Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Dear All

Geophysics is the most powerful tool for mapping the natural resources and its exploitation with effective management for the development of people as well as the environment.

The abstract on the SWOT of Geophysics is posted below for comments and suggestions as:

N. Lakshmi Narayana, Director

Key Words: SWOT, Geophysics, Road Map, Natural Resources, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Project Affected People (PAPs), Rural Development, Globalization, Privatization, Liberalization, Environment,


Geophysics is the most powerful tool both at the stage of exploration and exploitation while dealing with the natural resources with out creating any negative impact on the surrounding environment of its operation. The technological development took place both at Data Acquisition and Data Processing is quite appreciable which suits to the needs of the industry covering exploration, mining sectors and to the community. The role of Geophysics and its utility / potentiality to prepare a road map in search of Natural Resources depends on its Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT). The SWOT analysis of Geophysics looks as:

 Strengths: Geophysics is based on solid foundation with sound technology both at acquisition and processing stage to address the target in a better way in the given environment of technology.
 Weaknesses: In spite of its technological advancement, Geophysics was not streamlined to get its due credit thus lost its identity & credit.
 Opportunities: In view of its potentially to reach very near to the targeted source, Geophysics has got good opportunities both technology wise as well as market wise.
 Threats: Geophysics has got threats since beginning and at present loosing its track and standing at the cross road.

Understanding of four key analytical words of Geophysics certainly helps us to put it on the right track at right place with due respect by converting “Threats into Opportunities” and “Weaknesses into Strengths” thus preparing a Road Map / Action Plan to reach the target to the extent possible in the given environment. In view of the modernization through Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) management of natural resources is becoming top priority. Thus it adds the third dimension of “Management” to “Exploration” and “Exploitation” while searching for the natural resources. Geophysics has shown its utility in search of all natural resources both at exploration and exploitation stages. In addition, Geophysics is widely used in some of the most sought problems / situations covering the broad spectrum of Rural Development, Resettlement & Rehabilitation of the Project Affected People (PAPs) and to address environmental issues. Thus broadly Geophysics has played a key role in reaching the common man and to address his / her needs through non-destructive method. In spite of its efficacy and cost effectiveness, Geophysics in spite of its full utilization could not be streamlined as a professional course like other streams and in the process lost its importance & identity in general and particularly in Indian scenario. This paper deals with the SWOT analysis of Geophysics with specific case studies to rethink about its need and role in view of the present industrial and common man needs thus preparing a “road map” for the proper utility of Geophysics in search of Natural Resources in addition to the services related with Rural Development and Resettlement & Rehabilitation of the PAPs.

Looking forward

with thanks

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Dear All

Happy to know about the formation of CEGAAOU by the old students of Centre of Exploration Geophysics, Osmania University, Hyderabad. It is welcome and congratulations to the team behind it. It certainly connects the students (both old & new)with other stakeholders.

CEGAAOU may look forward for:

@ Assessment of existing system of education,
@ Identification of Gap and Needs,
@ Formulation of support systems,
@ Carrier Guidance, capacity building and Employment Opportunities,
@ Organization of trainings, workshops, seminars & other need based activities,
@ Dissemination - need and importance - to all levels
@ Documentation,presentation and marketing for its proper recognition at all levels,
@ Other activities / programmes suiting to the needs of the Industry and Society.

Hope all the concerned will understand the need and will come out with constructive reflections and suggestions which finally leads to move forward with strong foundation...

with thanks

(I am the old student of 1979-82)

Monday, March 28, 2011


Dear All

In continuation, the above cited event was successfully conducted on 26th & 27th March 2011. It was the real "TOGETHER IN THE COMMUNITY" and made a beginning. Now the challenges is to make it as a process for reaching the persons with disabilities with right based strategies and interventions matching to their skills, needs and demands. I will be posting more info on this blog.

Looking forward ...

with thanks

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear All

In continuation look into the comments and suggestion made on the above cited draft prepared in view of UNCRPD.

Reflections & Suggestions on Working Draft of the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2011” (RPWD Act 2011)

1.Definition of Disability / Person with Disability:
•By UNCRPD: Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
•By RPWDA 2011: ‘Person with disabilities’ is a person with any physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others
Explanation: The term “long-term” from UNCRPD has been removed while framing RPWDA 2011.
Suggestion: It will be better to retain the word “long-term” in RPWDA 2011.

