Tuesday, November 30, 2010

View of Badhte Kadam 2010 at Cuddapah, AP

Dear All

This is the view of our Badhte Kadam 2010 Awareness cum Mela held at Cuddapah on 23rd Nov.2010. The network was very good covering BK Team, local NGOs, Disability Department, ICDS and other stakeholders.

Looking forward for more such postings......

with thanks

Monday, November 29, 2010


Dear All

I am posting the abstract of the paper which i8s going to be presented at the International Conference on Life Skills Education to be organized by RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur, TN during 8-10th Dec. 2010.
N Lakshmi Narayana, Director
Geohouse, #2-3-173, Road No: 2, Adarsha Nagar, Nagole,
Hyderabad. AP. India. E-mail: grcnln@gmail.com

Keywords: Rehabilitation, Training, Employment, Access, Barrier Free Environment, Independent Living, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders, Sustainability, Quality of Life, Employability, Inclusion, Resource Centre, Placement Cell.

The persons with disabilities (PWDs) are facing several limitations in leading an independent living in the community as environment creates barriers at all levels. In addition, the process of liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) and its consequences lead for their poor access as poverty, disability and development are the cause and consequence of each other. Under these circumstances, PWDs have got limited opportunities for self help, decision making, education, employment and to be part of the family / community / development.

The government, industries, corporate, service providers, funding agencies and other stakeholders are extending matching services to the persons with disabilities and thus making them to lead better living in an inclusive and barrier free environment. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) has brought the paradigm shift in the whole process of rehabilitation of the persons with disabilities from medial to socio-development to human resource model with right based strategies. In view of this, development of life skills of the persons with disabilities gains importance to improve their social, thinking and emotional skills and thus to improve their employable skills and finally to access better employment opportunities matching to their skills and needs in barrier free environment.

The spectrum of training and rehabilitation of the persons with disabilities starts from the stage of identification to empowerment and thus for their inclusion both socially and economically. In this process, the Industries and Corporate under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) supports persons with disabilities both for rehabilitation and to provide gainful employment with disabled friendly environment. The concept of Resource Centre cum Placement Cell (RCPC) is the working model between the Industries / Corporate and the services providers / non governmental organizations (NGOs) for providing rehabilitation to employment to persons with disabilities as an inclusive approach at all levels. The RCPC works with an integrated approach including registration, assessment, guidance, capacity building, orientation, placement, monitoring & evaluation with full participation with right based approaches.

The RCPC model with several functional compartments has been established between the Industry and NGO working for the persons with disabilities in parts of Andhra Pradesh and provided gainful employment for 202 persons with disabilities in various categories. In addition, RCPC provides platform for reemployment and other social issues and thus make them part of the community as a productive member with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL). This positive impact of the industry has been recognized by the government with matching awards and thus motivated others to adopt the model in empowering the target groups.

The RCPC model has got the acceptance from the stakeholders as it is flexible suiting to the needs and demands of the industry, service providers and persons with disabilities. To conclude, the skill development through the RCPC has resulted for gainful employment for the persons with disabilities and thus made them as part of the community in an inclusive and barrier free environment with better sustainability and quality of life. The paper presents the details of the need, concept and process of rehabilitation and skill development of the persons with disabilities which works for improving their employability as an inclusive strategy.

Looking forward for your reflections and better networking.....

with thanks

Success of Badhte Kadam 2010

Dear All

In continuation, the BK Team has successfully completed the Badhte Kadam 2010.This mobile awareness cum mela has helped the team members to reach the PWDs, their parents / family members and other stakeholders. It was the novel concept and hoping to make it as a process to do the best in empowering the target groups with better sustainability and quality of life.

I will be posting more details of the BK 2010 for better understanding of the challenges, needs and demands of the groups and thus to get support from all the stakeholders.

