Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Profit Maximiztion Vs MInimization?

Dear All

In continuation, our attention is drawn to the point that profit should be maximum or minimum? This point was raised on the Social Edge Forum for discussion and my comments or reflections are as follows:
In every process or activity, profit should be part of it as the process of activity should enhance its capacities with sustainability. Now the question come either profit should be maximum or minimum with respect to the cause for which it is meant. The discussion should be focused more towards the people or the society rather than the level of percentage of profit. Every business is done by the people for the people. If people are not there,no one can do business. It comes to the optimization between the product, customer and the profit (PCP).

In the case of Business activity, the component of profit should be after doing the best for its employees, shareholders and other stakeholders both directly and through its sound corporate social responsibility (CSR). The product or service should be simple, flexible and cost effective with better affordability by the targeted groups it is meant. The profit should be the business by the people and for the people (BPP) rather the business for the business (BB). An element of humanity and concern of the people should always gain priority. This process or business leads sustainability and quality.

In the case of business with the society, the profit is meant for building the capacities with matching resources for the sustainability of the business for the people. It should be by the people and for the people. In this case, the targeted groups should be the managers of their own development or rehabilitation and the service providers or the funding agencies or government should be the facilitators only.

In both the case, the component of profit should exist and the question is how much? The profit will be higher in the first case than the second one dealing with the society. As long as the process is transparent with participation of the stakeholders and aiming for the development of the people and the society, then every one welcomes the business either it is with product or with the society. The focus should be more on the objectives and impact of the business rather than purely on its profit component.

I am with the government and the community with the focus on empowerment of the people for leading better living with sustainability and quality of life (QOL) in general and more particularity with the persons with disabilities. It only needs to create barrier free environment for the real inclusion at all levels with dignity and equality as a right.

Looking forward for interactions..

with thanks

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