Sunday, December 1, 2013


Dear All

The Indian Geophysical Union (IGU) is going to organize the above National Seminar during Jan 2014 at NGRI, Hyderabad. 

The topic is the most needy as Earth Systems are giving alarming signals in various modes reflecting its instability????? 

It is up to the Geo-Scientists in general and particularly the Geophysicists to understand the Mother Earth at Mapping, Planning, Exploitation, Development and Resettlement so that the Earth Resources will be utilized effectively with better sustainability. 

I have submitted the extended abstract and got approved for Oral Presentation and the same is pasted below as:

N Lakshmi Narayana
    M.Sc., Tech; PGDEEM; PGCMRR;
Hyderabad. E-mail:


Keywords: Natural Resources, Mapping, Exploration, Exploitation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Pollution, Environment, Empowerment, Sustainability, Quality of Life.

Statement of the Problem: Business oriented exploitation of the Natural Resources has resulted for complex and dynamic environmental challenges which further affected the health & wealth of the people & environment with poor sustainability. 

Objectives of the Study: The objectives of the study are need based matching to the needs of the people and environment and specific for achieving the sustainability through geophysics which includes: 

Ø  To understand the utility of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development,
Ø  To understand the shift in the Process of Development,
Ø  To understand the Environmental Challenges,
Ø  To understand the SWOT of Geophysics, and
Ø  To understand the Opportunities for Geophysics.

Background: In a simple form “Natural Resource is anything people can use which comes from nature and people do not make natural resources, but gathers them from the earth”. It is the tradition and belief that the wealth of the Natural Resources (NRs) is directly related with the health & wealth of the people & environment. India has got sufficient natural resources to cater the needs for the people.

The broad spectrum of natural resources has been shown in Fig.1 which includes air, water, copper,  wood, oil, renewable energies, iron, coal,  natural gas, soil and others which occurs naturally. The exploration and excavation of natural resources in the name of Development are expected to support the health & wealth of the people & environment with better sustainability.

It was the tradition and culture to respect the natural resources as people believes that without them their life is in danger and the God may curse with dire consequences. In due course of time, the concept of people oriented development (POD) has slowly moved towards the business oriented development (BOD). In this process, the term of ‘excavation’ has transformed to ‘exploitation’ as the majority of the concept of development has business for some selected groups. On other hand, the development has moved from ‘need based’ to ‘selective based’ which brings wealth to the smaller groups leaving majority of the people to struggle for their critical needs. The end of this shift has affected the health & wealth of the people & environment with several challenges which further affects their sustainability. People expect the eco-friendly technologies with effective service delivery systems (SDS) with improved Availability, Accessibility and Affordability (3As). The need of the hour is to understand these challenges and move for sustainability of the ‘Earth System’ with innovative & creative strategies & interventions.   
The World Summit held on Sustainable Development (2002) insists for specific objectives which include:

o  to maintain the overall quality of life;
o  to maintain continuing access to natural resources;
o  to avoid lasting environmental damage;
o  to consider as sustainable a development which meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Accordingly, the SD depends on four key elements which include Social Development, Economic Development, Individual Development and Environmental Development (SEIE) and its linkage is shown in Fig. 2.

The area with grey color indicates the SD which is directly related with the Quality of Life (QOL) of the people. 

Environmental Challenges: It is the fact that the business oriented development has affected the health & wealth of the people & environment by creating several challenges and some of significant were listed below with details in brief as:

ü  Water: India’s poverty alleviation programme never included ‘water’ and mostly confined to “Roti, Kapada & Makhan”. In due course of time, the initiatives of rainwater harvesting, watershed development and recharging groundwater are insufficient compared to that of the withdrawal or demand. This process of imbalance over the period has resulted for the present day crises which everyone is facing and threatening the life of the people all over the globe. As there is no life without water, the move is towards ‘Right to Water’. Some of the water related challenges includes:

o   Disappearance of surface water bodies, and getting polluted;
o   Poor recharge and lowering of groundwater levels;
o   Poor storage and management of watersheds;
o   Pollution to the groundwater salinity, fluoride, arsenic etc.;
o   Higher demand and lack of matching resources; and
o   Consequences on the health of the people and other natural resources.

