Saturday, September 29, 2012


Dear All

I am associated with the Chetana Special School situated in Hyderabad which is working for the training and rehabilitation of the children with special needs.

It has facilitated for the enrollment and utilization of the NIRAMAYA Health Scheme support by the National Trust, New Delhi.  

It is the better scheme to provide better medical care for the persons with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities.  

More about services, activities and requirements of Chetana Special School can be seen at its Blog: 

Looking forward for better networking....

All the Best 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Dear All

Mobility or the Access is the key issue for the Persons with Disabilities in getting empowered for leading better living with sustainability & quality of life.  

In this process National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad, the National Institute (under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, New Delhi) is already extending such support for the eligible PWDs.

In continuation, NIMH is ready to provide the matching Aids & Appliances after necessary registration and assessment.   

The interested PWDs from any part of the Country can go for registration with NIMH either directly or through the nearest NGO.

This information is shared to reach the required PWDs so they can improve their mobility / access.....

Looking forward for better utilization of the support from NIMH....

All the Best.  


Dear All

After providing matching training and rehabilitation for the persons with disabilities, creating Employment Opportunities is the most needy of the hour. 

In this direction, Ability Foundation, an NGO at Chennai is working in this direction and helped many in getting the suitable Employment. 

In continuation, it is planning to organize EmployABILITY 2012 in Hyderabad on 2nd and 3rd November 2012. More details can be sen at:

The invitation given by the Ability Foundation is as follows:

I have attended one such meet with the group and assured to disseminate the info to the targeted group and mobilize the same for getting the benefit. You can reach the AF at the above link or me at or 9392445973.

Looking forward to reach the targeted group and to support in the process...

I will be posting more updates after getting the same from AF and during further meets. 

All the Best

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Dear All

Yesterday i had an opportunity to visit my relatives house in Hyderabad on the eve of Ganesh Maharaj Celebrations and spent lot to time in interacting with the residents and some a team of people with special skills.

The photo view looks as:

The celebration was went on for around 4 hours in the evening o 22nd Sept. 2012. The entire team of Orchestra consists of persons with special skills. They are Blind and got expertise in entertaining others. The programme includes songs, and dance.

The team felt happy to be part of the community and good support to continue their activity.

The team declared their idea of supporting the persons with mental retardation.

I expressed an idea of supporting the organization for its sustainability.

Looking forward to see more such wonderful skills with much needed human values.....

All the Best       

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Dear All

Based on the concepts posted earlier and interaction with the community, i am in the process of developing a need based COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MODEL with the participation of the community members. 

More will be posted in due course of time. 

Looking forward....

All the Best 


Dear All

The hot topic of the hour is POWER. Yes, it is the prime issue as power is essential in the world of mechanization and affects every thing in general and day to day life. 

The comments made on the topic of "Going off-grid to power solution" published in Down to Earth Magazine are as follows:

By understanding the present SWOT of the power generation and management, it is clear that there exists wide gap between the demand and availability. Knowing the availability, limitations and impact on the health of the people & environment of the raw materials like: water, fossil fuel, radioactive material etc., required for power generation, attention should be drawn towards the sue of non-conventional source of energies like: Wind, Solar, Biogas etc. Most of them are tested and in use to small extent. Based on the advantages SOLAR source sold be used to generate power at all levels like: Individual, Community, Industry, and others.

The need of the hour is to produce the require systems with effectiveness in terms of cost and power generation. The Solar source is abundant and freely available.In only needs awareness, concern and commitment by all the stakeholders to make it as a MISSION.
More info can be seen at:

Looking forward for getting the systems to use the SOLAR source effectively for the health ad wealth of the people and environment.

with thanks 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Dear All

Day by day the community needs, issues and challenges are becoming more complex and are dynamic. All these aspects are widely circulated in the media both print and electronic. 

Raising the issue of the community by the local people as well as the media is one side of the coin. 

The second side of the coin should think about the possible solutions and who should do it???????.

Before putting the things to others like Government, NGOs and other providers, the users of the affected people should make their contribution whatever they can do.

Let us analyze the common issues and needs of the community which includes after (Roti, Kapada and Makhan):
  1. Daily needs in view of high rates
  2. Water both Quantity & quality and 
  3. Power.
The first one can be managed by making their own cooperatives by getting the same directly from the producers. 

The second one need more attention interms of:
  • Maintain the greenery both inside and out side the house to the extent possible
  • Harvest the rainwater by way of sending it through the space available both inside and outside the house
  • Control the use of water with effective utilization
  • Don't allow the rainwater or the water used for cleaning the vehicles / house on to the road and instead sink it into the pits made.
  • Don't put rainwater or other flow water directly into the drainage pipe and instead sin into the subsurface. 
  • Also develop community measures for sinking the rainwater through harvesting pits. 
The third one connected with the power, the experience is horrible with darken days. The issue is also with the limited supply of Gas for the domestic use which forces us to look for the alternatives. 
At individual and community levels the power issues can be minimised by way of:
  • Install SOLAR Panels for supporting the POWER shortages
  • Use SOLAR heaters for hot water
  • Use SOLAR Devices for Cooking 
  • Use SOLAR Chargers and
  • Adopt the devises to the SOLAR ENERGY. 
I am in the process and will be working with the communities to create awareness as an advocacy with skill development to overcome the issues at individual / community level to the maximum extent possible.  
After this, the affected group can approach the Government and other sources to get better support.
I will be posting more on this novel method / approach in preparing the individuals / community to prepare themselves to face the issues with sustainable solutions for development at all levels....
Looking forward for better sharing and networking.....
All the Best         

