Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Dear All,

The need of the hour in the area of Disability Rehabilitation (DR) is the sustainability with better quality of life. In view of recent UNCRPD, the DR took paradigm shift from charity to right based. This situation puts pressure on all the stakeholders of the disability sector to raise to the occasion for making the right based models at all levels. This needs mobilize of required resources from all the sources.

This invites focus on Social Marketing which helps us to change the behaviour or attitude of the people for maintaining better health or to prevent. On need based, all the commercial techniques / strategies can be applied to do social marketing. In the disability rehabilitation, the social marketing covers: the Services, Products and Aids & Appliances. The Social Marketing helps to improve the sustainability of the organization and thus the persons with disabilities with better quality of life.

Looking forward for better networking in reaching the needy persons with disabilities with right based strategies suiting to their challenges, skills, needs and living circumstances....

with thanks

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Dear All

Good days to have better water days in the life ..........

What is the special about water? Why we all need to discuss, organize workshops, seminars, publish volumes and so on? Is it necessaryto make it as a burning topic or issue or challenge? 

Our ancients never thought so seriously about the water what we are doing now a days?  They always fought for "Roti, Kapda and Makhan". What happened to water or the people to make it so much of burning issues?  What is the diference between our ancients and ourselves? We know the reasons?

A big YES.  The water is precisous and literally controls the livelyhood of the man kind and their development including the Nation at all levels. Reasons for the change in the water senario or environment or cycle are many. 

Some of the significant differences includes:
  • They have respected the water resources. We did opposite.
  • They have manged the water resources. We did opposite. 
  • They developed water bodies. We did opposite.
  • They have utilized properly. We did opposite.
  • Their requirement was for livelyhood. Our requrement is for luxuary.
  • They loved to be with the nature. We are in concreate jungle.
  • Their's was steady approach. Our's is race with greedy.
  • They maintined relationships. We did opposite.
  • They preferred joint family. We want nuclear family.
  • Their's was eco-friendly environment. Our's is polluted un-friendly.
  • They shared the resources. We are grabbing them madly.
  • They used the natural technologies.  We are machanized.
  • They loved the mother earth for peace. We love to destroy it for wealth.
  • For them, health is welath. For us wealth is health. 
................................... like this the list is endless ... the result is purchasing water ... tuned with bottled water ...  helping for others business. 

I have seen the people in the remote villages of Rajasthan (in the year 1885) who used to conserve the water with top priority. Anything else for them is after water. Slowly, the attitude of the people towards water has changed drastically and the end result is before us.   We all like to live with the present situation which is alarming and its consequences are dangerous even threatning the life itslef.  We are living with GLOBAL WARMING. The future is known to all of us. 

All the stkaheolders learned lessons and realized the mistakes they did. Nothing will come by just cursing the past.  We all need to open our eyes and do the poosible for saving the WATER and further to live in eco-friendly & healthy environment.  

What we all need to do? It is very simple.  They are:
  • Respect water.
  • Use water with concern and caucious.
  • Avoid wasting water.
  • Save water at all levels. 
As a thumb rule, if the rainwater is saved to the maximum extent possible, probably majority of present water crises can be solved automatically. How we can do this? Simple, the ways include:
  • Harvest rainwater: Start from the house itself. Donot allow rainwater to go out of the house. Try to sink in to the earth thus enahnce the  level of gorundwater. Save it on surface for direct use. 
  • Develop watersheds: First renovate the existing water bodies & develop new one like - construct pond, tanks, injecting wells, etc.  
These techniques are very simple and it only needs concern, commitment with dedication. If we all realise the need & consequences then with simple measures, the present water crises and blownup Global Warming situation can be minimized.

On WATER DAY of 2010, we take oth and re-dedicate ourselves to: 
  • respect the water, 
  • use the water with concern
  • use the water optimally,  
  • save the rainwater,
  • minimise or optimize the water needs
  • love greenary,
  • plant tree samples,
Hope to .... resolve the water cirses, maintain greenary, minimize the pollution, plant trees ... to live happily with better sustainability and quality.  

Looking forward for water networking and thus to save the EARTh and thus mankind. 

with thanks

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Vies at RPM held at kakinad during 5 and 6th Dec. 2009

This reflects the self view in the RPM organized at Kakinada. 

Looking forward to have more such reflections form others in the sector. 

with thanks

Amendement of the National Trust Act.

Dear All,

In continuation to the process of Amendment of Indian Disabiltiy Acts in view of UNCRPD, National Trust Act took an interesting turn and given surprise to all the concerned stakeholders particualry the paretns and persons with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilites.  Initially a draft amendement was made and circulated for suggestions. It has received response from all the corners. 