ü  Minerals: The development of the people is very much linked with the exploration and excavation of various minerals like coal, lignite, iron, natural gas, oil, radioactive minerals, and others. Some of the significant challenges with the mining of minerals were listed below as:

o   Unmatched Resettlement & Rehabilitation supports for the Project Affected People (PAPs) in the mining both open and underground mode;
o   Affecting the health & wealth of flora & fauna, water, people and other natural resources;
o   Creation of voids in the subsurface and resultant subsidence, fire zones and other such foundation issues;
o   Mineral processing and its pollution to the soil, water and people; and
o   Other consequences.

ü  Land: It is the fact that ‘land’ cannot increase matching to the population and their demands but it can be used effectively with higher productivity. Some of the challenges with the land utility were listed below as:

o   Encroachment and disappearance of surface water bodies with pollution;
o   Soil pollution with lesser productivity;
o   Landfills and lack of mapping land as productive or unproductive;
o   Loss of productive land to business oriented infrastructural development & power generation; and
o   Other consequences on associated natural resources. 
To sum up, the usage of natural resources for business oriented development has resulted for several challenges which are complex and dynamic and the key challenges include:

Ø  Higher Pollution with scarcity for Resources;
Ø  Alarming Global Warming and Climate Change;
Ø  Imbalance in the Ecosystem;
Ø  Loss of productive land;
Ø  Degraded health & wealth of the People; and
Ø  Non acceptance of the people for developmental projects / activities.

Under these challenges the need of the hour is to look for a tool or strategy or intervention which minimizes or eradicates its impact and thus improves sustainability.

SWOT of Geophysics: The subject ‘Geophysics’ is well connected with the Natural Resources, Society and Environment (NRSE) and established with technological modernization at all levels of exploration, excavation, monitoring and evaluation (EEME). These linkages have been shown in Fig. 3 & 4 respectively.

The concept of NRES indicates that Geophysics has contributed significantly either directly or indirectly for the health & wealth of the people & environment.

The EEME model reflects that the Geophysical service delivery system (SDS) needs to be effective in terms of Availability, Accessibility and Affordability (3As) in achieving the sustainability of the development by protecting the people and environment. The role of geophysics is very much limited in the areas of Excavation, Monitoring and Evaluation unless complex situation arises. Broadly, Geophysics has got good number of strengths and effective in terms of technology, accuracy, quality and cost. In spite of its best utility, Geophysics has got some weaknesses or limitations which includes lack of professional status, limited number of institutions, lack of human resources, limited scope for integration, limited employment opportunities, low brand image and limited reach to the society / people.    

Opportunities for Geophysics: In spite of all the limitations prevailing at present, Geophysics has got several opportunities in addressing the needs and demand of people and industries. Some of the significant issues and geophysical interventions were briefly furnished below as:

ü   The limitations cited as above can be minimized by improving the HRD with better brand image and employment opportunities;
ü  In the process of integration, the advantage or specialization needs to be retained as it is the day of specialization;
ü    The issues with the water resources can be addressed effectively with the use of matching geophysical tools. The saline water intrusion can be mapped effectively along the coastal belt and can be managed with need based interventions. The impact on water system due to mining both open and underground can be mapped and managed accurately with suitable recharging interventions. The concept of water storage, utilization, recharge and management (SURM) can be handled affectively (Fig. 5) for creating better access for Quality of Water (QOW) which further leads for Quality of Health (QOH), Sustainability and Quality of Life (QOL).
ü    Mapping of voids in subsurface, or insufficient filling of abandoned or closed mines, pollution  due to mineral processing and effective assessing & monitoring of resettlement and rehabilitation can be addressed.
ü    Mapping and utilization of land for infrastructural developments in general and particularly for the power generation can be done with in-situ scanning for effective decision making thus gets better acceptance from the people as well as the stakeholders;
ü    Geophysics can also play an important role in the areas of excavation, monitoring and evaluation in addition to the exploration (EEME Model); and
ü  The Geophysical modernization and its utilities are well accepted and finds key role in all the issues related with the sustainability of the earth system.

The need of the hour is to increase the level of sustainable development. The conceptual enhancement of sustainable development from SD1 to SD 2 is shown in Fig. 6. The idea is to reach the level of SD 2 without compromising the development of each component both quantitatively and qualitatively. It is not that difficult to achieve SD 2 or higher QOL but only needs the concern and commitment of the policy makers, planners, executors and other stakeholders and certainly Geophysics play key role in the whole process of achieving sustainable development.