2.Category & Definition of Disabilities:
• Not mentioned both in UNCRPD and RPWDA 2011.
• Not given the definition for each disability.
• Absence f this creates problems for mapping, data base, certification, availing services and benefits and all other issues related with their rehabilitation.
Explanation: RPWDA 2011 has not mentioned about the categories of disabilities like that of PWDA 1995 except mentioning six categories under 19A “Reservation”. PWDA 1995 groups disabilities into seven and later 2 were added in NT A 1995 i.e., that comes to 9. In view of technology, development and specialization, the move should be towards specialization rather than reverse system of generalization.
o Define each disability
o Consider categorizing of disabilities into 10 as:
• Persons with Blindness
• Persons with Low Vision
• Persons hearing impairment
• Persons with speech impairment
• Persons with Locomotor impairment
• Persons with Leprosy Cured
• Persons with Mental Illness
• Persons with Multiple Disabilities.
• Persons with Autism & Cerebral Palsy
• Persons with Mental Retardation (than intellectual disability)


• UNCRPD: No mention on the guardianship except “support system” may require to PWD in exercising their legal capacity.
• RPWDA 2011: under 18 Right to Education mentioned “guardian means a person having care and custody of a child and includes a natural guardian, a guardian appointed by a court or a statute”
• RPWDA 2011: under 7B (2) – Access to Support: Plenary guardianship is abolished. Any legislation, rule, regulation and practice following or prescribing the system of plenary guardianship shall, hereinafter, be void.
Explanation: RPWDA 2011 is adding more on guardianship than UNCRPD which talks on legal capacities and support system.

RPWDA 2011 contradicts what mentioned at 7B (2) & 18.

For us, support system is the part of our tradition whether the persons is with or without disability and more in case of later one. Nothing new to talk about it. Depending on the skills and needs of the individuals, the informal support network covering: parents, family members, relatives, friends, community members and others do provide the support on life cycle basis.

The provision of Legal Guardian in the National Trust Act is unique and certainly supports the needy based on their skills and needs. Lapses if any should be rectified with an effective mechanism. In general and particular in respect of severe and profound cases, this provision will work for positive support rather than negative.

Suggestion: Legal guardianship as defined in the National Trust Act 1999 with option to the authority or LLC or parents or PWD either to appoint or not based on the skills and needs should be retained. Addition of support system to the existing Legal guardianship is welcome.

4. Reservation:

In RPWDA 2011: Under 19A Reservation (1), proposed 6%, 1% for each category as:
• Persons with blindness and low vision
• Persons with hearing impairment and speech impairment
• Persons with locomotor disability, leprosy arrested,
• Persons with Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy
• Persons with autism, intellectual disability and mental illness
• Persons with multiple disabilities, deaf-blindness, multiple sclerosis.

• Grouping blindness and low vision not advisable as their occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and support are different
• The occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and support services are different for locomotor disability to leprosy cured
• Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy needs to be separated as its occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and supports are different
• The occurrence, challenges, skills, needs and support systems are different for autism, intellectual disability (mental retardation), mental illness
• The sixth category can be grouped into multiple disabilities as most of them reflect two are more disabilities.
• Retaining persons with mental retardation may reflect the reality than the intellectual disability as it moves toward slow a learner which is the common phenomenon.

Reservation should be 10%, 1% for each category.

As suggested under 2. Category of Disabilities, the suggested are 10 as:

• Persons with Blindness
• Persons with Low Vision
• Persons hearing impairment
• Persons with speech impairment
• Persons with Locomotor impairment
• Persons with Leprosy Cured
• Persons with Mental Illness
• Persons with Multiple Disabilities.
• Persons with Autism & Cerebral Palsy
• Persons with Mental Retardation (than intellectual disability)

5. Prevention of Disability:

o UNCRPD: under Article 2- Awareness Raising – not mentioned about the Prevention.
o RPWDA 2011: under 3 Awareness Raising – not mentioned about the Prevention.

