Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Dear All

Please find the details of the paper published in the International Journal of Mahila Pratishtha as:


Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID: grcnln@gmail.com

The processes of development and growth of People and Nation are continuous matching to the needs and dynamics of various groups who should get these benefits. India has got sufficient resources to cater the needs of its people but not their greed. The inequality and inequity of distributing resources to various groups creates gap and getting widened from time to time. It is evident from the reality that the mission of poverty alleviation has been deviated. Added to this, the processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization though brought development on one side but got limited in its distribution to the people over the Nation and thus widened the gap between the urban & rich and rural & poor. The recent processes happened in the Nation has been brought to the people that the ‘benefits of development should reach the last man sitting at any corner of the area’ is mostly on paper but different in reality. Continuation of such mismatch widens gap between rich & poor; and urban & rural which further resulted for inequality, inequity, bias, vulnerability, marginalization, isolation, migration, rivalry, and crime among people in general and particularly women. The challenges of such unpleasant and unhealthy causes and consequences are alarming to the stakeholders and forcing them to look for better alternatives. The recent target to the Nation is to achieve the targets of Sustainable Development Goals. The opportunities and initiatives taken up are opened gates to look for better wellness as solutions matching to the needs and dynamics of the People, Community and Nation. The models and initiatives of the study are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable.      

Key Words: Development, Social Change, Community, Empowerment, Social Media, Challenges, Isolation, Opportunities, Wellness.       

Statement of the Problem
Development dominated by Investor’s business approaches result for more of negative or unhealthy outputs, service delivery systems and impact which further affect the wellness of the People, Environment and Nation.  


Change should continue as a process as it works as a driving force to move forward in search of growth, development, sustainability and wellness. The recommendations made for the continuation of the study include:
ü  To organize Awareness cum Advocacy Programmes to the Stakeholders for understanding the need of Change for achieving Growth, Development, Sustainability and Wellness of the People and Nation.  
ü  To encourage Students to take up Project Works and Research Studies on Growth, Development, Sustainability and Wellness of the People and Nation.
ü  To encourage Youth and Senior Citizens to work as a Change Makers to strengthen systems with values in an Accessible, Friendly and Empowered Environment or Community.   
ü  To strengthen Educational Institutes for beginning the process of Change and to organize Workshop & Seminars with publications.
ü  To strengthen Social Media to reach People with better connectivity for an effective sharing and dissemination along with monitoring and evaluation.  
ü  To support NGOs to work with Government and Private (Corporate) on Partnership basis (GPNP) for effective and efficient way of reaching people with matching solutions.    
Looking forward foe better sharing and dissemination.

With thanks 

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