Looking forward for better networking and thus to reach the people with matching solutions as a RIGHT.

with thanks

Sunday, November 14, 2010



FROM DATE: 19.11.2010

TO DATE: 27.11.2010



Dear NGO Partner / Paretn of PWD / other Stakeholders,

Greetings from SNAC,

I am happy to inform you that with the support of National Trust, New Delhi, SNAC has took the responsibility of implementing the “BADHTH KADAM – II (BK – II)” programme. For this mega event, you have been selected as the route partner for doing needful activity at your place on the specified date during 19th to 27th November 2010. During this BK - II, 8 melas will be organized at the selected NGO Partners. The details of the melas, route & dates were furnished. The mela will be organized at specified place & date for about 2-3 hours in the evening.

The purpose of the Badhte Kadam (BK – II) campaign is to raise awareness on the disability sector and National Trust, and to meet the following goals:

• Provide information on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities UNCRPD), to which India is a signatory;
• Provide understanding of National Trust programmes and schemes;
• To celebrate diversity; and
• To focus on Discoverabilities

For more information on BK II, please see the National Trust website at //www.thenationaltrust.in//

This mela helps you to create better awareness about your organization / Parents / PWDs and other stakeholders and to be with National Trust for availing matching benefit and thus empowering the Persons with Disabilities covered under the national Trust Act (Autism, Mental Retardation, Cerebral palsy & Multiple Disabilities).

Details of Event:

21.11.2010: MELA 3 : AT RASS, ANANTAPUR.

Feel free to ask any information / clarification on this BK – II event at:



Looking forward for your participation at places convenient to you and thus to make the event grand success.

with thanks

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Change in attitude for mobilizing resources for Non Profit Organiozations

Dear All

The role of non profit organizations (NPOs)is the most needy and essential to transform the vision of Government by taking support from all possible sources with accepted legal policies / strategies.

In this journey, the NPOs needs to change their attitude while mobilizing and utilizing the resources covering MMM(Men, Material and Money). This mobilization and utilization should be based on the challenges, needs, skills and living environment of the target groups for whom it was mobilized. This assessment and plan should cover both short term and long term needs of the NPO as well as the target groups and thus to work for the sustainability of the organization as well as the development of the people it was meant. The team along with the NPO should adopt suitable and effective mobilizing strategies with responsibility and accountability in a transparent environment.

It is true that initially, the mobilizers feel shame or inconvenient while approaching the people / agencies / departments for support / resources.

It was happened to me also. After working for 20 years in the Government as a Technical cum administrator at various levels, left the same and started supporting NPOs for over all development. In the beginning, i felt the same when i am approaching individuals, government and funding agencies. later i realized that, what i am doing is not for self it is only for the benefit of the target groups who needs support for their better living. This change in my attitude helped the NPO to get support both from national and international sources and thus helped to raise to international level with recognition and awards.

Finally i conclude that mobilization of resources in not illegal or crime or unwanted as long as NPO is:

@ true to its vision and aims & objectives which are legally framed
@ virtually on NON PROFIT BASIS
@ action / programmes /services are on NEED based
@ working with the people in participatory environment at all levels
@ responsible for which or whom it is woriing
@ accountable for its mobilization and actions
@ working in transparent environment
@ effective in communicating the process, actions, results and impact
@ able to show the utilization with evidence based systems both in use and
@ inviting and updating the supporters, well wishers, professionals,
authorities, community members and other stakeholders

..................... and the list will continue.

It is the well known fact that NPOs are mobilizing resources from all the sectors and able to work for the empowerment of the people and thus for their better living with sustainability and quality of life (QOL).

The need of the hour for NPO is to do its SWOT and enhance its strengths and opportunities by minimizing its weaknesses and threats which will be the MANTRA for attaining the sustainability in the present competitive and commercial race.....

Looking forward for reflections...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rivers must Flow

Dear All

Comment posted against the article "Rivers must Flow" published in DTE of CSE, New Delhi.......

It is the fact that Dams do benefit society. In our country, we need dams. The questions are:

@ How many?,
@ What should be the height, design etc.?,
@ When?,
@ Where?,
@ At what cost?,
@ Who is going to get the benefit?,
@ What will be the benefit to PAPs and other local community?
@ What will be the Resettlement & Rehabilitation package?
@ How it is going to balance the negative impacts on the surrounding environment?
@ Who is interested either locals or outsiders?,
@ What is the approach either top down or bottom up?,

............many and all needs to be answered before initiating the dam project.