Explanation: Prevention of disability should be the essential part of disability acts. It is the fact and every one believes in “Prevention is better than Cure”. While providing habilitation and rehabilitation services, in general and particularly at grass root level, every PWD, parent, community member and other stakeholders will be curious to know and understand the causes for disability. That means, every one including: government, NGO / service providers, professionals and other stakeholders should talk about the cause of disability and measures for the prevention of disability. If the disability is not prevented or reduced to the maximum extent possible in the given environment, then how to face or answer the following questions as:

o how long habilitation/ rehabilitation should be continued?
o in the complex situation of environment and life, disability is expected to increase?
o is it possible to mobilize the resources (men, material and money) matching to the increasing demand?
o is it the wise step to allow disability to occur to provide habilitation and rehabilitation services?
o knowing disability as the barrier (poverty, disability and development are the cause and consequences of each other), should allow disability to increase or eradicate / reduce to the maximum extent possible in the given environment?
o what will happen to our vision of working for the creation of “Disability Free Society (DFS) or Nation (DFN)?


o Prevention of Disability should be part of the RPWDA 2011,
o Include it as a separate head,
o Include the content as:
o Awareness raising on:
 the causes of disability
 consequences of disability
 measures for the prevention of disability
 integration with other departments as a holistic approach.
o Every habilitation and rehabilitation centre should have the information cell for the prevention of disability.

6. Data Base – Create Disability Register at Panchayat Level (PRI).

Explanation: The present system of mapping has got several limitations and it is well accepted by all of us. Once Disability Register is introduced at Panchayat level, then the vision of; inclusion, mainstreaming & living together can be made as mission and further into reality.

7. Social Security – Creation of separate Cell.

Explanation: The question of every parent that “what will happen to the child after us?” is still not answered properly. In this direction, creation of separate cell with innovation will certainly do the needful for the social security.

8. Awareness – Creation of Information cum Resources Cell (IRC) at Panchayat Level.

Explanation: Once Disability Register is introduced at the Panchayat level, then IRC should be added. It is the fact that many of the services and benefits were not availed by the target groups mainly due to not knowing the same. It is also that many of the concerned departments are not aware or not disseminating the information to the target groups. Creation of IRC will certainly resolve several such barriers and helps for better display with transparency.

9. Separate Disability Commission.

Explanation: Getting the priority also supports for getting the right support for the right people at the right time. Like other marginalized groups, creation of separate Disability Commission helps for better access with rights and further gets right voice with support.

10. Separate University for disability.

Explanation: We all believe that education is the most powerful tool for the empowerment of the people. It is the fact that persons with disabilities participation in the education general and particularly in higher education are very poor due to presence of barriers covering physical, technological and attitudinal. Though efforts are being made to minimize the barriers, creation of separate university may help to get the right channel with barrier free environment.

11. Under the structure of Disability Right Authority (DRA): DRA Organizational structure should go to the panchayat level i. e., Central, State, District, Mandal & Panchayat Level.

Explanation: It is the fact that we all rare looking for the inclusion of persons with disabilities with the aim of living together at the community level itself, the structure of DRA should go down to the level of Panchayat as it the primary administrative unit for implementing every scheme and benefit. A post of Disability Community Worker at the Panchayat level will enhance the access, connectivity, relationships and to resolve many issues what their group is facing at present. It also support for the suggestions given at point 6 & 8 as state above.

12. In addition to suitable representation at Society and political level, there should be a nominated post at all levels.

Explanation: In the present system, there is a representation for every group which is based on several factors like: caste, religion, vulnerability and many others which are well know to all of us. This helps to get the platform to raise the issues and resolve the needs and demands. Like other groups, the person with disabilities know as vulnerable groups with significant percentage should get the privilege of nominated post at all levels i.e., starting from the Panchayat to Central.
Hoping to reach the skateboarders for getting the right thing for the right people at right time...

with thanks


Dear All

See the comments on the above cited subject which is more relevant for all of us working for the community development. We need to raise to the occasion for getting the acceptance from all the stakeholders as it is the need of the hour for reaching the targeted groups with sustainable strategies and interventions and thus for the desired social change. The comments includes:

Yes, Philanthropy certainly works for the social changes. Leaving some glaring examples, many are target oriented leading for the empowerment of the targeted groups. I am moving with the communities and grass root civil societies which are doing excellent work with in the given circumstances and environment.

