Monday, May 30, 2011


Dear All

Congratulations for the concern and efforts made towards ZLD (DTE, 16-31st May 2011). What is observed on the surface like: high TDS, change in Colour,smell, health hazards etc. are visible and can be assessed while doing EIA. What is the position of Groundwater? Any measure or idea about it? It is more challenging as it is invisible and not easy to map & control?

The modern tools like: hydrological and geophysical measure will help to map the polluted area both horizontally and vertically. Even these tools helps to map the source of pollution in case the same is not identified on the surface. On long term basis, these tools are tested and effective for regular evaluation and monitoring purpose.

Looking forward ....


Dear All

Yes, Poverty (DTE, 16-31st May 2011)is going to create social conflicts. In spite of several welfare measures being implemented by the government, non-governmental agencies, funding agencies both national and international, the poverty could not be eradicated or minimized to the extent what our planners say. Instead, poor is becoming poorer and rich becoming richer.

Development is taking place in our country and thanks for the technology. Then where is the problem? Policies and plans are very sound on the paper but fails in implementation. As reported recently, when the cost of implementation is more than 300%, then who s getting benefit out of these novel schemes?. Most of the time, these were not on need based and never allows the beneficiary to participate in the process of schemes. They will be made as just receivers with out any voice. See the quality of consumables and grains supplied through PWD? Some times, when it is rotten and lying in the godowns,authorities are not willing to distribute among the vulnerable group.

In spite of all the challenges, still ways are there to minimize or eradicate the poverty. It only needs concern and commitment among the people's representatives, authorities and business people. Once these people were oriented for the cause and consequences of poverty(poverty is the cause and consequence of development and barrier for the development), then the process of poverty alleviation moves in positive direction.

Hope with the best efforts from all the stakeholders may lead for the eradication of poverty and thus to move toward holistic development of the people with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL).

Looking forward...

Endosulfan banned conditionally ??????

Dear All

Happy to note that our leaders have accepted ill effects of endosulfan with a condition of buying 5 years time. In this connection, some of the key issues on which we all need to concentrate are:

@ what is the need to buy the time with a condition?
@ who is interested to continue the damage caused already to the people and
@ who are going to be the victims or looser?
@ what will happen to the people who got affected?
@ who is going to take the responsibility of their
rehabilitation with support systems including livelihood?
@ who is going to get the benefit or cream?
@ what is the reason to allow the victim or
looser to get further sufferers?
@ what is the reason to allow the gainer to get more benefit?
@ is it the fact there that is no alternative for
this killer endosulfan?
@ is it the fact that our research wing is not having any need based future plans?
@ whom to blame for this critical situation i.e., the user or producer or seller or
policy makers?
@ certainly it is the group consisting of producer,seller and policy makers.
@ who believes this?
@ why this group should realize?
@ this group is not burning their fingers?
@ this group enjoy the taste of cream?

................ the list will continues as the problem is expected to continue though the solution is at some distance. It is like hide and seek game.

Based on the well known version that, polluters should pay the penalty for the damage cause for the people and environment, now the manufacturers should pay for the rehabilitation of the affected people and environment.

Hope, people will raise to the occasion to get the support for the damage caused by the cream eater.

Looking forward for better and strong network for getting the right choice with need based strategies and interventions.


Dear All

Yes, Migration leads (DTE, 15-31 May 2011)to worsen their situation with vulnerability. This is worst for the people with out education or skills. While migrating the people will look only towards the revenue opportunities and not towards the services / facilities / needs for which they have to pay.

At their own place, the payment toward shelter, water, fuel and other basic needs is either nil or very less and only pay for the food grains and other needs like health and education.

Once they migrate to other place particularly to cities, they need to pay heavily for everything with much difficulty. This reality burns their hopes, needs and opportunities.

These re the key issues one need to think before looking for migration for vision with illusion. Suggestion is that balance the SWOT analysis of existing and hoping environment.

Looking forward...

Instant quality check of rivers

Dear All

Water is the most precious natural resources which controls everything on this universe. In spite of knowing this, still we are not not respecting this life saving resource.

Down to earth has brought out the use of technology which helps us to instant check the water quality in rivers. I have made comments (already posted at DTE) to make this more effective as:

We all should welcome this step (Instant Quality check of Rivers) and thanks to the technology. It is not the first time for the CPCB or SPCB to adopt the technology to check the pollution. Experience tells us that the problem is not with the technology but it is with the people who is handling, reporting, making assessment, decision and follow up action. In respect of water quality, the most precious and natural resource, people are reporting in the media but the result in not matching.

In addition to the technology, the responsibility lies on the people who can do some thing for its improvement. In spite of the odd situation, still solution exists in our hands and key suggestions inlcudes:

@ make the people accountable for the recording,assessment, reporting, monitoring,evaluation and making action plans based on the cause and
consequence linkages.

@ action should be based on the pollution not on the face value of the polluter.

@ Once the laws were implemented strictly, then every one comes into the line.

Hope our efforts will lead for making the rivers clean and friendly with the environment, animals, birds and people.

Looking forward to hear more from you all

All the best

Monday, May 16, 2011

Poverty begets poverty

Dear All

Happy to meet you all. In continuation,see the comments made on the most interesting subject as our development is very well linked with is i.e., POVERTY as:

Dear Editor

Yes, Poverty (DTE, 16-31st May 2011)is going to create social conflicts. In spite of several welfare measures being implemented by the government, non-governmental agencies, funding agencies both national and international, the poverty could not be eradicated or minimized to the extent what our planners say. Instead, poor is becoming poorer and rich becoming richer.

Development is taking place in our country and thanks for the technology. Then where is the problem? Policies and plans are very sound on the paper but fails in implementation. As reported recently, when the cost of implementation is more than 300%, then who s getting benefit out of these novel schemes?. Most of the time, these were not on need based and never allows the beneficiary to participate in the process of schemes. They will be made as just receivers with out any voice. See the quality of consumables and grains supplied through PWD? Some times, when it is rotten and lying in the godowns,authorities are not willing to distribute among the vulnerable group.

In spite of all the challenges, still ways are there to minimize or eradicate the poverty. It only needs concern and commitment among the people's representatives, authorities and business people. Once these people were oriented for the cause and consequences of poverty(poverty is the cause and consequence of development and barrier for the development), then the process of poverty alleviation moves in positive direction.

Hope with the best efforts from all the stakeholders may lead for the eradication of poverty and thus to move toward holistic development of the people with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL).

Lakshmi Narayana Nagisetty

Looking forward to get more reflections and further to eradicate the POVERTY.

All the best