negative impact in the form of marginalization, vulnerabilities, unhealthy environment, and widening the gap between the rich and poor. The mission of food security, needs availability, accessibility and affordability of water at all the stage of agriculture and product making. Water security is very well linked up with the development and security of individuals, society, and environment. The analysis of water security does face several challenges and at the same time opens gates with opportunities. Jal Shakti Abhiyan is one such recent initiative. The community initiatives with ownership will minimize undesired impact and supports for better outputs with positive impact. The set of geotools with need based technologies supports for the identification, mapping, assessment, development, utilization, monitoring, evaluation and management of water resources. The initiatives taken up in the study are need based and resulted for significant impact in the chosen domain. The initiatives are simple, replicable, scalable, and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.     

Key Words: Harvesting, Mapping, Watershed, Environment, Pollution, Geotools, Water Security, Sustainable Development, Quality of Life.  

Statement of the Problem
Water is the most precious natural resource and its poor availability in terms of quantity, quality and access will affect the development of the people, environment and Nation.


In this domain, Author is well experienced and contributed significantly during the last three and half decades from Government, Private and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). All such initiatives are well supported by presentations and publications both at National and International Levels. Some of the key initiatives (Fig. 11) were presented below as:

ü  Mapping & Assessment: Several areas covering major parts of the Nation have been mapped and assessed the water resources both on surface and sub-surface. The outputs have given clarity for selecting the right area for recharge, storage and utilization for various purposes.
ü  Rainwater Harvesting: The concept and guidelines have been disseminated to the larger groups about its importance and simple ways to implement by every member. This journey has been started from house itself which has been highlighted and published. 

ü  Watershed Management: Selected areas have been developed for effective Watershed Management with better use of land and other natural resources. Majority of them are community based and given ownership for the community to maintain it on life cycle basis.

ü  Saline-Fresh Water Interface: As part of Groundwater Management in the selected basins, extensive work has been done in saline environment for mapping the interface of Saline-Fresh Water along the coastal belt. This stood as the role model for replicating the same for effective management of fresh water in the saline environment. 

ü  Geotools: A set of geotools covering: Geological, Hydrological, Geophysical both surface and bore hole logging, Geochemical and Drilling were extensively deployed for the identification, assessment, management, monitoring, and evaluation of water resources in terms of both quantity and quality. Also used for mapping of source and extent of pollution from mining, industries, and other sources of pollution / pollutants.
ü  Awareness & Advocacy: Selected targeted groups, communities and NGOs have been used to create awareness on advocacy mode to disseminate the realities about the water resources in terms of both quantity and quality; needs & demand; challenges & opportunities; and need of utilizing the technologies with innovation and creativity.
ü  Training & Research:  Several programmes have been organized for the students of Schools, Colleges & Universities, Project Works for the students of Master Courses, and other works with priority on practical aspects with effective facilitation for transformation of knowhow from labs to land.

ü  Sharing & Dissemination: The works done in this domain have been shared and disseminated to the larger population through all possible channels / media in general and particularly e-forums.

ü  Documentation & Publication: The works done have been documented in the form of reports, content development, and publication at both National and International Journals which includes e-publications.
ü  Workshops & Seminars:  Several workshops have been conducted for the students of Schools, Colleges & Universities, Community Workers, Farmers, Service Providers (NGOs), and other targeted groups who further disseminate the same to larger population as a change maker. Also presented several papers at the Seminars of National and International level with publication of volumes.  

The sturdy is the priority area and needs continuation and the recommendations emerged includes:

ü  To support and encourage students to make the real change in the community with innovation and creativity.
ü  Empower the local communities with better participation and ownership for bringing the change with better visibility and sustainability.
ü  Support NGOs to work with Government and Private on partnership basis with the dynamic linkages with the groups on the mode of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
ü  Jal Shakti Abhiyan should be a continuous process with the empowerment of communities and Civil Society Organizations.  
ü  Support for need based research works with the use of technologies and its effective transformation from lab to land.
ü  Support for conducting trainings, workshops, seminars and dissemination to the targeted groups by way of publications and e-forums.        

Looking forward for better connectivity, sharing and dissemination so that we all together can work for WATER SECURITY FOR ALL for better FOOD SECURITY FOR ALL and to achieve the targets SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs). 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Paper Published in 
Asian Jour. of Prof. Ethics & Mng. Vol.11, No.2. July - Sept. Bangalore. ISSN No: 2349-1434 (Print) & ISSN 2348-8220 (Online).

Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID: grcnln@gmail.com

Life is impossible without Water - the best Gift to coming Generation is Water”


It is the fact and reality that there is no life without water. It is very difficult to imagine life without water. Water is the essential commodity of the human life at every stage covering their health, wealth. growth and development. Development and protection of water and other Natural resources has become the essential part of the people. Availability of water is not the problem but its management for making its accessible to the people is more serious. The shift from people oriented development to business oriented development, increase in population, higher demand, demand for luxury life, pollution, wastage, and exploitation do affect the dynamics of water resources and thus lead for water crises resulting for marginalization, hazards, disasters, global warming, and climate change which finally lead for poor quality of life. Water has gained top priority in achieving the targets of Sustainable Development Goals. The principles of Water Governance support for effectiveness with efficiency of water management starting from assessment, harvesting, storage, utilization, recycle to disposal with community based initiatives. The opportunities with the use of technological tools and community based strategies and initiatives do enhance the availability, accessibility and affordability to water and thus supports for the growth and development of the People and Nation. The role of Civil Society Organizations working with Government and Private has gained priority to work on the model of partnership. The community initiatives and its preparedness with social auditing do result for better participation with accountability and transparency from designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.  The models and initiatives of the study are simple, replicable, scalable, and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the targeted area, community and people.        