The philanthropists should also be part of the process rather than simple giver. This helps in several ways as:

@ to see the activity going on for the help extended
@ to inspire the target groups
@ to create better transparency from both the sides
@ to understand the needs and demands of the target groups
@ to document the support and its untility
@ to present and disseminate the same among the stakeholders
@ to distinguish the good work done from others
@ to motivate others to do the same
@ to create seance of security with hope for the vulnerable groups
@ to be part of the community and development.

...... under these positive aspects, i feel that philanthropy certainly works for the social change matching to the needs and demands of the targeted groups.

Looking forward
Also look into the forum of Social Edge for more details and to see more such topics meant for discussion.

with thanks


Dear All

Another important policy is under amendment. In continuation to my earlier posting on the need of reflections and suggestion on FCRA Draft 2011. see my reflections and suggestions as:

1.Under: 9. Application for obtaining ‘registration’ or ‘prior permission’ to receive foreign contribution.

Any person whose request was ceased under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) may prefer a fresh on-line application with the Central Government only after six months from the date of cessation of the previous application.

Suggestion: consider for three month.

Explanation: Six months is quite long and applicants will suffer in general and particularly the one from rural villages.

2.Under: 10. Validity of Certificate. - Every certificate of registration granted to a person under the Act shall be valid for a period of five years from the date of its issue.

Suggestion: Retain the old system of validity once for all.

Explanation: The process of renewal will take time and money. It will be more difficult for the rural organizations / people. Even the 80G which is valid for three years and needs to be renewed has realized the difficulties and amended for once for all. Keeping the barriers in the process and the trend of 80G, retain the FRCA validity once for all.

3.Add the Monitoring Mechanism once in 5 years: This is suggested in the place of renewal for an effective monitoring of the contributions received. NIL contributions continuously for 5 years can be viewed separately. This helps the Account holders to put their best efforts for getting the support for the cause for which it was approved.

4.Under: transferring FC funds to organizations: For the NGOs, CBOs, DPOs and others who are under federation or legally related or jointly operating, FCRA of Federation or mother organization should be considered for receiving contributions and for transferring with transparency.

Looking froward to get better policies for the benefit of peoples' development with sustianbility...

with thanks

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Dear All

One side our nation is facing problem with the shortage of resources and on other side by poor implementation or slippages in its utilization & management. One such slippage has been brought out in the down to earth while implementing Rural Drinking Water Supply Scheme. The reflections on this key issue includes as:
Thanks to the author who did commendable work on the key issue of water.

The slippage in Indian Rural Drinking Water Supply Scheme (RDWSS) is mainly due to several reasons like:

@ In adequate water resources
@ poor measures of developing water resources
@ In adequate infrastructure
@ Significant gap between the lab and land
@ poor participation of the stakeholders of the
@ Lack of commitment
@ Looking it as more as popularity scheme rather that
the developmental one
..... it goes on...

This should not be the end and we all are interested to understand the situation and look forward for ratification and thus to reach the targeted goals and people with sustainable solutions matching to their needs and demands.

The community solutions are simple and known to all of us. If the community is made responsible (known as community driven development), then most of the issues will be solved for the effective implementation of the RDWSS and to improve the access for water in general and particularly the vulnerable groups including persons with disabilities.
Looking forward to reach the people

with thanks


Dear All

In continuation,it is the need of the hour to understand the point that every drop of water counts. Some of the reflections on this crucial subject are as follows:

Yes, every drop counts as water is the life saving commodity with out which nothing can be imagined for the people. Understanding the water crises and in spite of its alarming situation,still way out is possible.The community solutions with the community can resolve several challenges. Let us commit our selves to work for the harvesting and management of water with simple solutions. I am part of this process and will be facilitating service organizations for doing the needful at their respective community. Looking forward for creating sound and greenery environment and thus to move towards development with sustainability and quality.
Looking forward

with thanks

GOVT SCHOOLS Unlearning the untruths ?????

