Monday, April 8, 2013

Comments made on "Nuclear Shadow over Gujarat Village"

Dear All

See the comments made on "Nuclear shadow over Gujarat village" an article published in Down to Earth (see more at 15th April 2013 Down to Earth at:  ) are pasted below as:
Yes, it is the reality at the grass root(Nuclear shadow over Gujarat village, DTE, 16th March 2013) and people still have several doubts about the Nuclear Energy Source (NES). It is true and right from the point of local people. The lacuna is from the side of policy makers / planners / developers. In this direction, two key issues are:
1. Lack of information in respect of advantages and disadvantages to the local people / project affected people (PAPs) &
2. Previous such developments which resulted for adverse impact on the health & wealth of the people & environment.

Recently, it was in the media that Gujarath is doing very good work in the area of Solar Energy Source (SES) and planning to use all the highways and railway tracks for producing larger energy. In view of such alternatives available, the planners should convince the people in general and PAPs in particular.

People in general will accept for the developmental activity / projects provided as long as it is going to benefit their health & wealth including environment. When the larger benefits is going out of their area, with adverse effect on the local people & area, certainly every one will oppose.

After exhausting all the safer energy sources, still if it is essential and need based, one can move for NES with precautions such as:
1. adopt participatory strategies / approaches with the stakeholders and the PAPs
2. allow PAPs to participate at all levels
3. do the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the social impact assessment (SIA) with the participation of the local people including PAPs with priority
4. address the need, advantages and disadvantages of such energy production
5. assure what compensation is going to be given for the loss of land and livelihoods (Rehabilitation)
6. in case of shifting the villages, specify what compensation is assured in terms of land, housing, livelihoods, community facilities etc. (Resettlement)
7. implement the Resettlement and Rehabilitation before starting the project rather than asking them to shift with out doing RR
8. try to protect the environment and other natural resources
9. see that the PAPs quality of life is at least similar to that of the one they had before shift

Certainly such measures will help the planners /implementers to get the acceptance from the people in general and PAPs in particular.
Looking forward...

All the best. 

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