Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dear All
In continuation to the earlier postings on the need of looking disability and disasters as one of the cause and consequnces as both results for deterioartion and severe vulnerabilities.  

In this direction, NIDM is going to organize a traing programme on this on National level and i am going to associate with this as a resource person.

It is the needy to address the issues and special needs of the pesons with disabilities at three stage as:
  • Before disasters
  • During Disasters and
  • After Disasters.
In this process, preparedness is the top priroity to minimize the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). This is the paradigm shift from relief centric to risk reduction and NIDM has created the the National Platform for DRR and going to do the needful in making it more effective. I have made contribution for this emphasising on the Community Based Model i.e. CBDRR and will be presenting in due course of time. 

More will be psoting on this key issue.

Looking forward

All the Best    

Independent India worse for tribals ???

Dear All

The comments made on the the subject of "Independent India worse for tribals" is posted below for reay reference as:
Yes, it is the reality (Independent India worse for tribals’- DTE 15th June 2012). The concerned authorities and other stakehodlers should understand this reality and reconiges ther needs & rihgts of the targeted groups.The policies, strategies and interventions should be need based matching to the needs, skills,local resoruces and vulnerabilites of the targeted groups.
In view of the Acts and Policies, all these things should be right based as it is the right of these targeted groups to utilize the local resources for leading better living with sustainability and quality of lfe.
In spite of these challenges and vulnerabilities,still the targeted groups can have better opportunities as an empowerment for sustainable development.In onely needs the concern and commitment of the concerned stakeholders to do their job at the rihgt time with right based strategies and interventions.  
Still, with best efforts, we all hope for the better living of the targeted groups with better access for inclusion.       
Looking forward for better sharing and reflections

All the Best    

Monday, May 21, 2012


Dear All

It is the fact that there is no life with out water and beyond imagination to visualize this situation. Knowing this, what is going on to understand its improtance, crises, issues with shortage or excess, pollution, mismanagement ........ and ways to come out of it.

Media both print and electronic are trying theri best in creating awareness to all the readers who are essentially the stakeholders. What is happening is the we all raise the voice only when the problem comes like drought or floods. The result is damage to the people, property and environment. All the remedies by spending lot of energy and resources may yeild temporary results with out access or sustainability. We all are facing or atleast able to see or read the situation and its consequencs. 

The seasons are well known to us and the only lacking issue is poor preparedness. We open our eyes when the probelm occurs and tries to get some temporary solutions. It is our experience that this sort of approaches are not going to be sustainable. 

The need of the hour is to look for permanent solutions with preparedness to face the situation. Do you feel it is impossible? Certainly not yet all. It only needs concern & commitment both in understanding, and management.

Then the question comes, who is responsible?  Certainly we, the users of consumers. If we all can take some simple measures, the extent of water crises can be minimized to larger extent. It is to store and manage rainwater which is well known as RAINWATER HARVESTING (RWH) and every one of us either on individual basis or community basis can do it for making wonders in preserving our life saving and most precious natrual resource.

The main focus of RWH is to store on surface and to recharge the ground water. It cn be done by the individual house owners and the people living in apartments. During this crises period, i receive several mails and calls asking for solution. Make RWH as an habit as water is the essential component for development. I am doing this in my house and able to see & enjoy the difference.

Every one should do RWH for the benefit of self and environment.  In its absence, we will be facing its consequences more seriouly than what we all are facing in this summer. 

Hope to make RWH as an habit to save the life and environment........     

Looking forward

All the Best        

Friday, May 18, 2012


Dear All

As posted earlier, WATER is the life saving Natural Resource and links with the development at all stages. An article has been brought out that "Six sins that make drought invincible" (read more at: Yes it is true that we have made droughts perpetual—rain or no rain, money or no money. The comments made by me were pasted below as: 

First accept congrats for bringing such news to the stakeholders. Yes, we have made droughts perpetual—rain or no rain, money or no money. The surprise is that knowing this fact of "six sins that make drought invincible", no one is ready to shoulder the responsibility and the probelm continues with wastage of lot money and energy.

The system has been habituated to address the issue when people raise theiri voice when it comes to alarming stage. When the challenge is known and occurs on annual basis, why the planners or elected representatives should wait to till the last for solving the problem by wasting money & energy with out sustanblty & quality. It reflects the lack of concern and commitment in looking for sustainable solutions with quality.

Then knowing everything about the drought like challenges and solutions, who should come forward is the main concern? Certainly it the people or the community to get it done by the concerned authorities. The community strategies and interventions alone can bring the sustainable solutions with quality not only for water but also for other challenges of the people.

Let us hope that the people will be empowered to address their socio & economical challenges for living with enhaned quality of life with better sustainability. This certainly helps to move forward from developing to developed.
Looking forward for better sharing and to get sustainable solutions .....
All the Best

Monday, May 14, 2012


Dear All

In continuation to my visit to SREES and postings made on this blog, see the photo view as:

Addressing the Trainnes and Staff of SREES

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Dewar All

Edcuaiton is the most powerful tool for empowering the children in general and particularly the one with special needs. The efforts are going on to provide "free and compulsory educaiton for all  (FACE)" keeping Right to Edcuation (RTE) 2009. It is the right issue to be addressed for understanding its effective utilization, challenges and opportunites for reaching its targeted goals.

