Monday, November 2, 2020


Dear All

Hope, everyone is ready to face the consequences of Environmental Emergencies. COVID 19 is also termed as BIOWAR and every one should get prepared to face more such emergencies

I am happy to convey that i have taken this situation as an opportunity with positive attitude and concentrated on developing study papers on the priority areas. In this journey, during Oct 2020, published one such needy paper on "VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT -AN NGO MODEL FOR SUSTAINABILITY

A brief details of teh paper were pasted below for information. 



Villages do have limited or poor access for basic amenities and resources with poor connectivity which results for poor development, marginalization, isolation, and migration of people, affecting dynamics of the village with lowered quality of life. A village is a perfect place to live, if you are in search of harmony with nature. A Gram Panchayat is the grassroot level of Panchayati Raj Institute. The processes of Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization and modernization with profit motto have exploited resources and affected the life of people and environment and further widened the gap between poor and rich. In this process, the family and community dynamics got affected and particularly Children, Persons with Disabilities, Women, Elders and other vulnerable groups. Nation has accepted Global Goals and developed its future vision as Modern India to achieve its targets and indicators with better Universality, Integration, and Transformation and thus village development gains priority. The challenges are many and are alarming with poor development and lowered quality of life. The opportunities are need based and will work on the model of design, implementation, monitoring & evaluation and thus results for an accessible, inclusive, integrated and sustainable development as an empowerment of people and villages with improved wellbeing. The initiatives taken up have resulted for significant impact in the lives of people and villages. The NGO model will support for the strengthening of PRIs with better sustainability and quality and is simple, flexible, scalable, replicable, and sustainable.                                                                          


Key Words: Water, Sanitation, Agriculture, Education, Employment, Livelihoods, Development, Opportunities, Accessibility, Sustainability, Quality of Life.  


Statement of the Problem

Village as a smallest administrative unit, though structured do have limited or poor access for basic amenities and resources with poor connectivity which results for poor development, marginalization, isolation, and migration of the people, affecting dynamics of the village with lowered quality of life.  


A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town. There are around 649,481 villages in India (according to Census 2011), the most authoritative source of information about administrative boundaries in the country. A village is a perfect place to live if you are in search of harmony with nature. People have everything for their minimum requirements of life. Villagers are just satisfied with the necessities of their living. They are always provided with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, water, and clean air. There exist several advantages with village life covering: fresh food, fresh air & atmosphere, wide area (lower density of population), joint family system, take care each other, take care each other, healthy environment, healthy environment, no pollution, no tensions and no worries. A Gram Panchayat or Village Panchayat is the only grassroots-level of Panchayati Raj formalized local self-governance system in India. In the process of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG), and modernization or development with dominance of top down approaches with profit motto exploited the resources and affected the life of the people and environment. Though such processes brought development on one side but one other side its benefits are not uniformly distributed among the people and areas and thus widened the gap between the poor and rich and Urban and Rural areas. Affected with such poor or limited benefits and less scope for income generation activates like agriculture, employment, livelihoods, product making, and others tuning to the local resources (inputs) and demand for marketing have forced majority of them (mostly young) for migration in search of basic livelihoods. In this process, the family and community dynamics got affected in general and particularly the life of Children, Persons with Disabilities, Women, Elders and other vulnerable groups. Such migration either seasonal or permanent or both have affected the villages as well as the cities (where they have migrated).    


Panchayati Raj Institutions are main instruments of village local government which play vital role in enhancement of primary education, health care, water, sanitation, agricultural developments, women and child development and women participation in local government. Village or Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Raj Institute (PRI) do have development plan and steps to become an 'Adarsh Gram' includes: Identify people's needs and priorities; Define activities that can mobilize the complete community; Use resources from running government schemes; Repair and renovate existing infrastructure; Strengthen the Gram Panchayat; and Promote transparency and accountability. Smart Village is a concept adopted by national, state and local governments of India, as an initiative focused on holistic rural development, derived from Mahatma Gandhi's vision of Adarsh Gram (Ideal Village) and Swaraj (Self Reliance). Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is a rural development programme broadly focusing upon the development in the villages which includes social development, cultural development and spread motivation among the people on social mobilization of the village community. The key feature of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana that each MP should adopt a village of his choice, which should not be his own or his in-laws. Villages should be adopted not from urban constituencies but from nearby rural areas. Emphasis is on empowering the poor families to get rid of poverty by implementing a proper plan for every identified gram panchayat.