The author has contributed significantly for the effective utilization of geophysical tools in the area of Minerals, Water, and Land covering exploration, excavation, monitoring and evaluation (EEME) and presently transforming these benefits to the society by associating with the Community / Rural Development.  
Conclusions / Recommendations: The efforts made in understanding the environmental challenges and opportunities for Geophysics have lead for some conclusions which includes:

Ø  Geophysics is the non-destructive and well established tool for mapping the subsurface with better accuracy in in-situ environment;
Ø  Some of its limitations in developing human resources and creating better employment opportunities can be addressed by making it as a specialized engineering profession;
Ø  Geophysics is well linked with the Natural Resources on one side and Society and Environment on other side;
Ø  The natural resources are expected to be utilized for the need based development which supports the health & wealth of the people & environment by deploying the model of EEME with effective service delivery system having improved 3As;
Ø  The water crises which are alarming can be addressed effectively with SURM interventions which further assures for QOW, QOH, and QOL;
Ø  The land mapping for the infrastructural development in general and particularly for power generation can be handled with better accuracy and acceptance;
Ø  As an integrated strategy, Geophysics play key role in addressing the issues of the Global Warming and Climate Change;
Ø  Geophysics play key role in achieving the sustainable development (SQ 1 to SQ 2) through SEIE model and
Ø  Finally, Geophysics leads in achieving the sustainability of the Earth System with improved Quality of Life (QOL) of the people.


Some of the contributions made by the Author:

1.          The Principle of Complex Frequency Scaling - Applicability in Inclined Continuation of Potential Field Methods. Geophysics. SEG, Vol. 49, Issue. 1. 1984.
2.          On the Correlation of Geophysical and Drilling Results - Basemetals, Ambaji, Gujarat. DGM, Mineral Wealth. Vol. XXI-II. 1985.
3.          Developments in Radiowave Absorption Techniques in Geomapping. Site Characterization Practice. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi. 1999.
4.          Geophysical Approach to Study the Environmental Impact along the Coastal Belt of Pondicherry and Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India. 1999. Special Publication on Exploration Geophysics in India, GSI, No. 49.
5.          Assessment of Soil and Water Degradation along the Coastal Belt for Resettlement and Rehabilitation.  Submitted for the award of PGCMMR, IGNOU, New Delhi. 2004.
6.          On the Role Geophysics in Rural Development - An Approach. Submitted for the award of PGDRD, IGNOU, New Delhi. 2003.
7.          Water Resource Management in Rural Development. Proceedings of International Convention on Globalization and Rural Development. 2006.
8.          Access for Water and Sanitation in Disability Rehabilitation – A Study in Rural Environment of Andhra Pradesh. Proce. Of National Seminar on Cost Effective Sustainable Sanitation. WASH Publication, New Delhi. 2010.
9.          Access for Water and Sanitation in Disability Rehabilitation – An Inclusion Approach. Proce. of International Seminar volume on “Water, Plumbing, Sanitation and Health-Issues and Challenges”, K.C. Publishers. Bangalore. 2010.
10.       Access for Water for Sustainable Development – Community Based Initiatives. Professional social work: best practices and innovations in teaching, research and extension. Authors Press New Delhi. 2011. ISBN 978-81-7273-510-4.  
11.       Integrated Water Resources Management in Saline Environment for Sustainable Development. Water Governance. Allied Publishers, New Delhi. Feb. 2012. ISBN: 978-81-8424-752-7.
12.       Dr Ambedkar’s Developmental Model-Challenges and Opportunities for better Quality of Life. Ambedkar: Architect of Modern India. Publication of MGNIRSA. Hyderabad. May 2013. 
13.       Noble Truths and Paths of Buddhism – An Opportunity for Sustainable Development. Rise, Fall and Revival of Buddhism in India. Publication of MGNIRSA. Hyderabad. 2013. 
14.       Urbanization and Water – Opportunities for the Civil Societies for to improve Quality of Life. Sustainable Water Treatment and Water Management Policy, Vol. II, ICE-WWISH - 2013. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Bombay. India. ISBN: 978-93-5097-895-5.  

Looking forward......

All the best.

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