In reality, there exist several gaps before starting the project which results for the non acceptance or rejection or conflicts with the local population or the project affected people (PAPs). The other factor is the insufficient and ineffective resettlement and rehabilitation programmes.

We all need development and certainly dams do support for the development in several ways. The need of the hour is to plan for the dams on NEED BASED STRATEGIES / APPROACHES with the participation of the PAPs and other stakeholders at all levels. The advantages should be optimized with the dis-advantages while planning the dam location, design, height, needs & demands, purpose etc.

This participated approach with need based strategies certainly works for wonders and thus to construct dams for the best use & management of the most precious natural resource WATER. With out water, there is no life and we cannot imagine it. Manage water for people's development only.

Looking forward for better management of the rivers for the sustainable development of the people as well as the area....

Bonanza to Panchayat

Dear All

Read the following....

13th Finance Commission puts money in the hands of local governments.......

Panchayats and municipal bodies will now have three times more money to spend—at their own will. The 13th Finance Commission has pushed for greater autonomy for local governments by vesting spending power in their hands instead of the state, while increasing their non-plan expenditure...............
..................... it sounds the down the line line that PRIs are going to play key in its development............

Empowerment of Panchayat Raj Institutes (PRIs)is the right and most needy approach. But in the present system, it may not yield desired results. The process may not be effective when there is no support or control from the State Government. The entire System needs to be re-structured when we are looking for the empowerment of PRIs.

The present "Bonanza for Panchayat" is the example of non-participative approach and thus creating confusion among the authorities, policy makers, target groups and other stakeholders and thus stands at X - Roads. The need of the hour is to look for the problem solving solution and in the present situation, look for the need based participatory approaches / strategies before announcing the Bonanza which are most of popular based rather than need based.

In addition, participation of the target groups at all levels as the managers of their development rather than the passive receivers certainly yields a effective results with sustainability and quality.

Hope to have more need based strategies / approaches / schemes / projects for sustainable development......

Looking forward...

Ethics with WATER

Dar All

As posted earlier "WATER" is the most precious and life saving natural resources which acts as a powerful tool for empowerment with sustainable development. When we are talking about water, it needs to be addressed in four ways as:

@ Availability,
@ Access,
@ Utilization &
@ Management.

Our ancients are wise enough to save water with several precautions including:

@ development of greenery,
@ development of water bodies,
@ respected the mother earth and other natural resources,
@ lived with the nature,
@ better linkages with the environment and people,
@ less greedy and better human values,
......... and thus resulted for slogan for the development as: "ROTI (FOOD), KAPADA (CLOTH) AND MAKHAN(HOUSE)" and and never worried about water.

The process of Liberalization, Globalization and Privatization known as LPG,has resulted for positive and negative consequences. The positive is that development took place and the negative part is that the development is confined to isolated areas / people. Finally it has resulted for the widening of the gap between the poor / ruralites and rich /urbanites. It also resulted for conflicts mainly due to inequality and imbalance in the sustainability and quality of life.

For the known cause and consequence fact that "Poverty and Development are the cause and consequences of each other", WATER is added and thus resulted that "WATER, Poverty and Development are the cause and consequence of each other". This clearly indicates and supports the earlier fact and statement that water is the most precious resource which works for the sustainable development of the people and the area.

The present crises in respect of "water" are broadly grouped into two categories as: Natural and Man made. Day by day, in the process of development both need based and commercial based, the man made crises are increasing to an alarming stage.

I am the professional in the area of WATER covering: identification, utilization and management. I will be posting more info on this burning issue as a solution as well as to empower others to do the same.

Looking forward for creating an health and friendly environment ..........

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Dear All

Wish you all happy, colourful & prosperous

Looking forward....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Why Earthquakes at Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad????

Der All

Recently, the residents of Vanasthalipuram had sleepless nights and still worried for tomorrow. The reason is the occurrence of series of earthquakes.