The Author is well connected with community (as a Child, Farmer, Explorationist, Trainer, Counselor, Faculty, Manager, Facilitator, Guide, Mentor, Service Providers, Researcher, Documenter, Reporter, Writer, Facilitator, Referral, Organizer, etc.) and able to contribute in various areas (like Water, Health, Sanitation, Agriculture, Education, Disability, Livelihoods, Ageing, etc.) covering larger part of the Nation and some of the initiatives taken up includes:

ü  Creation of Awareness cum Advocacy on the needs of People and Communities; Mapping of Resources; Challenges & Opportunities; ways for betterment; and other aspects of Development and Sustainability.

ü  Support for Agriculture from inputs, crop management, better production & productivity, cutting & harvesting, storage & marketing, product making, soil & land management, and other issues for better returns both in quantity & quality.

ü  Mapping of Community Resources (with participatory tools) and SWOT Analysis with better understanding on the needs, demand, strengths, weaknesses (challenges, or limitations), systems, strategies, practices, interventions, service delivery systems, monitoring, evaluation, documentation, reporting, and other aspects of People and Communities for planning and implementation of Action Plan of Development with better sustainability and quality.  

ü  Teaching at National Institutes, Universities, NGOs, and other such Agencies with focus on Rural Development, Project Development, Disability Management, Water Resources Management, Management & Preparedness with Hazards & Disasters, Environmental Management, Resources Mobilization, NGO Management, and other aspects of People and Communities.  

ü  Mapping of Natural (mineral) Resources (Water, & other Minerals) with the use of Geotools (like: Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical, and associated tools with matching software for data acquisition, processing, interpretation, documentation and reporting) covering variety of geo-environments with better management starting form identification, assessment (both quantity and quality), excavation, monitoring, evaluation, protection & security, and other aspects for healthy and eco-friendly environment.  

ü   Mapping and Management of Groundwater Resources in various geo-environments and particularly along the Coastal Belt with saline water - fresh water interference both horizontally and vertically with suggestions to check & monitor the same.

ü  Trainings and Workshops for various stakeholders on the issues of village / community development with better participation and accountability with better visibility and ways to transfer the results developed at Lab to Land effectively and efficiently with better mechanism for implementation, monitoring and evaluation from time to time.

ü  Documentation and Report Writing of various Concept Reports, Projects Proposals, Project Completion Reports, and other such need based documents.

ü  Guiding Research Studies and Project Works at Masters Level covering: Water Management, WASH, Rural Development, Special Education, Inclusive Education, Livelihoods, Social Marketing, Mobilization of Resources, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Environment, Acts & Policies, NGO Management, SDGs, and other aspects related with People and Communities.      

ü  Support and presentation of research studies at Seminars and Conferences on various aspects of Village development covering: Water, Sanitation (WASH), Healthcare, Disability, Education, Environment, Food Security, Employment, Livelihoods, Microentrepreneurship, Active Ageing, Childcare & Protection, and other specific issues with local priority.

ü  Publication of Study Papers (mostly on inclusive approach) at International and National Journals.

ü  Better Networking and Connectivity with Sharing and dissemination on various E Forums on regular basis.

ü  Mentoring selected NGOs working on various issues of People and Villages as a developmental model with priority for rural based organizations.

ü  Referral Services for Healthcare, Education, Employment, Livelihoods, and other need based services and supports required for the development of People and Communities.


The initiatives are need based and matches to the dynamics of People and Villages and have resulted for significant impact in the lives of the People with better sustainability and quality of life (QOL).                          



The study made on Village Development has gained priority as the vision of Dream India matching to the targets and indicators of Global Goals connected with Sustainable Development and the resulted conclusions include:

ü  Village as a smallest administrative unit, though structured do have limited or poor access for basic amenities and resources with poor connectivity which results for poor development, marginalization, isolation, and migration of the people affecting dynamics of the village with lowered quality of life.

ü  A village is a perfect place to live if you are in search of harmony with nature as People have everything for their minimum requirements of life.

ü  Villagers are just satisfied with the necessities of their living as they are always provided with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, water, and clear air.