Dear all

See the comments made on the the most powerful empowerment tool known as EDUCATION published in Indian Together as:
It is true that Schools run by the Government are the best for imparting the right eduction matching to the Right to Education (RTE). The gap between the plan and reality is significant and alarming. It is not beyond repair. It only needs commitment with accountability from all the stakeholders. On policy and budgetary side, things appears to be reasonable with in the given environment. Major lapses are in its implementation and monitoring. Tings have not move to the grass root in general and more significantly in the rural areas. In this complex environment,the real inclusion of children with disabilities is still alarming. Some of the suggestions to make the government school more efficient are as follows:
@ Stict mechanism for implementtion
@ Participation of parents
@ Motivation for govt. schools
@ Need based syllabus & methodologies
@ Better access with barrier free
environment (BFE)covering physical,
technological and attitudinal
@ capacity building of teachers & others
@ Development of infratructure
@ monitoring & evaluation systems
@ ways-penalties &appreciations
................ the list will continue. All these measures are simple and practicable and are mostly acceptable for all the stakeholders. If we all put our heart and hand, then nothing is impossible...

Looking forward for .. quality education and inclusive education....

with thanks
Looking forward for better participation

with thanks

Friday, March 18, 2011

Can India meet the 2012 deadline to provide safe drinking water to all rural homes?

Dear All

In continuation to the earlier posting on water, the article published in Down to Earth is the real eye opening to all of us. The pan and reality are different and moves on different platforms. The comments made to CSE on this key issue were furnished below for better reach as:

The vision is right but the mission is not matching. The challenges of water like: shortage,pollution, salinity & miss management are complex and alarming. These are difficult but not impossible, it own needs commitment with accountability on life cycle basis. If this is the general situation, then the access by the persons with disabilities is beyond imagination? The dead line of 2012 to provide safe drinking water to all the rural homes looks bright on the paper but not at the grass root which i could see. Such gaps between the lab / plan to land leads for mistrust, depression and conflicts among the stakeholders. All these happens mostly due to the poor or no participation of the targeted groups in the projects of development. SWOT of such projects helps us for not repeating such gaps and to work for the people by the people with need based strategies and interventions.

Looking forward to make reflections on this key resource without this life is beyond imagination.

with thanks

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Dear All

It is the fact that WATER is the most precious natural resource which laterally control everything on this universe.

The situation of water in Jharkand is alarming and needs attention from the stakeholders with community solutions with sustainability. One such reflection is furnished below as:

Drought hit – Jharkand’s water table falls three meters in one year. Feb 16-28, 2011:

This is the clear cut example of poor planning and implementation of water harvesting programmes (Drought hit – Jharkhand’s, Feb 16-28, 2011). Lack of advance need based assessment & planning, urbanization, non-scientific approaches and poor community participation has resulted for the fall of water table in the range of 2 to 9m. The situation is alarming and needs immediate action. The strategy like: geological / geophysical mapping, need based rainwater harvesting, development of surface water resources, community ownership with women participation, government support through various schemes and facilitation by the local NGOs certainly improves the water situation and thus results for sustainable development.

Lakshmi Narayana Nagisetty


Reflections from the stockholders is must to reduce the gap between the Lab to Land and to achieve development with sustainability and quality matching to the needs of the people and the environment...

Looking forward to hear from you

with thanks

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Comments and suggestions of draft FCRA

Dear All

It is the high time to get the right acts for the right cause & support. In continuation look into the following for contributing to the draft on FCRA. Please see the link as:

The Ministry of Home Affairs would like to get your comments and suggestions
on the draft Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules 2011. Copy of rules are
at and also

Email your comments to . Do send us a copy on for follow-up, or do post directly in

Looking forward

with thanks


Dear All

After understanding the importance and significance of UNCRPD, the process of amending our Acts has helped us to raise issues and challenges to include in the coming new law. In continuation to my earlier reflections on the proposed new law known as "RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (RPWD)2011", the process is going on to get the view of the stakeholders by conducting consultative meetings at district level. I had one such opportunity to the Chief Guest at Warangal. The meeting was jointly organized by the District Disability Department and Manochetana, an NGO on 14th of March 2011.