The need of the hour is to understand why the earthquakes are coming and what do to for preventing and managing them.

Earthquake is a sudden violent shaking of the ground, caused by movements within the Earth's Crust.

What could be the local reasons to get such movements? Some of such reasons includes:

@ Mismatched town planning
@ Heavy buildings both for residential and commercial purpose
@ Making unhealthy holes for drawing groundwater
@ No place left out for growing / developing greenery
@ Total sealing of the /surface / ground both inside and outside the residence
@ No scope for recharging the groundwater through various ways of Rainwater
Harvesting (RWH)
@ Lack of awareness
@ Poor implementation
@ Improper monitoring and evaluation
@ No respect for Mother Earth and its resources

Knowing the local reasons, what local residents can do? They can do wonders. It includes:

@ Insist for suitable town planning matching to the local conditions / environment
@ Permit heavy buildings either for residency or commercial purpose based on the
local NEEDS only
@ Regulate the drilling of bore wells based on the local groundwater situation
@ Leave sufficient space to grow greenery both at individual and community level
@ Install and insist for Rainwater Harvesting both at individual and community level
@ Create awareness among the residents and other stakeholders in respect of
management of natural resources, mainly land and water
@ Insist for better implementation of the plans / measures at individual, community
and authority level
@ Participate in the process of monitoring and evaluation
@ Do respect for the Mother Earth for getting its permission (present situation /
signal is a warning) to use its resources.

Finally, as long as we are respecting the Mother Earth while utilizing its resources with healthy and eco-friendly policies / strategies / approaches, we can have sustainable development with quality.

What happened at Vanasthalipuram is the warning for the local residents as well as for other public of Hyderabad that unhealthy development needs to be regularized.

With the simple measures as indicated above can help us to create healthy environment with development and thus to lead better living with sustainability and quality of life.

Do you feel that the listed measures are very difficult to implement?????
Certainly not................
It needs commitment with concern & responsibility with accountability
Then why to delay................
Start and insist other to follow with participative measures........
Then it certainly works for wonders and needn't to have sleepless nights......
Every activity should be on NEED based (local residents) only..............

Hope this message ignites our minds to commit for the sustainable development with need based strategies ONLY.

Let us join hands for creating an healthy and friendly environment with due respect to our Mother Earth. I will be happy to provide more information on this and support for the cause.....

Looking forward for better networking....

Badhte Kadam - 2010

Dear All

National Trust is supporting for the Celebrations of Badhte Kadam - 2010 through out India through its State Units during 16th to 30th November 2010.

In the state of Andhra Pradesh, the State Nodal Agency Centre (SNAC)with Swayamkrushi has took the responsibility for implementing BK - II during the period from 19th to 27th Nov. 2010. The BK - II celebrations includes: 19th: Flagoff at Hyderabad, 20th: Kurnool, 21st: Anantapur, 22nd: Cuddapah, 23rd: Nellore, 24th: Ongole, 25th: Vuyyuru /Vijayawada, 26th: Miryalaguda / Nalgonda and 27th Falgin at Hyderaabd.

The BK Team members (6)will be moving from place to another for organization "Awareness cum Mela Celebrations". I am the part of this BK Team as a Coordinator for making the BK - II grand success.

The purpose of the Badhte Kadam campaign is to raise awareness of the disability sector and National Trust, and to meet the following goals:

* Provide information on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (UNCRPD), to which India is a signatory;
* Provide understanding of Natonal Trust programmes and schemes;
* To celebrate diversity; and
* To focus on Discoverabilities

Badhte Kadam 2010 is a huge undertaking in an attempt to continue (Badhte Kadam - 2009) to raise awareness about persons with disabilities and their right to lives of fulfillment.

For more information on this, please see the website of National Trust at www.thenationaltrust.in

Please join with us in making BK - II a grand success in reaching its targets and thus working for the empowerment of the persons with disabilities for better living with sustainability and quality of life on the basis of equality and dignity as a RIGHT.

Looking forward....