The process of publication of Study papers as been continued and HOME AFTER HOME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATION has been published in MAHILA PRATISHTHA, an International Multidisciplinary Journal in Volume: 5 & Issue: 3 during January - March 2020. The details include:
Lakshmi Narayana
Rehabilitation Centre, Hyderabad.
Ageing is the reality and
everyone has to undergo this process. In view of the limited local opportunities
and rush for business oriented growth and development, the family dynamics got affected
leaving senior citizens or elder persons either for their own mercy or to protect
their family and children as supporters. The process of Liberalization,
Privatization and Globalization, in addition to business oriented development has
added its share in widening the gap between the rich and poor with vulnerabilities
for marginalization and unhealthy migration. Senior Citizens have to be seen as
two sides of the same coin where on one side needs care cum rehabilitation and
on the other side can be valued human resources as asset to the Nation. Government
of India came up with ‘The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior
Citizens (MWPSC)’ Act in 2007. It also
made provisions, to run homes for the older persons either on their own or
through Civil Society Organizations. The concept of home after home for older
persons should be the last priority after home and community. The Private
Industries and Corporates are supporting Government and CSOs for the wellbeing
of elder persons or older persons or senior citizens. In spite of the best
efforts of Government, still senior citizens are the most vulnerable particularly
women and are leading poor quality of life (QOL). United Nations has declared
the theme as “The Journey to Age Equality” which has become part of Sustainable
Development Goals. The limitations or challenges of Homes and CSOs can be accepted
to make them as an opportunity. The pattern of Government, Private and CSOs
working on partnership basis do result for effective service delivery systems.
The measures taken up are effective and resulted for better results both in
urban as well as in rural areas. The initiatives and approaches used are
simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching to the dynamics
of the given environment.
Key Words: Family,
Community, Connectivity, Ageing, Care, Rehabilitation, Homes, Human Resources, Challenges,
Opportunities, Wellbeing.
Statement of the Problem
Family dynamics and issues of ageing have resulted for social and financial insecurity
of Senior Citizens particularly women affecting their quality of life and
forced for migration or isolation staying away from the home.
Author is in the development
of Social Sector for more than two decades and working with priority for Senior
Citizens. Some of the initiatives taken up includes:
ü Creation of Awareness on the Acts,
Policies, Schemes and Benefits for the Older People living in both Rural and
Urban Areas.
ü Counselling and guidance at Family, Community
and Home level for better acceptance of the realities and ways to move forward
with positive attitude.
ü Connectivity with Senior Citizens Forums /
Associations and motivation for forming more such forums.
ü Interactions and discussions with such forums
for developing activity plans with local priorities.
ü Visit to Homes for Older Persons run by
CSOs / NGOs situated both in Rural and Urban Areas.
ü Developing & mentoring selected Homes
(mostly on Residential Mode) run by register CSOs / NGOs.
ü Facilitating Home run by CSOs / NGOs for
getting Income Tax Exemption, FCRA, registration with Government & Private Bodies,
and other such legal requirements.
ü Mobilization of Resources in terms of
Recurring, Infrastructure and Corpus (RIC) with team management.
ü Meeting and sharing updates with the groups
of Senior Citizens at Community, District, State Level and Celebrations on various
ü Development and sharing of Guidelines for
running Homes matching to the concept of minimum standards of living specified
by Government (NITI Aayog) and other authorized Agencies.
ü Use of Technologies and E Forums for Effective
sharing, dissemination, discussion, clarifications etc., on virtual basis.
ü Paper presentations on models and
initiatives taken up and to be taken up for the happy, healthy and active ageing
leading for improved quality of life (QOL).
ü Regular visits to selected Homes for
updates, monitoring, evaluation and better ways for betterment in services, supports,
resources and sustainability.
ü Articles in various Newsletters, Souvenirs,
Blog, and other E Forums with wider reach to the targeted groups as well as general
ü Publication of study papers in National and
International Journals with priority that Senior Citizens are the valued Human Resources
and asset to the Family, Community and Nation.
Having accepted Senior Citizens
as valued human resources and asset to the Family, Community and Nation, the recommendations
made include:
ü To create Awareness cum Advocacy on the Acts,
Policies, Schemes and Benefits extended by the Government, Private, Corporate
and CSOs to targeted groups and other Stakeholders.
ü To strengthen Family Systems with values
for better connectivity, harmony and happiness so that elders can eb part of the
ü To develop need based Care cum Rehabilitation
Centers (preferable at Community Level) with better access and affordability for
happy, and healthy ageing.
ü To support for the economical security of Senior
Citizens with need based Centers for skill development, employment, livelihoods,
income generation and other such matching to the dynamics of the local community
/ environment.
ü To develop Grievance cum Facilitation Centers
(preferably at Community Level attached with Day Care Centers) for better access,
utility, harmony, monitoring, evaluation and social auditing and thus making family
& community more participatory, accountable, responsible and transparent
ü To support
CSOs to work with Government and Private / Corporate on (GPC) Partnership for
better sustainability of the Service Providers who in turn can work for the wellbeing
or wellbeing of Senior Citizens.
ü To support Students for working Senior Citizen’s
welfare, security and protection at Family, Community and Care Homes.
To support
Educational Institutes and Researchers for taking up research with integrated approaches
covering Medical, Social and Economical (MSE) aspects of Senior Citizens.
Looking forward for better sharing and dissemination.
All the best
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