Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Dear All

Continued the journey of publication and recently (October - December 2020) published the above paper in MAHILA PRATISHTHA, an International Multidisciplinary Journal and brief details include: 



Poor availability, accessibility, and affordability for agriculture inputs and food grains affect food security both at the stage of production as well as distribution which finally lowers larger population’s health, education, development, and other vulnerabilities with poor quality of life.  Food is the basic and critical need of everyone and India is the Agriculture based Country where around 70% of the rural population depend on agriculture. The processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, the model of development has got shifted to Business Oriented Development where it aims for business or profit. Mismatch in inputs supports, crop management, transfer of technologies, pattern of harvesting, transportation, storage, and other processes have resulted for lower production with productivity with low returns. The farmers and other people connected with agriculture are facing several challenges and are unable to continue agriculture as it has become uneconomic. The mission of food security gets affected both at production and its distribution. There exist several leakages of food grains and wastage at all levels. Water is another precious natural resource which is well connected with the production of food grains and further with poverty and development. India has accepted Sustainable Development Goals and further developed its future vision as Modern India with several missions where Zero Hungry, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture as Goal 2 has gained priority. In addition to the efforts made by Government to achieve the targets and indicators of Goal 2 as a partner, Civil Society Organizations do have several opportunities at all the stages of Food Security. The initiatives as opportunities are need based and simple and are expected to result for significant impact with better sustainability and quality.                                 

Key Words: Water, Food, Farmers, Hungry, Health, Education, Development, Production, Productivity, Marketing, Sustainability, Quality of Life.    

Statement of the Problem

Poor availability, accessibility, and affordability for agriculture inputs and food grains affect food security both at the stage of production as well as distribution which finally lowers larger population’s health, education, development, and other vulnerabilities with poor quality of life.  


The author is well connected (as a farmer, explorer, faculty, guide, trainer, mentor, counselor, documenter, facilitator, mobilizer, researcher, etc.) with the domains of Water, Health, Education, Agriculture, Nutrition, and other associated as part of Development covering different terrains and parts of the Nation and some of the initiatives taken up include:

Ø  Awareness cum Advocacy on needs of People and Communities in general and specifically connected with Water Security, Food Security, and Sustainable Agriculture.

Ø  Use of Geotools (Geological, Geophysical, Hydrological, Geochemical, Drilling, and other supporting tools) supported for mapping, assessment, identification, monitoring, evaluation, protection, and management of water resources (both surface water and subsurface / groundwater).

Ø  Training and Workshops (for various stakeholders) on the need of transforming technologies from Lab to Land with better utility; community preparedness to face hazards & disasters; and other associated aspects of community development.

Ø  Teaching connected with Water, Health, Sanitation (WASH), Education, Land & Soil Management, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Pollution & Environment, Project Management, and other aspects of Community Development.

Ø  Research activity in the area of Water, Sanitation (WASH), Education, Food & Nutrition, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Social Marketing, and Product Making.   

Ø  Supporting Conferences and Seminars with presentations connected with Water, Nutrition, Education, Land & Soil, Agriculture, and other aspects of Community Development.

Ø  Use of E Forums for better connectivity, reach, sharing, dissemination, facilitation, care, and other needed services and supports.

Ø  Publication of papers (in National and International Journals, Seminar Volumes & Edited books) on subjects like Water, Sanitation (WASH), Food & Nutrition, Farmers, Community Development, Social Marketing, Land & Soil, Hazards & Disasters, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Pollution & Environmental Management, and other aspects of Development of People & Communities.

Ø  Mentoring CSOs working on Water, Health, Sanitation (WASH), Education, Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Product Making, Land & Soil, Pollution & Environment, Consumer Protection, etc., with priority for rural areas.

Ø  Mobilization of Resources for CSOs with better connectivity of Government, Private, Corporate, Fudging Agencies (both National and International), and other Agencies.              

The initiatives taken up are need based and resulted for significant impact in achieving the desired targets with better participation, accountability, responsibility, and transparency (PART) making services and supports available, accessible and affordable (3As) for All for better living in an inclusive community with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL).


It is observed that Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security has gained priority for the development of People and Nation and the recommendations made include:

ü  Better Awareness with IEC Martials on Sustainable Development Goals to various Stakeholders.

ü  Trainings, Workshops, Conferences, and Seminars on Sustainable Development Goals with priority for Farmers, and other concerned groups of Agriculture and Water Departments,

ü  Support Schools, Colleges, and Universities for better sharing and dissemination with the use of technologies.