The meet was successful in reaching the stakeholders and to get back their remarks, comments, suggestions and recommendations. The view of the meet is shown below:

Looking forward get more reflections and suggestions to get the right law for the right people.......

with thanks


Dear All

In continuation,process is going on to support the stakeholders for reaching the people at the right time with right support. In this process, adding support for the process is more important as it ads flavor for the improvement. One such comment and suggestions made on the cited title (article was published in Down To Earth) is furnished below as:
Lunch is served. But what about education? Feb 1-15, 2011:

It is rightly pointed out that lunch is served but not concentrated much on the education (Green Schools, Feb 1-15, 2011). The Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) is aiming more towards the improved enrolement and lesser dropouts. In many aspects, government schools are better than that of the others (which looks for better business) in terms of: approach, cost, reach, sustainability and teachers. But the poor quality of education in these schools is forcing the children to move towards other schools though they are costly. Regarding SSA, though the efforts are welcome, still it could not reach the children with special needs. Simple SWOT analysis of various schools reveals that if the government is committed and moving towards the ‘right to education’, all the children including the one with special needs can be reached with inclusive environment to be created at its schools. This is more relevant and needy that education is the most powerful tool to work for the eradication of poverty & corruption and to achieve the sustainable development with quality at levels.

Lakshmi Narayana Nagisetty

Looking forward for better understanding and better reach

with thanks

Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear all

In addition,planning for another event on WDD 2011 and the details are as follows:

Title: Water and Disability.


When: 22nd March 2011

Venue: Siddipet, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh. India

Contact details of person-in-charge: N Lakshmi Narayana. 09392445973
Dasaripalla Joji. 09394158524


Looking forward

with thanks


Dear All

In continuation, everything is moving forward with the process of LPG and its development and disasters. The use of technology is good as long as it is under control on need based strategy. When it goes beyond, then negative impact of the technology is expected to dominate the people and the environment.

One such technology is the cell phone and its infrastructural development. Down to Earth came out with an article that Radiation emitted out of the cell phone tower is safe. The concept behind the study and the patter is expected to deviate from the reality. Suggestions made in this direction which were communicated to the Journal were furnished below for wide circulation as:

Warning Signal from Cell phone Towers: January 16-31, 2011.

Radiation from cell phone towers (January 16-31, 2011) do harm the people and environment. The questions raised are at what distance? & what duration of exposure? Systematic study to establish the reality should be the top priority irrespective of the assumptions or studies conducted else where. The survey conducted at the selected spots (locations of the spots w.r.t the tower are missing) in the Capital may not represent the reality and further creates confusion and conflicts. The survey with circular grid around the tower at the distance of 10m, ¼LT, ½LT, ¾LT & 1LT (where LT represent the length of the tower) with minimum of four readings (N, E, S & W) on each grid at the time interval of 6 hours (to monitor for one day from 0 to 24 hours) will be more appropriate and effective. Later, at selected vulnerable spots, establish the equipment for continuous recording for the duration of weak, month or so. In addition, conduct medical camps for screening the people in respect of numerological symptoms, skin, eye & hair issues and other related issues with specific factor relating their stay or period of exposure like: 1 year, < or > 5 years. The data generated by these surveys are expected to bring the reality and further to convince the people for the good or bad of the radiation and to take suitable measures in the later case. In future, making such pre-conditions or tests as mandatory for the establishers helps to protect the health of the people as well as the environment and to avoid confusion & conflicts among the stakeholders.

Lakshmi Narayana Nagisetty

Looking forward for the prevention of such alarming signals along with the safer use of technology for the health of the people as well as the environment....

with thanks

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Regional Parents' Meet 2011 at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.

Dear All,

In continuation to it best efforts in reaching the unreached, PARIVAAR CCH, Hyderabad is going to organize the above cited event with the support of PARIVAAR, Bangalore and sponsorship of the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH),Secunderabad.

This event focuses on the challenges, opportunities, rights & benefits and empowerment of persons with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities as defined in the National Trust Act 1999 for moving towards the holistic development with sustainability and quality of life (QOL)with right based strategies.

It will be a good gathering of targeted groups, parents,service providers,professionals, authorities and other stakeholders

The details of the programme are follows:

@ Dates: 26th & 27th March 2011.

@ Venue: Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.

@ Local Organization: Sai Prema, Vijayawada.