Friday, September 7, 2012


Dear All

At the seminar held on 3rd Sept. 2012 on Gende Mainstreming, the general feeling of LESS Edcuation i.e., illeteracy is going to play key role in resulting for several issues and challenges. Now the question comes its reality at grass root???? This is inly one side of the COIN. See it on other side.

On the other side of the COIN, is it assured that EDUCATION is going to minimize the issues and challenges of the GENDER???? It may not be true in all the cases. 

The empowerment of the WOMEN through Education and further Economically alone may not equip them to face the challenges and issue of Gender at all levels. They are missing the second and most important part of the empowerment i.e., SOCIAL Empowerment. 

Then how to handle the process of Social Empowerment???? The search for the solution ends at LIFE SKILL EDUCATION (LSE). In specific, it is the Skill of EMOTION both to express and control leads to overcome their stress and certainly minimizes the issues and challenges of GENDER.  

It is the common in the media that highly educated and economically empowered young women are committing suicide or leading low QOL? It is mostly due to the conept of education which is lacking the values and traditions. 

It is learnt that Empowerment of the targeted groups with both ECONOMICALLY and SOCIALLY leasd for better living with sustainability and quality of life (QOL).     

The presentation made by me at this Seminar inludes both the sides of the coin i.e.: SOCIAL EMPLOWERMETN + ECONOMICAL EMPOWERMENT = GENDER MAINSTREAMING. 

More will be posting on this key issue.   

Looking forward for better sharing and contribution ...

All the Best.      


Dear All


Looking forward for QUALITY EDUCATION with VALUES so that the process of DEVELOPING can be moved to DEVELOPED.

All the Best

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Dear All

In continuation to the earlier announcements and postings made on this blog, the paper on "GENDER MAINSTREAMING - SKILL DEVELOPMENT AS AN EMPOWERMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" has been presented on 3rd at the National Seminar on Gender Mainstreaming - Issues and Challenges organized by Sir CR Reddy College, Eluru. 

It has got good appreciations from the delegates. It is with the association of SREES Organization working for the empowerment of the marginalized people.

The photo view of the same is pasted below as:

Looking forward for better sharing and networking....

All the Best

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Dear All

Yes, GENDER mainstreaming is the need of the hour to achieve the sustainable development at all levels. In this connection, CRR Colege of Eluru, Andhra Pradesh is going to organize Nationa Seminar on Gender Mainstreaming - Challenges and Opportunities on 3rd Sept 2012. 

Based on the work done at SRESS Orgnaization, an NGO with base at Vijayawada, a paper hase been submitted and got accepted to present the same during the Seminar.

The study is on "Gender Mainstreaming - Skill Development as an Empowerment for Sustainable Development".   

On 3rd i am going to present the same along with the Coauthors and key members at SREES. It is good beginning for the SREES to move forward in the direction of research and dissemination to the stakeholders. Certainly this platform is going to recognize the NGO with brand value. 

I will be posting more on this blog after the presentation of the paper at the seminar. 

Looking forward for better reach with access and sustainable solutions and further to work for GENDER MAINSTREAMING AS AN EMPOWERMENT

With thanks     


Dear All

In conitnuation to my dissemination in respect of the water crises and the solutions to enhance the water resources, today i had an interesting meet with the members of the Colony. Publication of my artcle in the Ennadu (News Paper) Sunday Magazine on 5th August 2012 has crated interest among the Colony Members. 

Water harvesting has been included in the AGM Agenda and members have shown keen interest to know more about what to do in this direction. 

I have given specific measures after explaining what i have done in my house which is yielding suffieient water throguhout the year.   

1. Develop Greenary and use the rainwater to move into it - to be done in each house to the extent possible.

2. Develop Harvesting pits and drain the maximum rainwater into it. 

3. Donot put rainwater into the drainage. 

4. Develop RWH Pits with in the house and out side the house. 

5. Control over the depth of the borewell to be drilled in the Colony which helps to utilize the groundwaer to the maximum extent with out spoiling the acquifers. 

After this, i have extended my support for designing and developing the RWH Pits based on the space availabe in each house of the Colony.   

This was accepted and some of them have shown interest to do it immediately.

With this postitive aspect, i am looking forward to enahces the water resoruces in the whole colony with greenary with sustinable solutions.

I will be posting more and more on this critical human need.

In addtion, to come out of the power isses, also suggested to put solar unit in the community hall so that the colony members will be motivated to establish the same at their house. One has to adopt the power of SOLAR to come out of the darker days. 

Looking forward to share more on thest two key issue of WATER & POWER....... 

All the Best