ü  Support National Institutes, and other Research Centers connected with Agriculture and Food Processing & Product Making for effective transfer of technologies from Lab to Land with better management.

ü  Develop Farm Clubs to support inputs, crop management, production, processing, product making, marketing, and disposal with better quality and sustainability.

ü  Linkup Farmers & Community with Self Help Groups for Product Making and Marketing with better returns.

ü  Support Civil Society Organizations to work with Government and Private (including Corporate) on Partnership basis for better Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture.      


Looking forward

With tahnks     

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


 Dear All, 

Continued my journey of mentoring NGOs and publication of the model developed ad implemented both in Urban and Rural Areas. In this direction, the most needy group is the Senior Citizens with Disabilities as they are most vulnerable and marginalized due to ageing and disability. This study has been published in Desh Vikas, a Multidisciplinary Journal, during October - December 2020. Brief details of eh same were presented below as: 


Senior Citizens with Disabilities are the affected group with the issues of ageing and disabilities. The Census indicates that the population of this group is increasing with better life span supported by health care facilities for the one living in urban area and economically secured. Disability can acquire for this group by birth or during their life sap. The life span of the women is more than male reflecting their flexibility and adjustment. This group has to be seen as two sides of the same coin where on one side needs care, training & rehabilitation and on the other side can be considered as valued human resources. The Disability Acts and Elders Acts do provide rights to get protected both socially and economically. The limitations of service delivery do affect the reach to the targeted group both quantitatively and qualitatively. The challenges with this working frame are many and forces the group to be more marginalized including isolation leading to poor quality of life. At the same time, several opportunities open ups to minimize these challenges which finally enhances their happy and healthy living with improved quality of life. Government, Private and NGOs have got their specific role in working for the wellness of the group and together working on the mode of partnership do work effectively with better participation, accountability, responsibility and transparency which further improves the delivery system with better availability, accessibility and affordability.  The models and initiatives deployed in the study are simple, flexible, replicable, scalable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.     

Key Words: Seniors, Disabilities, Development, Marginalized, Isolated, Development, Care, Rehabilitation, Quality of Life, Environment.

Statement of the Problem

The Seniors with Disabilities affected with disabilities and ageing are the most marginalized and isolated from family both socially and economically and thus leads poor quality of life (QOL).

Wellbeing of Seniors with Disabilities

Wellbeing is defined as the condition of the individual or group’s positive outcome and experience of being comfortable, healthy, happy and prosperous. This is also known as quality of life (QOL). The wellbeing of this group has got affected with the challenges of ageing and disabilities and vary from category of disability to another. In view of this, there is a need to work for the wellbeing of Senior Citizens with Disabilities with matching strategies and interventions as a solution. There exist several Acts at both National and International level to protect the wellbeing of the Seniors with disabilities.


The author is very much attached with the targeted groups for more than a decade and able to conceptualize, design, develop and implement several initiatives including their monitoring and evaluation (CDDIME). Some of the key initiatives taken up with NGOs covering major parts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana include:  

ü  Creation of Awareness cum Advocacy for the targeted groups, family members, community members, care givers, professionals, service providers, and other well wishers on the need and ways to work for the wellness of the Seniors with Disabilities.

ü  Assessment, Screening and Referral Services to the targeted groups as well as the family members for understanding the real needs and ways to cater them.

ü  Counselling cum Guidance for the targeted groups and family members for home based care and rehabilitation.  

ü  Trainings for the Care Givers, Professionals and Service Providers (NGOs) on the model of Care & Rehabilitation.

ü  Seminars and Workshops on various Disability Acts, Maintenance & Protection for Elders, Protection cum Grievance Mechanism for Service Providers, Professionals and other Stakeholders.

ü  Mobilization of Resources from Government, Private, Corporate (CSR), Funding Agencies both National & International, Financial Institutes, Foundations, Trusts, Individuals and other Philanthropists.    

ü  Use of technologies including e-forums for better connectivity, sharing and dissemination on the needs and measures taken from time to time.

ü  Publication of Papers connected with the care and rehabilitation of the targeted groups as an inclusive approach with wider connectivity.

ü  Encouraging the students and other research group for developing better service models with innovation and creativity.    

ü  Mentoring Service Providers (NGOs) for tracking, systems, accountability, transparency and mobilizing resources for better sustainability.