@ Contact details:

Shri. B Ramajoga Rao, President: 09866162342

Shri. N Lakshmi Narayana, Technical Adviser:09392445973

Smt. B Jhansi Lakshmi, Hon. Principal: 09849524249 / 0866-2547074

More details will be posted in respect of Main Theme and other information.

Be in touch for joining the event which helps the targeted groups to be part of the community in an inclusive environment.

Looking forward for better networking and thus to reach the unreached with sustainable solutions matching to their challenges & needs as a RIGHT.

with thanks


Friday, March 4, 2011


Dear All


Recently i had an opportunity to present a paper at the national Conference on Social Marketing & Disability Rehabilitation organized by NIMH during 3rd & 4th March 2011 at Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh. The abstract of the paer is pasted below as:

N Lakshmi Narayana
Geo Rehab Centre. Hyderabad. e-mail:


Keywords: E – Technology, Social Marketing, Empowerment, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Water, Poverty, Independent Living, Mainstreaming, Livelihood Activities, Networking.

Electronic (“E”) Technology play significant role in connecting people with development matching to their needs and demands. The person with disabilities needs connectivity for getting services and support system to over come their barriers with increased access. In addition, creating livelihood is becoming more complex as the market is highly competitive in respect of innovation and promotion. The Social Marketing will address the needs of the disability rehabilitation. While applying the main 4P’s: Product, Price, Place & Promotion, additional 4P’s: Public, Partnership, Policy & Purse String, modified beneficiary focused SIVA: Solution, Information, Value & Access and business to person with disabilities (B2P) of social marketing through community approaches, e-technologies connects people with relationship and thus supports for the needs and demands of the persons with disabilities. E-technologies works on project life cycle basis and thus works for significant impact in the disability rehabilitation starting from the stage of identification to empowerment covering medical, social and developmental areas with better sustainability and quality.

The e-technologies works with the organizations for disability rehabilitation including: e-mailing & chatting, e-networks, e-forums, e-news letter & updates, e-conferencing, websites & blogs, mobile phones, e-media, e-resource mobilization, e-education, e-governance and other developmental activities of the target groups supports social marketing for the needs and demands of the organization as well as the target groups. The impact and advantages of e-technologies were significant and paper presents several case studies with its practical utility along with its significant impact. The methodologies / tools used are simple, adoptable, sustainable and cost effective and can be replicated with civil societies and associated associations working in the area of disability rehabilitation.

Looking forward for better interaction for the benefit of the society.

with thanks


Dear all

In continuation to my earlier posting on this important subject, on 3rd & 4th of Mach 2011, NIMH has organized two day National Conference. I have got an opportunity to present a paper on the above cited study.

For the benefit and wide circulation,i am pasting the abstract of the same below as:
N Lakshmi Narayana
Geo Rehab Centre, e-mail:


Keywords: Social Marketing, Empowerment, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Poverty, Independent Living, Inclusion, Livelihood Activities.

In the process of disability rehabilitation, community based rehabilitation (CBR) has got several advantages over the institutional based rehabilitation (IBR) in working for the empowerment of person with disabilities as an inclusion with holistic development. The paradigm shift of disability rehabilitation from charity to developmental and further to rights model has created thrust for social marketing for changing the attitude and behavior for the well being of the targeted groups. Use of main 4P’s: Product, Price, Place & Promotion, additional 4P’s: Public, Partnership, Policy & Purse String, modified beneficiary focused SIVA: Solution, Information, Value & Access and business to person with disabilities (B2P) of social marketing through community approaches have resulted for strengthening the process of empowering the target groups. The methodologies adopted including: awareness, training, workshops, seminars, networking, e-technology, livelihood activities and development of human resources enhanced the capacities of the person with disabilities, their parents & community members and other stakeholders to create right based environment for leading an independent living with better sustainability and quality of life. The concept of social marketing in disability rehabilitation with CBR approaches on project life cycle basis were presented in this paper and also made suggestions for future perspective. The process and approaches were well accepted by the stakeholders and can be implemented in any other environment suiting to its challenges, skills, needs and vulnerability.

Looking forward for your reflections, suggestion and recommendations so that event can be transformed into a process for the benefit of the targeted groups and the Society or the Nation at large.

with thanks