Saturday, February 23, 2019


Dear All

In continuation, published another paper in Asian Journal of Professional Ethics and Management and brief details were posted below as: 

Lakshmi Narayana N
Geo Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Email ID:

Ancient India’ was a land of Sages, Saints and Seers as well as a land of Scholars and Scientists and effectively used the Science and Technology for the development of the People and Nation. Ancients have given priority for the effective management of Environment, Water and other Natural Resources which intern protected the People and Nation with better health and wealth. The People and their surrounded Environment is well controlled and managed by Pancha Tattva’s five elements as Sky or Space, Air, Water, Fire and Earth. The processes of Modernization; Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization (LPG); Urbanization, Exploitation of Natural Resources; Luxury Living; Business oriented Development (BOD) and other such unhealthy shifts though resulted for development on one side but on the other side resulted for wide gap between the rich & poor; unequal distribution of benefits of development over the region & people; violence; crime; hazards & disasters affecting the wellbeing of the People and Nation. The management or mismanagement of manmade activities has dominantly resulted for several challenges which put Stakeholders at cross roads. The modern Sciences and Technologies have opened several opportunities to minimize these challenges and to improve the systems of management, so that development of the People and Nation can be achieved with better sustainability and wellness. The community based initiatives with the combination of CSOs partnership with Government and Private do benefit People and Nation with need based systems and values. The systems and models used are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given community and environment.     

Key Words: Environment, Water, Community, Science, Technology, Management, Ancients, Geotools, Development, Sustainability.     

Statement of the Problem
The use of technologies has resulted for development on one side and mismanagement ended up with several vulnerabilities with hazards and disasters affecting the development & wellbeing of the People and Nation.

The study taken up has got priority to understand the Science and Technologies used by the Ancients and its management or mismanagement or both and its relevance in the present context and some of the conclusions emerged includes:  

  1. The use of technologies has resulted for development on one side and mismanagement ended for vulnerabilities with hazards and disasters affecting the development & wellbeing of the People and Nation.
  2. ‘Ancient India’ was a land of Sages, Saints and Seers as well as a land of Scholars and Scientists.
  3. All facts and realities reveal that our Ancients are intelligent and used the Science & Technological tools for the development & growth of the People and Nation.
  4. The processes of Modernization; Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization (LPG); Urbanization, Exploitation of Natural Resources; Luxury Living; Business oriented Development (BOD) and other such unhealthy shifts though resulted for development on one side but on the other side resulted for wide gap between the rich & poor; unequal distribution of benefits of development over the region & people; violence; crime; hazards & disasters affecting the wellbeing of the People and Nation.
  5. Most of the hazards and disasters are majorly manmade one and clearly reflects the mismanagement of the modern Science & Technological Tools which otherwise (good management) would have been supported for the healthy and wealthy living of the People and Nation moving towards developed country.
  6. Right choice at this juncture is to accept the ground realities (weaknesses or challenges), understand the needs of the people, and be with the Vision & Mission of the Nation and look for better options (opportunities) as solutions with sustainability & quality with accessible, inclusive & empowered (AIE) environments / communities.
  7. The People and their surrounded Environment is well controlled and managed by Pancha Tattva and its five elements.
  8. The use of Science and Technological Tools during the Ancient period were utilized mostly towards People oriented Development (POD) without damaging the Water, Land, and Environment.
  9. The general Water Cycle reflects that Water moves from one place to another in different form.
  10. There are five water ways covering: Conservation; Storage; Utilization; Protection and Management (CSUPM) to develop the water bodies or sources.
  11. To the maximum extent, land used to be utilized for agriculture, growing grass to animals, grow trees for the purpose of getting fruits, wood for furniture &firewood, animal feed, and other utilities of People and their Livestock.
  12. The physical environment consists of four elements as: Atmosphere (air, gases, climate and weather); hydrosphere (water in oceans, seas, rivers and lakes); lithosphere (earth surface i.e., rocks, soils and landforms); and biosphere (living things i.e., flora - plants and fauna - animals).
  13. Science and Technology over the period took sea change both quantitatively and qualitatively and all thanks goes to technological advancement including E (electronic) form.
  14. The misuse or mismanagement of Sciences and Technological Tools on second side has resulted for several challenges or vulnerabilities or limitations.
  15. As the part of SWOT Analysis, the weaknesses or challenges need to be understood & accept for transforming them into opportunities with a strategy and action plan so that need based solution can be conceptualized, developed and implemented (CDI) with better sustainability and quality.
  16. The management of Environment, Water and other Natural Resources (EWNR) will be more effective when this is done by Community Based Initiatives.
  17. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs - also known as Non Governmental Organization – NGOs) emerges as a third player to support Government and Private in achieving its Mission and Targets with planned outputs & impact.
  18. Public - Private – CSOs Partnership (PPCP) will improve the Participation, Accountability, Responsibility & Transparency (PART); scope for Social Auditing (SA) and finally for Sustainable Development (SD) which will be Integrated and Inclusive for the wellbeing of the People and Nation. 
  19. The models, strategies and initiatives taken up are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching t the dynamics of the given community or environment.     

In view of the ground realities, effective utility of Science and Technological Tools have gained priority and recommendations made include:   

1)      Students should be encouraged to take up research studies to understand the facts and realties of Science and Technology used in Ancient time and its relevance in the present period.
2)      The transfer of technologies from Lab to Land should be made effective to the People and Communities with accessible forums.
3)      Community should be empowered to work for their development and to face hazards & disasters with ownership.
4)      Electronic Forums should be made more accessible to all the stakeholders with better sharing and dissemination.
5)      The monitoring cum Evaluation Systems with Social Auditing should be encouraged for virtually mapping the management or mismanagement with grievance forum.
6)      Senior Citizens as valued Human Resources should be utilized for bridging the gaps between the generations to another. 
      7)  CSOs should be encouraged to work with Government and Private on Partnership (GPCP)  

I will be happy to add and clarify / justify for teh points raised or suggestions made fro moving forward... 

Looking forward...

With thanks 


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