In fact i made suggestions at several times using all the avilabe media like: one to one / mails / discussion forums / meetings / workshops / conferences. It includes like: prevention should be part, legal guardinship should be retained as an option in addition to the suported network, no other disability should be included and others. In addition, used the forun created by the National Trust in the "Discussion Forum". I made a new posting and requested the stakeholders to contribute as it is the most significnat and  oncerned to get the right version in view of UNCRPD. Except two comments like thanks, happy,... nothing could be added to raise the issue / voice. I feel this is the drawback from our side. 

In spite of suggestions made by the stakeholders, it is learnt that The National Trust is going to comeout altogether with a new version (i,e, quite against the one made earlier and asked for the suggestions) may be changing the  title itself and including all the disabilties. All the concerned stakeholders needs to raise their voice to get the right things for the people with four disabilites only. You can record your voice by visiting the website of the National Trust  under discussion forum.    

In the event of getting some thing new, we sholud not loose the existing one which is well accepted and attained after making lot of struggle. Tomorrow probably, we all need to face the consequences by not getting the rights to the rihgt people. 

Hope we all will raise to the occasion so that the right thing can be obtained for getting maximum benefit to the people with special needs. 

Looking forward to hear from you all .....

with thanks

Empowerment of the women as an Enterpreneure

Dear All

Tuning to "Womens Day" and "Empowerment of the Women", recently i had an oppertunity to meet the group of women which is working to enahnce their capacities to transform them selves as enterpreneures. The group is from the rural villages of coastal part of Andhra Pradesh.  

The interaction with the goup revealed for surprising reflections against the question that Why you came out to do this training?. The reflections in their own words includes: needs recognition - wants identity - get the diginity - helps for income generation - needs to particiation -involve in decision making - want to  support the family -  wants to see the children with better capacities. This reflects the inner challenges and desire to help the society. This works as the role model and needs wide circulation for making others to follow.   

This is possible to do at every village and the imrpotant thing is to provide the right oppertunity at the right time. 

Looking forward to make the women dreams into reality...

with thanks

Meet with stakeholders at kakinada on UNCRPD

Dear All

Hope things are moving on to use the weapon given in our hands in the form of UNCRPD. In continuation, i hand an oppertunity to meet the stakeholders at kakinada to interact with people on the issues and challenges of the PWDs in general and particualry the rights in view of the UNCRPD. The meet was successful in reaching the minds of the concerned authroities as that is the beginning to initiate the implementation of the UNCRPD. 

The intraction has resulted for significant reflections in respect of the expectations of the PWDs. We need to have more such meets to gain the maximum bebefit as a right. 

We all need to interact with each other via this medium. At present the information is avilable at the click of the mouse and it is dynamic with cost effectiveness. 

Looing forward to ehar from you all...

with thanks 

Meet with stakeholders at Kakinad on UNCRPD

Dear All,

Hope this is the time for us to get ready with the new weapon given in the form of UNCRPD which helps to get the rights of the PWDs like all of us. In continuation, i had an oppertunity to meet the stakeholders at Kakinada to discuss the issues related with UNCRPD. The meet was very good and people interacted to get in to the job of getting the rights for the PWDs. 

We need to do more such meets for putting the UNCRPD in to the reality at all levels. I request the concerned stakeholoders to interact with tother using the technological tool avaizalble in our ahnds.  

Need to work with UNCRPD for the rights of the PWDs - Workshop at Bangalore in Jan 2010

Dear ALL,
All the stakeholders concered with the disabiltiy sector are putting their best efforst to get their rights of the PWDs. We need to congratulate our selves for the work done. But there is a lot to do in this dirction. Tuning to the concern like: "what will happen to child after me" & "nothing about us with out us", UNCRPD is the right weapon at the right ime. It is the known fact that in India, the process of Amending the Indian Disability Acts is going on and in some cases it is emerging to formulate new act itslef. 

This still requires to create awareness among the concern stakeholder  both to understand and to implement the acts as per the UNCRPD. In this direction CBR NETWORK (South Asia) took initiation in making the community based rehabilitation (CBR) as the right based approach at all levels. The model with Panchayt Raj Institute (PRI) is the right approach to initiate the work from the grass root level. 

This is the responsibiltiy of all of us to get the aims and objectves of the UNCRPD in to reality so that the PWDs gets their rights like any one of us and thus helps to live in the community in an inclusive and barrier free environment.

Looking forward...

with thanks 

Need to work with UNCRPD for the rights of the PWDs

Dear ALL,
All the stakeholders concered with the disabiltiy sector are putting their best efforst to get ther ights of the PWDs. 

Regional Parents Meet at kakainada

Dear ALL
After a gap, we are meeting agin on this blog. Thing are moving to reach the persons with special needs. The Meet was grand success and right chance for the parents to express their challneges. It was the success to be in the rural part. 

This is the beginning and more and more such programmes will be organized in the rural places so that 70% of the persons with disabilites who live in their rual villanges can be reached at an early stage so that early intervention will be more effective and result oriented. 

Looking forward for better network..

with thanks