Key Words: Water, Governance, Harvesting, Storage, Exploration, Exploitation, Conservation, Pollution, Development, Sustainability, Quality of Life.

Statement of the Problem

Author has contributed in this area (more than three decades) covering: survey, mapping, identification, assessment, categorization, pumping, transportation, supply, utilization, recycle, monitoring, evaluation, and discharge. The tools deployed includes: Geological, Geophysical (both surface and borehole), Geochemical, and other associated tools with technological use of GPS, GIS and others. Other initiative taken up in reaching the unreached groups includes: awareness cum advocacy, counselling, guidance, training, presentations at seminars & workshops, publication of papers (both National & International Books & Journals) and sharing & dissemination by way of e-forums.

The study made has got priority with significant impact and some of the key suggestions emerged include:
ü  It is the fact and reality that there is no life without water. In fact, it is very difficult to imagine life without water. Water is the essential commodity of the human life at every stage including their health, growth and development.
ü  Around 71% of the Earth Surface is covered with Water and 96.5% of Earth’s Surface water is confined to Oceans as saline leaving only 2.5% of it as a fresh.
ü  Our ancients are wise and took maximum care to protect and preserve Water and other natural resources as they considered them as part of their life and development.
ü  It clearly reflects that in spite of having water in various forms, still majority of the population is struggling for potable water and still get affected with poverty and its consequences.
ü  On the other side, increase in population and higher demand of water for industrialization, urbanization and modernization put pressure on water resources giving scope for exploitation and pollution.
ü  Mismatch in water harvesting, storage, exploration, exploitation, demand, pollution, wastage, and conservation affected Water Security, Food Security, Education for all, Employment, Livelihoods, Dynamics of Family & Community and Development which further resulted for bias, inequality, violation, crime, hazards, disasters, marginalization, isolation, and finally for poor quality of life (QOL).
ü  In such circumstances, the problem is not with the availability of water but its accessibility and affordability (3As).
ü  The situation is alarming to the stakeholders as the Nation is moving towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in which water does play a key role.
ü  Right to Water for Life expects “every person has a right to sufficient quantity of safe water for life within easy reach of the household regardless of, among others, caste, creed, religion, community, class, gender, age, disability, economic status, land ownership and place of residence”.
ü  Water and Development works as a cause and consequence of each other and move together for the growth of the people and communities.
ü  Technological tools covering Geological, Geophysical, Hydrological, Drilling, Geochemical, Geotechnical, and Global Positioning System (GPS) along with data acquisition, processing and interpretation software like Geographical Information System (GIS) do play a key role in the whole governance and management of water resources covering: harvesting, mapping, assessment, categorization, storage, transportation, utilization, recycle, protection from pollutants & exploitation, desalinization, purification, monitoring and evaluation from time to time. Use of such technologies, will certainly improve the water resources with better availability, accessibility and affordability (3As).
ü  The problem with water is not with its availability but lies in making it accessible and affordable by way water management and its Governance.
ü  Principles of Water Governance are expected to work effectively and efficiently starting from identification, storage, transportation, supply, utilization, monitoring and evaluation on water cycle basis with trust among the users and other stakeholders.
ü  The strategies and initiatives developed and implemented towards the achievement of SDGs (2015-2030) are expected to result for Universality, Integration and Transformation with Integrated & Sustainable Development (ISD) so that people’s and Nation’s health and wealth can be protected in an Inclusive Community / Environment which further moves towards developed Nation.
ü  The causes and consequences of challenges with Governance and Management of water do result for poor Development, deepening of Poverty, poor Relationships, poor Quality of Life (QOL), Global Warming, Climate Change, Hazards, and Disasters which finally affects the health and wealth of the People and Nation.
ü  The opportunities of Water Governance and Management will certainly improve water security with better availability, accessibility and affordability (3As) so that development can be made in an inclusive and integrated manner which finally improves the quality of life of the people with better sustainability.
ü  The limitation of Government and Private (together as PPP) can be minimized by taking the support of NGOs on partnership basis by way of Government – Private – NGO Partnership (GPNP) covering the whole processes as a model of designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluation (DIME).
ü  The recent interlinking process took place between Godavari River and Krishna River has shown the capacities of the people where they are enjoying the benefits.
ü  Taking this as a lead, such initiatives should be continued for the benefit of People and Nation by making water available, accessible and affordable to all with matching delivery systems.
ü  The initiative taken up in reaching the unreached groups includes: awareness cum advocacy, counselling, guidance, training, presentations at seminars & workshops, publication of papers (both National & International Books & Journals) and sharing & dissemination by way of e-forums.
ü  The strategies and models developed and implemented are simple, scalable, replicable and sustainable

The study is well connected with the growth and development of the People and Nation and recommendation made include:
ü  More and more Awareness cum Advocacy programmes should be conducted for enhancing the community based initiatives.
ü  Need based Trainings should be conducted for improving the skills and capacities of the people and communities with better preparedness.
ü  Encourage students for research studies in association with communities with problem solving strategies and approaches.
ü  Conduct Workshops and Seminars with publications on development, governance, management and evaluation with effective transfer of technologies from Lab to Land / Community.
ü  Support NGOs / CSOs to work with Government and Private on Partnership basis by the model of designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (DIME).

Looking forward