Saturday, May 30, 2015


Dear All

Wine and Water will directly influence the development of the people and their quality of life (QOL) . Excess of WINE and shortage of WATER affects the health and wealth of the People  with lowered quality of life.  

Discussion on the challenges and opportunities of these two commodities has been framed into a paper and published in the national Journal and Abstract of the same is pasted below as:


Water is the most precious life saving natural commodity where as Wine is life spoiling commodity. In spite of best efforts, there exist several villages without Water but Wine is flowing everywhere. In both the cases, the health and wealth of the people and communities does affect significantly where as the later is the good revenue generation for the business agencies and Government. The culture of drinking water from bottles even for cooking has been increased in spite of spending money and energies. The concept of 3As which stands for Availability, Accessibility and Affordability with Water and Wine indicates that its poorness with Water and better way with Wine affects the health & wealth of the People & Communities. In both the cases, the consequences lower the Quality of Life (QOL). Then several question arises from the common man that who is doing the business?, who is getting the benefit at whose cost?, who is responsible for the abuse, crime, accidents, violence resulted out of the consumption of Wine?, are there any ways out?, who is going to do it? & how it is going to be done? At any cost, Wine has to be stopped at the production as well as at the stage of consumption and it is possible only when the people in general and particularly women groups handle the issue. In the case of Water, the effective measures to save it by way of rainwater harvesting, watersheds, stopping pollution, and better utilization & management leads to enhances 3As which further improves the health & wealth of the people & communities with improved quality of life. The suggested measures are scalable, replicable and sustainable with need based modifications matching to the dynamics of given environment.             

Key Words: Water, Wine, Health, Wealth, Violence, Crime, Revenue & Quality of Life. 
Looking forward ....

All the best.