ü  Associating with Communities for developing Day Care cum Residential Facilities with better ownership.

ü  Networking with Government, Private and NGOs to work with better accountability on the model of Partnership known as GPN Partnership.           


The study gained priority and need to be continued for the benefit of the targeted group as well as to their family & community and some of the recommendations made include:

ü  To encourage Student and Researchers to take up the study in association with NGOs in general and particularly in rural villages.

ü  To work for the effective implementation of the rights and provisions made in various disability and other related acts.

ü  To prepare the family and community for accepting the group with dignity and respect with need based service system within them.

ü  To conduct Trainings, Workshops and Seminars for Professionals and Service Providers and to build strong connectivity.

ü  To encourage NGOs to work with Government and Private (majorly CSR) on Partnership (GPNP) basis dominantly with bottom up approaches.    


Looking forward

With thanks 

Friday, December 11, 2020



Development of People, Community and Nation is the continuous process matching to the dynamic needs of the targeted groups and environment. Development has to be seen as two faces of the same coin having economic development on one side and social development on the other side and both should move together for positive output, growth, progress and impact. The processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, have brought development on one side and on the other side widened the gap between the urban and rural and rich and poor. The proposed people oriented development has been shifted to business oriented development where the promoters or investors were concentrated more on profits. Poverty and Development are the cause and consequences of each other and every human activity contributes for development resulting for positive change or negative change as waste or both over the people and environment. The best efforts made in the area of poverty alleviation supporting for Roti, Kapada and Makhan are still facing limitations and water has been added for which people are struggling. Nation has got its vision plan with several missions tuning to the targets of Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved with specific framework. Waste generated along with the processes of development do result several challenges and at the same time open up opportunities for its effective management. The Government, Private and CSO Partnership works for better inclusion with integrated and sustainable development. The initiatives taken up have resulted for significant impact which are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable.                 

Key Words: Development, Waste, Growth, Utility, Benefits, Management, Community, Environment, Accessibility, Sustainability, Quality,        

 Statement of the Problem

Mismanagement of the outputs or benefits of Development, and its distribution to all on one side and on the other side waste or pollution emerged do affect the health and wealth of the People, Environment and Nation with inequality, wider gaps, crises, violence, marginalization, isolation, migration, hazards, disasters and its unhealthy consequences.

GPC Partnership

Development is a continuous process and it is the primary responsibility of the Government to work for the growth (both economical and social) of the people in general and particularly PAPs, poor, marginalized and other vulnerable groups. In addition, Government has accepted to achieve the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) tuning to its vision (Clean India, Green India, Digital India, Accessible India, Skill India, MakeIn India, & Entrepreneurs India) of Modern India or New India or Empowered India.


Government: Though it is the primary responsibility of the Government to work for the growth of the people but it is the fact and reality that Government do have several limitations in reaching and catering the people living all over the Nation. The key limitations include: dominated by top down approaches (TDAs), limited resources (both human and financial resources), fixed & limited working or functional or organizational frame, poor or limited service delivery systems (SDSs), limited control for monitoring and evaluation including auditing, and poor or limited continuity (or sustainability) which affect the reach to the targeted groups both quantitatively and qualitatively. In view of all such limitations and challenges, Government looks for support from other stakeholders.             


Private: Private Industries (including Corporate) is also having social responsibility known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to support the Government in achieving its targets of working for the growth and development of people in general and particularly poor and other vulnerable or marginalized groups. One of the key models of Private supporting the Government is to work on the mode of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in the selected developmental area like: irrigation, power generation, mining, metro rail, roads, and other infrastructural development projects. All such projects work on the model of build and operate with dominance on its utility to the common public. In addition, Private can also support for the Education, Employment, Health, Skill Development, Livelihoods, Environment, and others matching to the needs of the local community and their area of activity or project. In spite of doing some activities (major infrastructural projects) by private to Government known as Public Private Partnership (PPP), still both together do have limitations in reaching its objective of people’s growth and development and needs the support of third player.      


CSOs: Civil Society Organizations, (CSOs) also known as Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are the voluntary service organization working on not for profit motto. Majority of them are registered organizations (as per the guideline of the Government both Central and State) and work for the people’s growth and development by staying very near to them. CSOs work with bottom up approaches (BUAs) by developing the working model based on the needs of the people and community with better participation, accountability, responsibility and transparency (PART) and thus make supports and services to the people with better availability, accessibility and affordability (3As) with better quality and sustainability. As they work for the people by the people, they utilize the local resources to the maxim extent possible so that the adaptability and utilization will be maximum with belonginess or ownership. CSOs do have flexibility to get resources from Funding Agencies, Local Establishments, Donors and other well wishers. The major limitation of CSOs is not having regular support of getting resources either on project mode or onetime. In view of this, CSOs needs the support of other stakeholders.