The number of children out of school (COS) has reached to an alrming stage. Efforts are going on to work for the inclusion of the children with special needs. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) later changed as Rajiv Vidhya Mission (RVM) is one such novel scheme to establish special training centres.  

In addition, the National Trust, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Scoial Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi also works in this direction through its novel schme of ASPIRATION. It concentrates for the children in the age group of 0-6 years with disabilities like mental retradation, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilties.

Several NGOs are running this project and putting their best for the real inclusion of the targeted children with special needs. 

Still the COS is quite high which reflects the ineffectiveness of the RTE 2009. It further links up with the non achievement of the Millinium Developmental Goals (MDGs).  

Star Youth Association (SYA), an NGO with base at Velugodu, Kurnool Dist, AP., is going to organize National Semianr on RTE 2009. It expects good participation of the stakeholders with right inputs both to understand and suggest solutions / opportunities to overcome the challenges. This certainly results for the added responsibility of the NGOs to fill the GAP.   

Looking forward for better utlization of the rights for the real empowerment of our children with quality education.......      

All the Best


Dear All

In continaution to the efforts of networking and to reach the targeted people, i had an interesting interactions with the Secretay of SANGALA RAMAKRISHNA INSTITUTE which is worikng for the training and rehabilitation of the  Persons with Mental Retardation. It is situated at Kodad of Nalgonda District of Andhra Pradesh. 

In this area, in addition to the noraml causes of the Disabilties, the high content of fluoride in the water is the another seriou issue. Keeping this in view, the insitute is trying its best to go for multisectoral appraoches and interventions so that prevetnion of disability can be made effective. 

After the initial discussion, the paln is to move forward to see the reality at grass root situation. Certainly, working for the PMRs is the real challenge and neds to look for creative and innovative strategies and interventions matching to the skills, needs and vulnerability of the group. 

In this journey, the identified NGO needs support from all the stakholders staying all over the globe. I will be posting more and more on this noble service inclduing the use of e-technologies. 

Looking forward for better connectivity in reaching the targeted groups with sustainable solutions...

With thanks    

Friday, May 4, 2012


Dear All

There is a need to consider the Saniation as  a Right as it is real barrier in achieveing the sustainable development. In this direction ELRS is going to conduct a National Seminar, The abstract submitted for this purpose is pasted below as:

Lakshmi Narayana N
Director, Geo Rehabilitation Centre
Geohouse, # 2-3-173, Road No: 2,
Adarsh Nagar, Nagole,
Hyderabad -500068.AP. India.


Keywords: Availability, Accessibility, Affordability, Water, Soil, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Community, Empowerment, Inclusion.

Statement of the Problem: The poor availability and accessibility for sanitation leads for health hazards and pollution to water, soil & environment and further for poor development with poor sustainability and quality of life of the people in rural villages in general and women & persons with disabilities in particular and Nation.

Objectives of the Study: The study is with community based initiatives and has specific objectives which include:

o To create awareness on better sanitation facilities,
o To understand the causes and consequences of open defecation,
o To introduce the concept of 3As,
o To explain the need of Access Audit and Universal Design,
o To make Community Based Initiatives (CBIs),
o To plan sanitation as community development as a right and
o To know the role and opportunities for the Community Based Organizations (CBOs).

Background: The open defecation is predominant in rural environments rather than urban areas minus slums. The consequences of this process are complex and causes for health hazards and pollution to water (both surface and subsurface), soil and environment. In addition, it is the issue of dignity and privacy. Among the marginalized groups, women and persons with disabilities are the most vulnerable which some times leads for their exploitation including sexual harassment. The poor access for water is one of the barriers of non-utilizing of lavatories. The efforts of government and other stakeholders through Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) have yet to reach its target of moving towards Free Open Defecation (FOD). Under these circumstances, the present study gains importance to look for Community Based Initiatives (CBIs) with better approaches for 3As.

Methodologies: The methodologies adopted includes: creation of awareness on the need of sanitation facilities, concept of 3As, concept of Access Audit & Universal Design, beginning of Community Based Initiatives, right based strategy as part of community development and role & opportunities for CBOs.

Results and Conclusions: The study has been carried-out covering rural parts of Andhra Pradesh. The outcome is significant in terms of: better awareness, change in attitude, better understanding of 3As, better view of Access Audit & Universal Design, need of adding as part of community development to work with dignity & right and better role & opportunities for CBOs with better participation. This further made the community to move forward with initiation for creating better sanitation facilities with better 3As which leads for FOD. The CBIs are simple, flexible and participative matching to the needs of the people and availability of local resources.

Recommendations: In view of the complexity and vulnerability to health hazards and pollution to water, soil and environment, recommendations includes: training to stakeholders, encourage students for project / research, development of networks and linking of sanitation with other social benefits.
Looking forward for better sharing and reflections...

All the Best