Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Dear All

Continued the process of publication and present paper ...Population Vs Resources - Opportunities for Inclusive Development...has been published in International Multidisciplinary E Journal  in the month of August 2018. 

The salient features and details of the same paper were posted below as:

Population, Resources and Development are the cause and consequence of each other. Increase in population puts more demand for the resources and services and affects the sustainability of the development. The service delivery systems do influence the distribution of resources over the region and people. The increase in population from 2001 to 2011 is much significant and do not expect corresponding increase in resources in fact they get reduced both quantitatively and qualitatively. The population density is much higher compared to that of average population density of world. The shortage in resources, mad rush towards business oriented development, and luxury living affects the availability Vs demand Vs supply of resources and higher wastage results for several challenges with marginalization and isolation.  The search for better solutions emerged for several opportunities which work for healthy development of the people and environments with better ownership to the local people and communities. The community initiatives and best practices adopted have resulted for better outputs and are simple, replicable, scalable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the given environment.     

Key Words: Population, Resources, Development, Opportunities, Access, Sustainability, Inclusion, Environments.

Statement of the Problem

The increase in population and shift towards business oriented development demands more resources, services and supports which affects the mission of FOOD for ALL, ACCESS for ALL with poor Quality of Life. 


Based on need and dynamics of the population, resources and development with the targets of the Nation, recommendations made includes:

  1. Support for Mapping and development of data base with better access with the support of tools & technologies.
  2. Encourage Students for Project and Research works in association with the community.
  3. Efforts should be made to control the population with healthy population density with optimization of resources and development.
  4. Encourage Non Governmental Organizations to work with the Government and Private on partnership basis for better sharing and distribution of benefits of development over the region and people.
  5. Encourage for social auditing with better participation, accountability, responsibility & transparency with ownership.  

Some of the working models:

Looking forward and will be happy to share more if necessary...

All the best. 

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