Author is having more than three decades of experience in this area of working with Government, Private and CSOs and some of the key initiatives taken up includes:

Ø  Awareness cum Advocacy programmes organized on the models of development and its management for selected stakeholders has motivated them to move towards inclusive, integrated and sustainable development (IISD).

Ø  Mapping and scanning for selected natural resources and its excavation has resulted for the development of people and community with better sustainability and quality.

Ø  Use of Geotools covering: Survey, Geological, Hydrological, Geophysical, Geochemical, Drilling and other associated have supported for better mapping, assessment, excavation, monitoring and evaluation. They have also supported for the mapping and monitoring of waste generated from the selected developmental projects.

Ø  Capacity building and skill development of targeted groups has improved their employability in open market, self employment, group (self help groups – SHGs) employment and income generation programmes (IGPs) and thus got empowered both economically and socially with improved quality of life (QOL).

Ø  Training and workshops conduced for various groups have resulted for better transfer of technologies from Lab to Land with better utility and outputs.

Ø  Mentoring of selected CSOs working on various issues and needs of the people and community resulted for their enhanced capacities with systems and values.

Ø  Use of media (e-forums) has supported to reach the targeted groups and other stakeholders with better connectivity, sharing and dissemination and thus supported for value building.

Ø  Publications made (both in National and International Journals) have got wide reach with motivation for further study and research work.

Ø  The initiatives made for the partnership of Government, Private and CSOs (GPC) have got better acceptance for achieving inclusive, integrated and sustainable development (IISD).

Ø  Some of the CSOs mentored have got the support from Government, Private, Corporate, Financial Institutes, Funding Agencies (both National and International Agencies), Foundations and other supporting Agencies. The work done and impact created with systems and values have got the acceptance both at National and International level by way of Appreciations and Awards          

The initiatives taken up have resulted for significant outputs and impact in achieving the growth and development of the people and community with better inclusiveness and sustainability.  


In view of the needs and dynamics of the people and community, it is necessary to continue the study and recommendations made include:

ü  To create better Awareness cum Advocacy on the Developmental Activity or Projects and its causes and consequences on People, Community, and Environment.

ü  To promote Development for the people and by the people with better belongingness and ownership.

ü   To support students to take up Project Works and Research Study on the outputs and impact of Developmental Project with Community Approaches.

ü  To support Schools, Colleges and Universities to impart training cum capacity building among the students for better sharing and participation.  

ü  To organize Trainings, Workshops and Seminars on the management of Development and Waste with ecofriendly approach.

ü  To promote the Partnership of Government, Private (Corporate) and CSOs on the mode of DIME and PART.

ü  To support for the empowerment of Communities with better preparedness for facing the hazards and disasters on the model of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).    


Good opportunity for me and looking forward

With thanks 


Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Dear All

In continuation, during this month, published the above cited paper in  International Multidisciplinary E Journal and brief details includes:  


Government has got sufficient resources to cater the needs of its people but not their greed.  The processes of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization though brought development on one side but on the other side the benefits are confined to limited people and areas and thus widened the gap between urban & rural and rich & poor. Continuation of such dominated approaches affect the people with depression, bias, rivalry, crime, vulnerabilities, marginalization, migration, hazards, disasters and their unhealthy consequences. The realities on the ground reflects that Government do have some limitations covering resources, working mechanism, service delivery systems, monitoring, evaluation, impact, tracking and reporting in serving its own people and communities. In the process of searching for better ways, Government has invited Private to work on partnership basis known as Public Private Partnership (PPP). Though it has brought some advantages mostly in major projects and infrastructural developmental facilities. Still Government is facing several challenges in major areas covering: Water, Health Care, Sanitation, Food, Agriculture, Education, Employment, Waste Management, etc., which have contributed for Global Warming & Climate Change and are alarming to the Stakeholders to look for better alternatives including third player who can stay and work with people & community. Use of Social Media and development of NGOs will support the Government in reaching its vision of New India tuning to Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). The opportunities and initiatives taken up are innovative and creative in improving the development with better participation, accountability, responsibility, transparency, visibility, marketing, value addition, branding, and sustainability. The strategies, models and initiatives are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable.              