ü  There exist several advantages with village life covering: fresh food, fresh air & atmosphere, wide area (lower density of population), joint family system, take care each other, take care each other, healthy environment, no pollution, no tensions and no worries.

ü  A Gram Panchayat or Village Panchayat is the only grassroots level of Panchayati Raj formalized local self governance system in India.

ü  In the process of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, and modernization, and development with dominance of top down approaches with profit motto exploited the resources and affected the life of the people and environment.

ü  Though such processes brought development on one side but one other side its benefits are not uniformly distributed among the people and areas and thus widened the gap between the poor and rich and Urban and Rural areas.

ü  Affected with such poor or limited benefits do have less scope for income generation activates like agriculture, employment, livelihoods, product making, and others tuning to the local resources (inputs) and demand for marketing have forced majority of them (mostly young) for migration in search of basic livelihoods.

ü  In this process, the family and community dynamics got affected in general and particularly the life of Children, Persons with Disabilities, Women, Elders and other vulnerable groups.                      

ü  Panchayati Raj Institutions are the main instruments of village local government which play vital role in enhancement of primary education, health, agricultural developments, women and child development and women participation in local government.

ü  Village or Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Raj Institute do have development plan which includes: Identify people's needs and priorities; Define activities that can mobilize the complete community; Use resources from running government schemes; Repair and renovate existing infrastructure; Strengthen the Gram Panchayat; and Promote transparency and accountability.

ü  The key limitations include: limited resources; mismatched Service Delivery Systems; poor participation, accountability, responsibility, & transparency; poor in implementation, monitoring & evaluation from time to time; poor in Social Auditing; and poor in preparedness to face hazards, & disasters and its consequences.

ü  SDGs, set in 2016 by the United Nations General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030 and accordingly, India has accepted and developed its future vision as Vision India or Modern India to achieve its targets and indicators with better Universality, Integration, and Transformation.   

ü  In the process of Village Development, the first step is to understand its dynamics both in People and Resources and SWOT Analysis gains priority. Strength and Weaknesses represents internal environment where as Opportunities and Threats represents external environment.

ü  The cumulative impact of all such challenges affect the People, Communities and Resources both in quantity and quality and thus force the people to be the most marginalized with vulnerabilities of isolation with poor sustainability of the development which finally lowers their quality of life.

ü  The continuation of such opportunities with need based strategies, practices, systems and interventions will work on the model of design, implementation, monitoring & evaluation with better participation, accountability, responsibility, & transparency and social auditing results for an accessible, inclusive, integrated and sustainable development as an empowerment of people and communities / villages with improved wellbeing or quality of life. 

ü  NGO Model do have several advantages covering: support manpower, mobilizes resources, recording & maintenance of database, planning strategies, practices & interventions, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, coordination, and stay within the community.

ü  NGOs work with the units of PRI for making services & supports with better Availability, Accessibility, & Affordability by working on the model of Design, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation with better Participation, Accountability, Responsibility & Transparency and Social Auditing.

ü  All such initiatives and processes will supports to reach the people for better living with Accessible, Inclusive, Integrated and Sustainable Development with improved wellbeing or quality of life.                              

ü  The initiatives are need based and matches to the dynamics of People and Villages and have resulted for significant impact in the lives of the People with better sustainability and quality of life.                         

ü  The strategies, Practices, Interventions, and models of the study are simple, flexible, scalable, replicable and sustainable matching to the dynamics of the Villages and People with better sustainability and quality.                                                                     



Village Development is well linked up with the vision of Modern India and recommendations made for its continuation include:

ü  Create Awareness on Advocacy mode on the needs, challenges and opportunities for Village Development with better visibility.

ü  Encourage Students & Researchers at Educational Institutes to take up studies on various aspects of Village Development with priority on Community Based Initiatives.

ü  Support to form Youth Groups, Elders Groups and Women Groups with better participation and accountability for taking active participation in Village Development.

ü  Create opportunities for Youth, Women, and Farmers for Product Making & its Marketing as Income Generation Programme / Livelihoods with better quality and sustainability.  

ü  Support for the development of Information cum Facilitation Centre at Village Level with better visibility for effective and efficient utilization of Schemes, Benefits and Resources with better connectivity and relationship.

Support to develop one NGO in each Village to work with the units of PRI on the model of Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation on the mode of partnership.

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