Key Words: Development, Growth, Resources, Service Delivery, Challenges, Social Media, NGOs, Digital Environment, Opportunities, Sustainability, Inclusion, Wellness.     

Statement of the Problem

The traditional Media do have limitations in reaching the people and their poor participation and access for resources affects their health and wealth along with the Communities and Nation at large.   

NGO Development

NGOs both National and International can work in several areas like: water, food, shelter, health, education, disability, WASH, employment & livelihoods, environment, displacement, rehabilitation & resettlement, hazards & disasters, human rights, social, advocacy and for bringing change in social, economic, environmental and political sectors. The development of NGOs covers Legal, Administrative, Financial, Resources & Technical (LAFRT).


The Author is having wide experience (3 decades+) in Government, Private and NGOs covering major parts of the Nation and able to reach several groups having variety of needs, dynamics and vulnerabilities. Some of the key initiatives (in general and use of social media) taken up includes:

ü  Registration with Government, Private, Corporate, Funding Agencies and other E Platforms.  

ü  Awareness cum Advocacy Programmes for identifying the targeted Communities and Groups both in Urban and Rural Environments.

ü  Survey and Mapping for the availability of local resources, facilities & and its utility.  

ü  Screening, Counseling, Guidance & Orientation to various targeted groups both at Community and Institution.

ü  Assessment of Needs of People & Communities and its categorization based on its social, economic and environmental status or situation.

ü  Teaching and Training for the development of Human Resources at all the levels giving priority for rural areas.

ü  Conceptualization and Development of bottom up approaches matching to the ground realities.

ü  Change making to shift from Charity or welfare to Development to Empowerment with right based approaches.

ü  Mentoring selected NGOs working on various needs & challenges of the People and Communities.   

ü  Preparation and Development of NGOs to work with Government & Private (Corporate) to on Partnership basis.   

ü  Conceptualization and Development of Service Delivery Systems matching to the needs & dynamics of the People and Communities.

ü  Development of E Forums with sharing and dissemination on regular basis with connectivity with other forums of Government, Private, Networking Forums and Funding Agencies.  

ü  Trainings, Workshops and Seminars for presentation on targeted groups, needs & vulnerabilities, work done, outputs, outcomes, impact and change in life or living environment.

ü  Development of Digital Environments for better networking, connectivity, sharing, dissemination and reporting.

ü  E - Marketing or Digital Marketing on products, services, purpose of service and need of supports with value addition and brand building.

ü  Publication of case studies or success stories as Papers in Journals (both National and International) and Books.     

ü  Mobilization of Resources to selected NGOs matching to their requirements in respect of Activities / Projects, Building & other Infrastructure, Machinery & Equipment and others on regular basis.

ü  Development of Income Generation Programmes (IGPs) and Microentrepreneurship (ME) with Groups and Communities.

ü  Systems for better Participation, Accountability, Responsibility & Transparency (PART) with belonginess and ownership.

ü  Scope for Tracking, Outcomes, Impact, Change in living Environment and Social Auditing and thus to be part of the development as owners rather than passive receivers.

ü  Products and Services for the Groups with better Availability, Accessibility and Affordability (3As) with more ecofriendly nature.

ü  Supporting the Nation Mission as New India in the area of Cleans India, Digital India, Skill India, Entrepreneurship India and Accessible India and thus making the People, Communities and NGOs to be part of the Nation’s Building.   

The initiatives taken up are innovative & creative and contributed for the development of NGOs significantly covering all its domains of Legal, Administrative, Financial, Resources and Technical (LAFRT).  


Social Media has become the essential part of the People working at all levels and to develop NGOs which further support Government to achieve its vision. For its continuation, the recommendations made include:

ü  Conduct Awareness cum Advocacy Programmes on Social Media and NGO Development.

ü  Support Students and Educational Institutes to take up Project Works and Research Studies of Social Media and NGO Development.

ü  Encourage Youth and E-Volunteers to start NGO or support NGO with better belongingness and ownership.

ü  Collaborate NGOs with IT Sector for need based development with the use of Social Media for better Visibility and Sustainability.

ü  Organize Workshops and Seminars on Use of Social Media for NGO Development and to mobilize resources.  

Support NGOs to work with Government and Private on Partnership basis (GPNP) on life cycle basis (DIME).   

Looking froward

With thanks